The Roadmap to Equal Marriage in Hong Kong

the HIP talks

05-06-2023 • 22分

Alfred Ip and Azan Marwah discuss the importance of marriage and the value of family within society, including same-sex couples. Such value needs to extend protections afforded to everyone as a fundamental right, also when things break down, for example in case of divorce.

Alfred Ip provides practical reasons why same-sex couples should still get married (overseas): examples span from stamp duty to basic protections related to inheritance. He also comments on the high cost of time, pressure and money for individuals, the government and tax-payers to have these cases heard in court. Azan Marwah points out the need for more people to come forward and bring challenges in order to keep the pace of progress. Moreover, he highlights the rights that these individuals have in being protected by anonymity.

00:32 The importance of marriage and its value in society
03:55 Evolution of marriage in Hong Kong
08:05 Landmark court cases
13:36 Failing to implement new legislation
16:42 Practical reasons to get married
18:50 Rewards of changing the status quo
21:33 Anonymity orders