Join us to listen to my interview with April D. Halliburton, MBA, BA. Founder/President of All-4-HR & Business Solutions LLC

I Inc and Beyond

20-06-2020 • 9分

Hear what April Halliburton has to say about founding her business over 10 years ago as a vehicle to bridge the gap between small businesses and great HR and the work she is now doing to support veterans and returning citizens.

Her company, All-4-HR & Business Solutions LLC,  manages and consults with small businesses that have from 2 to 49 employees throughout the country.

In addition, she is also a proud Volunteer with SCORE, a Certified Mentor, a Workshop Facilitator, and an HR Consultant.

April fully understands the need for training for veterans and returning citizens, especially in the areas of technology and career management.  She has developed a six step process that she takes her clients through in the development and landing of a viable career opportunity.    Hear what she has to say and if you are interested in more information, you can reach out to the following website, select the contact option, and let us know about your interest.