"Can I Make More Eggs If I Have Low AMH?" a former fertility patient shares her journey to motherhood

The Babymakers : A Fertility Podcast

16-10-2024 • 42分

"It’s what we DO with our time that makes the biggest difference” — and that’s particularly true if you’ve been told you don’t have many eggs left in your reserve.

Rather than rushing straight into a round of IVF and working against your eggs’ innate tendencies, women are learning how to lower the internal chatter created by thoughts of scarcity and not-enoughness…

Former fertility patient Maureen describes her process in this inspiring episode — as she describes how she went from “diminished reserve” to “mother”; and explains why she’d do it all the same over again to create the life she has now.

This episode is sponsored by SeedFertility.com - the home of the first online fertility Masterclass and ancillary courses, including programs for Egg Freezing, Endometriosis and Healing After Loss.

Listeners save 20% using promocode BABYMAKERS at checkout on SeedFertility.com.