#226: Overcomplicating your marketing? Make it simple with this startup business strategy - Tash Corbin, Heart-Centred Business Podcast

Heart-Centred Business Podcast with Tash Corbin

20-09-2020 • 17分

Show notes can be found at tashcorbin.com/226

In today's episode, I'm going to be answering the question: Are you overcomplicating your marketing?

I have a really simple startup marketing plan that will help you to grow your business really quickly.

Let's dive on in.

I'll be honest with you, when I ask women who are starting their business what they're doing in order to get their business growing, and growing their audiences, I feel tired just listening to all the different things that they're doing.

They are:

  • On Instagram
  • On Facebook
  • Using a website
  • On Pinterest
  • Doing SEO
  • Going to networking events
  • Going to conferences
  • In structured referral networks
  • Planning to do affiliates
  • Running webinars
  • Creating challenges
  • Going to write a book

They've got so many things going on in order to try and grow their business.

If this is resonating with you by just reading this, I just want to let you know that it doesn't have to be that hard.

Particularly when you're first starting out in business, you don't want to be spreading yourself thin amongst dozens of different strategies to market yourself.

You want to be focusing on the things that work and making the things that you've decided to focus on work as effectively as possible before you add anything else to the equation.

For so many people, I think the reason why we overcomplicate it is because there's so much advice out there in the online business world about what you must be doing in order to be successful online.

I just saw a post in a Facebook group that I'm in, and the opening line was, "If you are not on LinkedIn every day, you are losing money". This is just the same fear-based stuff that gets women so tied up in knots about what they should and shouldn't be doing in order to grow their business, and it leaves you confused.

First and foremost, people are telling you that you HAVE to do a specific strategy because they are going to sell you a course on how to do that strategy. They're going to sell you coaching on how to do that strategy.

Look at it for what it is.

Of course, everyone's got their opinions and their ideas about what it takes to grow a business and what the best strategy is. But at the end of the day, if they're trying to convince you that their one thing is the only way to do it, the either:

a. They have a vested interest in you believing that because they're going to sell something to you.
b. That's the only way that they know how to do it, so they'd prefer that you believe that that's the best way because that's the way that they specialise in.

I want to share with you my simple three-part marketing plan.

You can use this three-part marketing plan, regardless of whether you:

  • Decide to focus on a different platform
  • Are an introvert or an extrovert
  • Want to work with people one-to-one or one-to-many
  • Want to sell high ticket or low ticket

However you want to grow your business, this simple three-part marketing plan is a really beautiful way for you to keep your marketing strategy contained.

Focus on what works, and make the things you choose to focus on work more effectively. We want to get you to the point where you're making consistent, reliable, predictable, sustainable income from your marketing efforts in your business.

Sound good? I think it's really sexy and really simple.

The beautiful thing is, this three-part marketing plan can be tailored to your

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