David, A Man after God's own Heart - 5 Studies (John Owen)

The Bible Channel - Discover the Bible. (By Christadelphianvideo.org)

18-02-2024 • 3時間 38分

These studies on David centre on his life before he became king. All men of faith have highs and lows in their lives. David was no exception. In all the studies we are able to see God working in David's life; bringing people in who help mould David so he is prepared to be the king. The 1st study hones in on David conquering the giant Goliath – a type of the diabolos, the whole episode points to our Lord Jesus' victory over sin. The 2nd study looks at David's friendship with Jonathan whose soul was bound together with David's, in love for God. The study follows David as he has to run for his life and spend years in the wilderness of Judah, betrayed at times, desperately close to danger, but learning through the challenges to put his trust in Yahweh alone. The 3rd study focuses on David’s ability to shape mighty men through teaching them about God. People who were struggling with life were transformed to take on the world. A great parallel to our lives in Christ, where not many mighty are called, yet "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us". In the 4th study, we see the hand of God in David's life in the provision of Abigail, a help - meet for him. In Abigail's character we see so many useful lessons on how to behave wisely in the most challenging of circumstances. The final study looks as much at Saul, it shows how the final week of Saul’s life parallels David’s defeat of Amalek and helps to underline how in David we have a type of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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