Kate Rose has lived a truly extraordinary life. She's been a pastry chef in London, owning her own business and working for some of the biggest hotels in the city. She’s also been a soldier in the Iraq war. She was deployed when her two sons were just 9 and 4. And when she came home, she had two little boys who were terrified she’d leave them again. Kate also suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and heartbreakingly, her marriage ended. After moving home to Australia, and 10 years in the Australian Defence Force, Kate needed a change. She was driving past a farm in Queensland and two weeks later it was hers. So how does a pastry chef turned Army officer turn into a solo farmer? This is Kate Rose’s story.
Our winter podcast sponsor CABLE is a proud supporter of the Australian Wool Industry and Merino wool — the team at CABLE loves working with local farmers to produce their much-loved Merino and Heritage collections. Click HERE to explore the Collection!
A warning: Today's episode discusses mental health and PTSD. If you need crisis support contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. Find resources via www.blackdoginstitute.org.au