Aaron Roth on The Ethical Algorithm

Technology & Prose

25-03-2021 • 44分

Aaron Roth, Professor of Computer Science at UPenn, discusses his recent book, The Ethical Algorithm: The Science of Socially Aware Algorithm Design.

On this episode of Technology & Prose, Aaron Roth joins host Nikita Aggarwal to talk about the importance of ethical algorithm design (1:34), differential privacy and designing privacy-preserving algorithms (6:09), the costs and trade-offs of designing for privacy (10:38), application of differential privacy by Apple, Google and the 2020 US Census (14:13), GANs and synthetic data (18:22), designing fair algorithms, the ProPublica COMPAS investigation, the value and challenge of formalising ethical norms (20:30), modelling fairness/accuracy trade-offs (28:26), multi-objective optimisation (32:36), algorithmic game theory and designing for cooperation (34:13), incentivising organisations to adopt ethical algorithm design, privacy and fairness regulation (40:28).


Dinur and Nissim, Revealing Information While Preserving Privacy

Goodfellow et al, Generative Adversarial Nets

Angwin et al, ProPublica report on COMPAS

Northpointe’s response to ProPublica

Kleinberg et al, Inherent Trade-offs in the Fair Determination of Risk Scores

Recorded on March 5th 2021.