U.S. Elections 2020: Time for Healing

In Hines Sight

08-11-2020 • 48分

Ryan welcomes back Eddie Kring from Save.LGBT, and is also joined by Save.LGBT's Executive Director Orlando Gonzales. It felt like a long week leading up to the time of this recording, and Biden had not yet been declared winner of the 2020 U.S. Presidential elections.

However, the conversation we focus on is timeless. We discuss healing and how we as a nation can move forward with healthy, constructive conversation. And we dive into some of what got us here, including the spread of disinformation, systemic racism, and culture wars.

The healing isn't about the last four years. "It's about the last four hundred years," said Gonzales.

Visit www.Save.LGBT to learn more about this organization's work with political advocacy and community outreach.

Comment and let me know where you are on your journey, and let's celebrate a time of renewed unity and hope for the future.