Finding Your Ikigai in Frocking Up!

Ikigai with Jennifer Shinkai

31-10-2023 • 57分

The COVID-19 lockdowns across the world were a very stressful time for a lot of us, but there were also a lot of stories of positive community building and support that came out of that time. One of those stories was that of Frock Up Friday, a facebook group started by friends Bev and Suzie in the UK. The page started as a place where they and their friends could get dressed up on a Friday night  and post pictures of their fabulous outfits! After a few weeks the page had amassed thousands of members, well beyond Bev and Suzie’s intended group of friends and family. On the podcast I talk to Bev and Suzie about Frock Up Friday, the ways the group has promoted values like inclusion, compassion and self care, and how this all relates to their ikigai.

If you enjoyed this episode and it inspired you in some way, we’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • What led Bev and Suzie to start Frock Up Friday
  • How the group has helped people feel more connected and less lonely
  • About how dressing up for fun on Fridays has led people to be more confident and creative
  • How the group brings different types of people together and lets them learn from one another

About  Frock Up Friday:

In March 2020 during the lockdowns at the beginning of the COVID 19, two friends Bev and Suzie decided to dress up on Fridays, pretend like they were going out, and post their photos on a Facebook group page they created called Frock Up Friday. They invited their friends to join the group and share photos of their Friday outfits.

After just a few weeks the group had over 13,000 members worldwide.

Initially the group was just about dressing creatively and sharing styles but it’s become something so much more. Frock Up Friday for many people became an escape from the virus; from the impact of lockdown; from politics; and from anxieties of personal battles in health, mental health, body image and gender issues to suggest a few.

Frock Up Friday is about promoting inclusion and self care, sharing compassion, encouraging zero negativity, frocking up without costing the earth, and encouraging people to dress for dopamine!

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