#309: Nick Young - Building $30M Amazon Businesses, Sharing Latest Strategies in 2023

10 Million Journey

09-02-2023 • 1時間 13分

With an extensive background in business and technology, Nick Young has co-founded several companies, including MarketplaceOps, one of the top 250 online retail marketplaces.

As Amazon's management and strategy company, MarketplaceOps empowers leading consumer goods brands by accelerating their sales growth on Amazon, Walmart and eBay.

With proprietary technology, unique, data-driven strategic approaches, and a dream team of over 70 global employees, top brands trust MarketplaceOps to manage everything from advanced sales performance reporting, listing and SEO optimization, sponsored ads and marketing, inventory planning and logistics, merchandising strategy, Amazon brand protection, and much more.

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4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss: https://www.amazon.com/4-Hour-Workweek-Escape-Live-Anywhere/dp/0307465357

Traction by Gino Wickman: https://www.amazon.com/Traction-Get-Grip-Your-Business/dp/1936661837

The Obstacle is the way by Ryan Holiday: https://www.amazon.com/Obstacle-Way-Timeless-Turning-Triumph/dp/1591846358

Breath by James Nestor: https://www.amazon.com/Breath-New-Science-Lost-Art/dp/0735213615

Connect with Nick:

Email: nick@marketplaceops.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickyoungg

Website: https://www.marketplaceops.com/

Even though I keep saying I AM NOT A GURU, many of you ask to sit down and pick my brain. I have decided to do a 1h HELP calls. There are 2 purposes: 1st to support you in your journey and second also to be able to break even on the production of this podcast (each episode editing, marketing, guest research etc takes about $60 - $150 to produce). Now you can schedule 1h with me, and we can talk about launching products, hiring, product research, keywords, mindset, how I did an Ironman or anything at all. Link is here -  https://calendly.com/anatolyspektor/anatoly-connsulting-1h


Product Development:
Helim10 - I use it for Product Research, Keyword tracking and Listing Optimization .
SPECIAL DEAL: Get 50% your first month or 10% every month: http://bit.ly/CORNERSIIH10
Pickfu - I use it for split testing all of my products and for validation ideas .
SPECIAL DEAL: First split test 50% 0ff  https://www.pickfu.com/10mj

Trademark Angels - For all my trademarking needs.
SPECIAL: Mention Anatoly and 10MJ podcast and get 10% Off your trademark.

Fiverr - I hire my 3dMockup person and images label designer here on Fiverr - http://bit.ly/10mjFIVERR
Upwork - I hire people long term on Upwork - upwork.com
Loom.com - for creating SOP’s, I record everything on Loom and give to my VA’s
Keepa.com - to track historical data such as prices

ANATOLY’s 3 Favorite Business Books:
DotCom Secrets by Russel Brunson - I think this is a must read for every online entrepreneurs - http://bit.ly/10MJDotCom
4 hours work week by Tim Ferriss - This book changed my life and made my become an entrepreneur - http://bit.ly/10MJ4WW
The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino - Old book but it goes to the core of selling -  http://bit.ly/10MJGREATSM

DISCLAIMER: Some Links are affiliate, it costs you nothing, but helps to keep this podcast on the float

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