Iowa grandfather talks about Virus Day 52


04-05-2020 • 20分

By culture and tradition, Iowans are meat and potato people. Landlocked with a short growing season, seafood and produce are hard to come by, especially if money is tight. Inexpensive processed and fast food has become the mainstay for people of all ethnicities who are to exhausted to cook after work, so malnutrition is rampant.

Exhaustion and stress mean less exercise and less sleep. This is the perfect recipe for obesity, high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes -- the top three "pre-existing conditions" that increase the risk of death from COVID-19.

Anxiety an depression are rising. The U.S. is ill-prepared, with some clinics already on the brink of collapse. Isolation and economic upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are already resulting in a sharp spike in people seeking mental health help.