Technology & Prose

Nikita Aggarwal

Conversations with authors about technology and society read less


John Danaher on Automation and Utopia
John Danaher on Automation and Utopia
John Danaher, Senior Lecturer in Law at NUI Galway, discusses his new book, Automation and Utopia: Human Flourishing in a World Without Work.   On the season finale of Technology & Prose, John Danaher joins host Nikita Aggarwal to talk about the meaning of work (1:13), the automatability and automation of work (2:36), why we should welcome automation — the case for technological unemployment (10:02), the gig economy, Uber, and the limits to improving the conditions of work (13:25), building a post-work future - the ‘cyborg utopia’ and the ‘virtual utopia’ (19:25), problems with cyborgization (22:44), the meaning of utopia (28:00), the concept of virtual reality (29:53), constructing a virtual utopia, the ‘utopia of games’ (34:40), psychedelics and other sources of human flourishing in a post-work future (41:25), Big Tech, universal basic income (UBI) and the political economy of virtual utopia (42:34).   References Manyika et al, A Future that Works: Automation, Employment and Productivity Frey and Osborne, The Future of Employment: How Susceptible are Jobs to Computerisation?  Moravec’s paradox Robertson, Robo Sapiens Japanicus  UK Supreme Court decision in Uber v Aslam  Gallup, State of the Global Workplace Report   Harari, Sapiens and Homo Deus  Suits, The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia  Macintyre, After Virtue    Check out John’s blog and podcast, Philosophical Disquisitions   Recorded on 29th March 2021.
Sushma Raman on The Coming Good Society
Sushma Raman on The Coming Good Society
Sushma Raman, Executive Director of the Carr Center for Human Rights at the Harvard Kennedy School, discusses her new book, The Coming Good Society: Why New Realities Demand New Rights (co-authored with Bill Schulz).     On this episode of Technology & Prose, Sushma Raman joins host Nikita Aggarwal to talk about the meaning and role of human rights in the Good Society (1:45), the tension between strengthening existing rights and recognising new rights (4:30), Big Data, surveillance and the right to privacy (5:54), intercultural perspectives on the right to privacy and human rights (11:35), human gene editing, DNA sequencing, the use of ‘shed DNA’ and rights in our DNA (14:20), the rights of synthetic embryos (SHEEFS)(21:25), sentience and the recognition of rights, animal and robot rights (23:30), the current state of human rights (25:48), the ‘right to transition’ and the pros/cons of recognizing new rights (28:40), grassroots activism, international human rights organizations and the locations of human rights power (31:17), technology and human rights at the Carr Center (33:30).   References The Capabilities Approach Universal Declaration of Human Rights Sheila Jassanoff and J. Benjamin Hurlbut, A Global Observatory for Gene Editing Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award Justice Matters podcast   Recorded on March 18th 2021
Nick Diakopoulos on Automating the News
Nick Diakopoulos on Automating the News
Nick Diakopoulos discusses his latest book, Automating the News: How Algorithms are Rewriting the Media. On this episode of Technology & Prose, Nick Diakopoulos, Associate Professor of Communication Studies and Computer Science at Northwestern University, joins host Nikita Aggarwal to talk about how AI is being used in the news media (1:43) the use of AI for story discovery and the Lead Locator project (5:15) hybrid human-AI journalism (8:23) defining “newsworthiness” and the risk of selection bias in data-driven journalism (10:53) data science skills and the need for more interdisciplinary journalism education (14:54) the impact of social media platforms and search engines on news curation and journalistic values (16:58) regulating social media platforms and the use of AI in the news (20:38) clickbait, virality and the values embedded in news algorithms (24:11) advertising versus subscription news business models (26:06) the opportunities of newsbots (27:56) mis/disinformation and the risks of newsbots (34:28) algorithmic accountability reporting, website scraping under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, platform APIs (38:09) the newsroom of the future and the impact of automation on jobs in the media (40:00).     References The Computational Journalism Lab @ Northwestern  Northwestern University Knight Lab  Newsbots: @AnecbotalNYT ; @TrumpsAlert  Bandy and Diakopoulos, Auditing News Curation Systems: A Case Study Examining Algorithmic and Editorial Logic in Apple News Bandy and Diakopoulos, #TulsaFlop: A Case Study of Algorithmically-Influenced Collective Action on TikTok  Diakopoulos et al, Generating Location-Based News Leads for National Politics Reporting (The Lead Locator Project)     Recorded on February 4th 2021