Cami Baker - HGTV House Hunter veteran

American Dream Makers

01-01-2024 • 59分

Cami Baker is an HGTV House Hunter veteran, author of "Real Estate is HOT, Fundraising is NOT" and creator of the nations first certification and C.E. accredited for Charitable Gifting of Real Estate. The $9 Billion a year way to fund nonprofits and put money IN the pocket of the professionals who bring this awareness to their communities.

Cami has been an entrepreneur since the age of 8, when she sold gum to other kids at a 500% markup, then loan sharked money while holding collateral! She has always had a keen eye for seeing how to serve a population that needs serving, and the real estate world and nonprofit organizations are now benefiting from her vision.

"Social responsibility isn't just the right thing to do in today's economy. Customers, clients and consumers have spoken..... 87% of them WILL choose the company, product and service providers that are taking bold action to be the solution, and what The REAL Agents of Change, The RAOC, are doing is the BIGGEST social responsibility campaign ever in that you don't need to pick 1 or 3 charities to help..... you can help them ALL and be handsomely rewarded for your efforts."- Cami C.E. Baker