Gary Marcus on Rebooting AI

Technology & Prose

11-02-2021 • 44分

Gary Marcus, Professor Emeritus at NYU and co-founder of, discusses his recent book Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust.

On this episode of Technology & Prose, Gary Marcus joins host Nikita Aggarwal to talk about the “AI chasm”— the gap between the goals and reality of artificial intelligence (1:40) GPT-3 and the limits of deep learning (4:38) how to build AI systems that have knowledge, reasoning and understanding (9:14) the politics of AI research (and more on the limits of GPT-3) (16:00) innate knowledge in machines and the need for a hybrid approach to building AI (33:25) the Montreal AI Debates, the System 1/ System 2 analogy and lessons from developmental psychology (37:04) and Gary's new venture, (43:15) .


Marcus, Deep Learning: a Critical Appraisal

Goyal and Bengio, Inductive Biases for Deep Learning of Higher-Level Cognition

LeCun, Hinton, Bengio, Deep Learning

Kahneman, Thinking Fast and Slow

Montreal AI debates ;

Marcus, Guitar Zero: The Science of Learning to be Musical



Recorded on January 28th 2021