The One Where No One Feels Recognised (ft. Debra Corey)

HR Director's Cut

25-08-2023 • 47分

We're joined by Debra Corey to talk about meaningful recognition.

From shout-outs that make a difference to creative ways of showing gratitude, we'll uncover the most effective ways to recognise your team's efforts and celebrate their successes!

About Debra:
Debra Corey is a highly experienced and award-winning HR consultant, world-class speaker and five-time best-selling author who has been named as one of the top 101 global employee engagement influencers.

After over 20 years working as an HR leader for global companies, she now ‘pays it forward’ by inspiring and helping others develop and deliver HR strategies in a rebellious way, pushing the boundaries and challenging the status quo to truly drive employee engagement.

Find Debra on LinkedIn
Check out DebCoHR

Enter our Giveaway:
Win a free copy of Debra Corey's book "Appreciate it! The Playbook for Employee Recognition".

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  1. Write us a review on your favourite podcast streaming platform
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About the Book:
As more companies from around the world have come to see the value and power of appreciation, they’ve put in place recognition programs.

But with 65% of employees saying they don’t feel appreciated and 87% saying their recognition program is “stale, outdated, or used as disguised compensation,” clearly something’s not working.

This book is a call to action and call for change for anyone who is interested in creating a culture of appreciation through their recognition strategies and programs, one that doesn’t focus on the fancy trophy, expensive gifts or money, but on a feeling.

Packed with practical tips and inspirational stories from over 50 leading companies, this book will drive change and add the exclamation point to appreciation that’s fit for your people and the future!

Giveaway ends 17th September 2023

Good luck!

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