How to Change Behavior in Salespeople

Same Side Selling Podcast

09-08-2024 • 7分

Ian Altman emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing the top obstacles to sales performance, prioritizing opportunities for growth. He advocates for a tailored approach, focusing on specific problems and scenarios, building muscle memory, and developing targeted skills that can be applied broadly across the organization.

Biggest Mistakes

  • Trying to do too much, too quickly, which is like trying to boil the ocean.
  • Attempting to change every behavior, focus on every nuance, and change the entire process from beginning to end.
  • Taking a generalist approach and casting a wide net, which captures a lot of junk along the way.
  • Overwhelming salespeople by asking them to apply new approaches in every scenario and situation.

Best Practices

  • Focus narrowly on specific areas that will move the needle the most, rather than trying to change everything at once.
  • Identify the three biggest areas where the team is getting stuck and focus on fixing those.
  • Determine which specific types of opportunities will drive the most growth.
  • Ask each salesperson to identify two opportunities per week that fit into the target category and practice the new approach before contacting clients.
  • Start with a hyper-specific approach and then gradually expand its application to other scenarios.
  • Focus on the problems that you solve for specific types of clients or industries.
  • Practice and refine the new approach regularly to build confidence and muscle memory.