Real Estate Market Analysis with Shaun Hildebrand of Urbanation |EP83

Working Capital The Real Estate Podcast

15-12-2021 • 45分

Shaun Leads the Team at Urbanation, Armed with a Background as an Economist and 15 years of Experience in Residential Market Analysis. Shaun is a Thought Leader in the Residential Development Industry and his Unique Perspectives on the Market Guide Urbanation's insights, Analytics and Research Strategy

In this episode we talked about:

• Urbanation Background

• Shaun’s Bio and First Steps in Real Estate

• Overview of Toronto Condo Market

• Shaun’s Thoughts on Purpose-built Rental Housing

• Rent Control

• The Size of Toronto Condo Market

• The Outlook on How Immigration Will Impact the Real Estate

• Inflation and Asset Growth

• Mentorship, Resources and Lessons Learned

• Book or Podcast

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Jesse (0s): Welcome to the working capital real estate podcast. My name is Jesper galley. And on this show, we discuss all things real estate with investors and experts in a variety of industries that impact real estate. Whether you're looking at your first investment or raising your first fund, join me and let's build that portfolio one square foot at a time. All right, ladies and gentlemen, my name's Jennifer Gallan. You're listening to working capital the real estate podcast. My guest today is Shawn Hildebrand. Sean is the president of urban nation, Inc.

For those that don't know, urban nation was founded in 1981 by Eve Lewis, an industry leader and visionary. That's an emerging market opportunity for high rise condominiums in Toronto at a time when they were considered a niche product, how's it going? I'm doing great, Sean. We we're just chatting a little bit before the podcast and wanted to have you on for a little while for those that don't know urban nation. Maybe you could give a little bit of a background as to what you guys do and kind of how that company has evolved over the years with your involvement.

Shaun (1m 7s): Sure. Yeah. So as you mentioned, Urbanation was founded basically 40 years ago and began actually from Eve Louis's graduate thesis at the time. So condos were sort of a new product in the housing market in Toronto, and, you know, she studied the market, collected all the data and realized that there was a business at that could be formulated out of this research. And over the years, Urbanation continued to collect on a quarterly basis, new condominium apartment market activity by serving directly the developers that were active in the market, putting out our quarterly condo market survey publication.

And eventually over time, as, as technology evolves, moving the data and reporting into an online format. I joined the company almost nine years ago in early 2013. So at that point we were, we were just sort of really launching the full database. So that was kind of my first initiative as I, as I began to take over leadership in the company. And over the years, we've, we've continued to expand that database and the technology behind it.

We've also sort of branched out our research into more than just condominiums, but now tracking what's happening in the purpose-built rental markets. That