The Pop Culture Pub Podcast is back with an ALL-NEW episode!! With Chris Lockhart, Lilian Knelsen & Kevin Decent. Together they are discussing their Childhood Saturday Morning Routines. Insert in your ears and enjoy responsibly!
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Also we would like to hear from you: you can contact Chris (who is the Producer of this podcast) by e-mail at or contact Chris on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @chrisloc1701
- Check out Kevin's blog: You can also contact Kevin on and
- Ragnar The Trader: @ragnarthetrader on Instagram or Facebook and
- See what Lillian Knelsen is up to at: Twitter: @QueenZombean aka Lilybean84
- Check out Alexa at . She is also on the social media's as rexxaroola - Chris's blog posts www.randomnerdness.blogspot.comCHRIS IS THE ADMIN OF THE FOLLOWING FACEBOOK GROUPS. BE SURE TO CHECK THEM OUT AND BECOME A MEMBER!:
* The 'Pop Culture Pub & Podcast' (Companion group to this podcast network) * The Incredible Fans.....of The Incredible Hulk' (and She-Hulk) (for fan's of the Marvel Comics character)
*Outer Spaces (A group about space and space entertainment)
*Lockhart's Favorite Animation & Toy Franchises (A group devoted to a variety of cartoons and toy lines)
*Trek1701: A Facebook Group based on the Trek1701 Podcast