Brought to you by The National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) and Missouri Emergency Medical Services for Children (MO-EMSC)
Hosts: Dr. Joelle Donofrio-Odmann and Dr. Joseph Finney
Direct Download:
GET CEU CREDIT THROUGH PRODIGY EMS: Unfortunately, not this episode but check out episode 8 in a few weeks for CEU credits!
Content Experts: Joelle Donofrio-Odmann, DO and Joseph Finney, MD
Guest Experts:
Professor of Pediatrics - Children's Hospital Colorado
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics - Emergency Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine
Episode Details:
Welcome back for a special episode outside our normal schedule! This episode was recorded in collaboration with Phil Moy of The Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Podcast. We came together to discuss The Prehospital Pediatric Readiness Project which is an amazing project focused on improving prehospital pediatric care.
Is your agency pediatric ready? Are you ready to care for that next critically ill or injured child? Do you have the right equipment, the necessary training, and the adequate knowledge to care for children?
We can get you there!
Check out this episode as we discuss the upcoming release of the prehospital pediatric readiness assessment survey and find out where your agency ranks on pediatric readiness.
Survey opens on Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024
Our guests will give you all the how and why for this amazing program. If you want to get your agency up to speed or need resources for pediatric focused education, training, and protocols, listen up as we get you everything you need to know to complete the survey and get your agency on the road to pediatric readiness!
Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC):
Roadmap to pediatric readiness:
Joint policy statement on pediatric readiness: