About Our Guest:
Noah Healy is a market designer and game theorist working on better economic systems. After training in nuclear engineering, he worked for tech startups at the peak of the dot com boom. Becoming fascinated by the mathematics of information and computation led to patent work on a better commodity market design.
About Coordisc:
Coordisc was founded to promote and build the world's first computationally efficient and effective marketplaces by exploiting evolutionarily stable strategies for artificial super intelligence. With the pre-Renaissance existing marketplace design crumbling, building infrastructure that can scale to internet levels while remaining simple enough to to be worthy of public trust is an unmet requirement for survival and prosperity. Coordisc exists to create better markets for a wealthier world.
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G’day ya’ll, it’s The Edward Show, where you can discover the captivating individuals that Edward Fox has encountered from all corners of the globe. Tune in to explore exciting and novel subjects and get to know, like, and trust these fantastic people.
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