#58 - Jamin Brazil - the happy market researcher

Real People, With Jason Dunstone - Consumer Insights, Market Research, Customers, Design Thinking and More

02-11-2020 • 1時間 10分

Today we are joined by Jamin Brazil, market research entrepreneur, and tech pioneer. Fresno, California-based Jamin is the super popular host of the Happy Market Research Podcast with more than 300 episodes in which he interviews consumer insight and research professionals and entrepreneurs from across the world. Jamin comes from a position of informed influence having founded top online survey platform Decipher in 2000 and Focus Vision research platform Focus Vision in 2016. An active contributor to the research industry and supporting early stage companies throughout California, Jamin is adjunct professor at California State University and an all-round nice guy. We discuss the world in 2020, research, entrepreneurship and much more. Real People is a podcast hosted by Jason Dunstone, the founder and managing director of Square Holes. Subscribe to Real People on your favourite podcast player. Jason builds on his 25 years of conducting human-centred research, interviewing average and not so average people (rich, poor, old, young, content and vulnerable) to understand what they believe and how they behave. Check out the Real People website - http://squareholes.com/realpeople Connect with Jason Dunstone on Twitter @jasondunstone - https://twitter.com/jasondunstone?lang=en Send Jason an email - jason@squareholes.com Read more blogs from Jason Dunstone - https://squareholes.com/blog/author/jason/ Find out more about Square Holes - http://www.squareholes.com/ Produced with Apiro Media - https://www.apiropodcasts.com/