Why Fuzzy Messaging is Ruining Your Marketing (And How to Fix It)

Marketing Geospatial

19-03-2024 • 31分

Why Fuzzy Messaging is Ruining Your Marketing (And How to Fix It)

The biggest downfall of most marketing strategies? Poor messaging. Because if you fail to articulate what really matters to your audience, even the best marketing will fall flat.

In this episode, Daniel and Helena discuss the curse of fuzzy messaging in the Geospatial industry, and show you how to escape it for a powerful leading edge.

Topics include:

  • How a fear of niching down paradoxically leads to a smaller audience
  • How jargon and technical language can create barriers in understanding
  • How to make your message clear, compelling, and universally understandable
  • How to structure your website for multiple audiences, industries, or customer needs

Connect with the hosts!

Daniel - MapScaping.com

Helene - Tales.co.nz