#312: Bali Special | Paolo Tiberi -Multi Dimensional Entities, Solar Flair and Ruling Elites.

10 Million Journey

23-03-2023 • 1時間 33分

Born in Rome, Paolo Tiberi has dedicated his life to exploring the self, human nature and the unlimited potential of the human being.

Today Paolo shares his knowledge with Multidimensional Entities, Solar Flair and Ruling Elites.He has over 18 years of experience in commodities, indices and CFD trading in the traditional stock market. Over time, he became an expert in short-term trading and learned how to use the best long-term investment strategies to maximize the return on his investment.

In 2017, Paolo turned a corner. He overcame the limitations of traditional investment tools and transferred his knowledge of technical analysis to the world of cryptocurrencies. He amassed an impressive portfolio using critical thinking, the right strategies and knowledge of market cycles.
Coming from a family of mediums, Paolo began his spiritual and self-development journey at the age of 13 and, as an adult, became certified as a kinesiologist, crystallotherapist, aromatherapist, chromotherapist, auriculotherapist and pranotherapist, and Usui Reiki master. He branched out to study the mind and body in more detail and became a certified Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner, hypnotherapist and timeline therapist. To better integrate and understand the soul-body-mind paradigm, Paolo also delved into quantum physics, neurology, cell biology, chemistry, physiology, psychology and other related sciences, which led him to put more pieces of the puzzle together.

In his quest for knowledge and understanding, he also traveled through Europe, Africa, Asia, India, North and South America, meeting some of the best thinkers, teachers and masters in the areas of spiritual education, human behavior and self-mastery.

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If you want to get 20% off your first year with them, go to https://www.5x.co, schedule a demo and mention 10 million journey podcast.

Recommendations from Paolo:

The Legend of Altai by Paolo Tiberi: https://www.amazon.com/Legends-Altai-Arkins-Lasting-Happiness/dp/1921851120

The Science of Consciousness by Paolo Tiberi: https://www.amazon.com/Science-Consciousness-Principles-Meaningful-Purposeful-ebook/dp/B088P22VL8

Recommended Books: https://paolotiberi.com/books/recommended-books/

Connect with Paolo:

Website: https://paolotiberi.com/





Want to sit down with Anatoly 1 on 1?

Even though I keep saying I AM NOT A GURU, many of you ask to sit down and pick my brain. I have decided to do a 1h HELP calls. There are 2 purposes: 1st to support you in your journey and second also to be able to break even on the production of this podcast (each episode editing, marketing, guest research etc takes about $60 - $150 to produce). Now you can schedule 1h with me, and we can talk about launching products, hiring, product research, keywords, mindset, how I did an Ironman or anything at all. Link is here:



Product Development:

Helim10 - I use it for Product Research, Keyword tracking and Listing Optimization .

SPECIAL DEAL: Get 50% your first month or 10% every month: http://bit.ly/CORNERSIIH10

Pickfu - I use it for split testing all of my products and for validation ideas .

SPECIAL DEAL: First split test 50% 0ff https://www.pickfu.com/10mj


Trademark Angels - For all my trademarking needs.

SPECIAL: Mention Anatoly and 10MJ podcast and get 10% Off your trademark.

Fiverr - I hire my 3dMockup person and images label designer here on Fiverr - http://bit.ly/10mjFIVERR

Upwork - I hire people long term on Upwork - upwork.com

Loom.com - for creating SOP’s, I record everything on Loom and give to my VA’s

Keepa.com - to track historical data such as prices

ANATOLY’s 3 Favorite Business Books:

DotCom Secrets by Russel Brunson - I think this is a must read for every online entrepreneurs - http://bit.ly/10MJDotCom

4 hours work week by Tim Ferriss - This book changed my life and made me become an entrepreneur - http://bit.ly/10MJ4WW

The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino - Old book but it goes to the core of selling - http://bit.ly/10MJGREATSM

DISCLAIMER: Some Links are affiliate, it costs you nothing, but helps to keep this podcast on the float

Have questions? Go to https://www.10millionjourney.com

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