Dianne Blake

American Dream Makers

01-01-2024 • 37分

Dianne started her journey toward her American Dream with a simple vision of
doing something different and exciting at age 16. Her vision and dream grew with
each new profession and step she took. She often pursued things that were
developing, such as computer science before it was a thing and employing a blimp for aerial photography before drones were invented. She pursued her technical career in the computer industry and her artistic talents.

Her perspective changed when she received Christ as her Savior at age 46. She
maintained her professional trajectory but changed her goals from monetary
rewards to serving others. This served her and others well.

She retired as an independent online training consultant that served large and
small companies. When Covid-19 changed the world, Dianne felt called to start an online community site. The focus of inviting those you know gave the site its name, the Known Universe. It meets the needs of people who want to build online communities where privacy, security, and relationships are foremost.

Dianne measures the success of the Known Universe not by the number of users on her site but by the number of people she serves and the people they serve. In her next adventure, she is looking to expand the mission and outreach of the Known Universe by creating a Christian Networking group that simultaneously focuses on people’s businesses, spiritual growth, and dreams.