Ryan Abbott on The Reasonable Robot

Technology & Prose

21-01-2021 • 47分

Professor of law and medicine Ryan Abbott discusses The Reasonable Robot, a fascinating new book on artificial intelligence and the law.

On this episode of Technology and Prose, Ryan Abbott joins host Nikita Aggarwal to talk about the principle of AI legal neutrality (1:23), AI inventions and patent law (2:23), the AI Inventor Project and AI patent cases (5:12), Uber's Arizona accident and liability for self-driving cars (12:52), the 'reasonable robot' standard of liability (14:58), the end of human drivers? (21:55), AI for healthcare and liability for harm (26:00), AI exceptionalism (28:46), AI ethics and principle-based regulation (30:28), AI explainability (32:22), lethal autonomous weapons and killer robots (33:35), robot taxes and the future of work (36:38).

Recorded on December 29th 2020.