Daniel Kauffman - How Bitcoin Is Changing The Energy Industry [Digital Gold, Ep. 12] - Recorded 12/29/2020

Digital Gold

04-03-2021 • 1時間

[1:00] - How did you find out about Bitcoin and what first led you to become interested in this space?

[3:00] - Why is it so challenging to find energy prices below .4 cents in the US?

[5:00] - In your opinion, how do the energy industry and the bitcoin industry interact? What challenges are present between these two industries?

[8:00] - Can you explain what “peaks” in electricity and utility mean?

[10:00] - Do you see a shift in perspective in the energy sector with the amount of new power generation recently?

[12:00] - What are the main differences between how most of our listeners buy their power and what market-to-market contracts look like?

[15:00] - When it comes to sourcing power for the cryptocurrency mining sector, where do you see the most opportunity in the whole generation mix?

[18:00]- How do you view natural gas generators versus a renewable wind farm’s built-in generators?

[25:00] - What are your thoughts on the value stored in Bitcoin in the form of energy?

[26:00] - Is it safe to say that Bitcoin mining is a new industrial process?

[28:00] - How do you disagree with Warren Buffet on the stored value in Bitcoin?

[30:00] - Can Bitcoin be put to work as a financial instrument? What does that look like?

[35:00] - How do you see the role of governments in cryptocurrencies over the next few years?

[36:00] - Do you see the federal reserve stepping in and acting as a frictionless payment mechanism?

[41:00] - Bitcoin vs Gold

[42:00] - How far do you think Bitcoin's value is going to grow based on “collective belief”?

[46:00] - Do you think we'll have a Fed-issued digital wallet on our smartphones in the next year? Or do you believe that the banks will be replaced by the federal reserve?

[49:00] - What are the benefits of using a Fed coin and are there any specific benefits for the consumer?

[53:00] -Where do you see the future of digital security going? How do you see blockchains either interacting with the overall?

[55:00] - Do you think the blockchain is built well enough to not have a single point of failure?

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Connect with Daniel:

• LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniel-kauffman-4445072

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