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1 John #1 'God is Manifest'
1 John #1 'God is Manifest'
A @Christadelphians Video:Description: The apostle John wrote the letter to combat the teaching of the Gnostics, who underplayed the seriousness of sin. He emphasises various themes and contrasts, such as Light/Darkness; Love/Hate and Truth/Lies. He shows that God is Light, God is Love and Truth comes from God’s Word. Sin now dominates the World. We need to walk in Christ, seek to live a life of holiness by keeping God’s commandments. The victory that overcomes the world is our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.### SummaryJohn's letter emphasizes the importance of true fellowship with God, the necessity of confessing sins, and the call to live in the light, contrasting it with darkness.### Highlights- 👂 **Fellowship with God**: True connection with God and Jesus fosters communal joy.- 💡 **God is Light**: God’s nature is pure light, devoid of darkness or sin.- 🤝 **Confession of Sins**: Acknowledging our sins is vital for forgiveness and cleansing.- 🕊️ **Advocate in Christ**: Jesus acts as our advocate, bridging our relationship with God.- 🌍 **Manifesting God's Character**: True believers reflect God's qualities in their actions.- 🔄 **Transformation**: Being in fellowship should lead to visible changes in behavior.- 📖 **Abiding in Truth**: Embracing truth is essential for genuine Christian living.### Key Insights- ✨ **Fellowship as Joy**: John's emphasis on fellowship highlights that true joy stems from unity with God and fellow believers, encouraging a supportive community. - 🔦 **Light vs. Darkness**: The stark contrast between light (truth and righteousness) and darkness (sin and error) serves as a moral compass, guiding believers in their conduct.- 🛑 **Importance of Confession**: Confession is not merely a ritual but a critical step in maintaining a clean relationship with God, reminding us of our need for grace.- 🤲 **Role of Jesus**: Jesus’ role as our advocate underlines God’s desire for reconciliation, portraying Him not as a judge but as a loving intercessor.- 💬 **Manifestation of Faith**: Genuine faith manifests through actions, indicating that belief should lead to practical love and service toward others.- 🔄 **Call to Transformation**: True fellowship with God should visibly change our lives, motivating us to abandon sinful behaviors and pursue righteousness.- 📚 **The Foundation of Truth**: Emphasizing the objective truth of God’s word counters contemporary moral relativism, grounding believers in unchanging principles. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our X... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site #11 #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast #Christadelphians #discoverthebible #thebiblechannel
Thought for October 6th. “CORRUPTING TALK”
Thought for October 6th. “CORRUPTING TALK”
The world today is full of ‘corrupting talk’ – and the Apostle Paul uses this phrase in today’s Ephesians’ chapters.  This is the natural way of speaking in many cases among people who have no thought of God, especially those who are convinced they are the highest form of animal life and that they are just the result of evolution.   The ‘atmosphere’ created by godless ways of thinking – and therefore talking –  which we experience as we go to school or work, constantly threatens to rub off on us.  This atmosphere can so easily influence the way we think – and as a result, what we talk about.  Although we are aware ‘we are in the world but not of it’ the words of Paul we read today are needed as a constant reminder to us. He wrote, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up as fits the occasion, that may give grace to those who hear.  And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God (the means by which God and Christ know all our thoughts and words – read Psalm 139) … Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.  Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”  [Ephes. 4 v.29-32] How few are “tender hearted” these days. The influence of the daily reading and meditating on the word of God makes such an attitude of mind possible, otherwise it is very difficult if not impossible. It is just as important to get our attitudes right as it is to get our beliefs right.  Take special notice of what Paul also writes, “But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ” [v.15]
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is a rich source of spiritual “food” – we must digest it carefully and slowly.  The thought that first attracted our attention today was that God [1v.4] “chose us in him (Christ) before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him.”  When Adam and Eve sinned and were put out of the Garden of Eden God had already planned for a seed (descendant) of the woman to “bruise the head”  (Gen. 3 v.15) of the descendants of the serpent – an allegorical way of saying God had plotted the way ahead to counter-act on-going human sinfulness. This happened, writes Paul, “through Jesus Christ (the ultimate special descendant of Eve), according to the purpose of his (God’s) will, to the praise of his glorious grace … through his (Christ’s) blood … in him we have redemption … the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us …” [v.5-8]   The word “grace” is very special to Paul; it was an wondrous act of grace to blot out all Paul’s deeds in killing Stephen and persecuting countless believers. Grace is commonly defined as ‘unmerited forgiveness.’ In the next chapter Paul says God has made believers “alive together with Christ – by grace you have been saved – and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace …” [v.5-7]       Our minds must digest this ‘picture’ thoughtfully to ‘see’ it correctly.  Remember how Jesus described Capernaum as being “exalted to heaven” [Matt.11 v.23] because of the abundance of the miracles they witnessed (but did not appreciate).  Believers need to have hearts that are ‘lifted up’ in appreciation!  In contrast, Paul deplores “the spirit that is now at work among the sons of disobedience.” [v.2] This is a ‘spirit’, an attitude of mind, that now totally dominates our world! We do our best to turn away from this ‘spirit’ – but know we cannot be ‘perfect’ by our own will. But in Christ we have access to “his glorious grace” and to “the immeasurable riches” of that grace.  Although these riches are far beyond what we deserve; they are a wonderful reassurance and strength for those struggling against sin as they travel along having committed the rest of their lives to Christ.  The world is now suffering from extreme spiritual poverty, but those who establish a genuine spiritual relationship with God and his Son have “immeasurable riches.” “The coming ages”, when all will be revealed, are now very near.
Thought for October 4th. “I WARN YOU …”
Thought for October 4th. “I WARN YOU …”
Modern pictures often portray contrasting colours as do many manufactured things, it is the fashion.  They rather hit you in the eye, whites and yellows, set against blues, blacks and reds.   This is particularly the case in advertising, as they aim to grab our attention.   Our reading today in Galatians does not set colours in contrast – it sets human behaviour!  It describes the good things in human behaviour that our God and our Saviour the Lord Jesus are looking to see. These are “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control” (5 v.22-23) In contrast, Paul then writes of the things that God and his Son, our Saviour hate to see, these are “sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality … jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries … envy, drunkenness, orgies and things like that” (5 v.19-21)     Paul says about the second list,  “I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God”  Paul knew he needed to repeat the warning!  How much more today is that warning needed. There is no middle way!  It’s either a broad way, which nearly all are following, or the narrow way. The ideal attitude is to have our minds ‘fixed’ in the direction of the kingdom – then our feet will stay on the narrow pathway.  Beware of trying to walk on both paths,  the believers at Laodicea were the worst example of trying to do this and were rejected because they were neither one thing nor the other, they were “lukewarm” (Rev. 3 v.16) There is true joy and peace when we join together to follow the narrow way.  It is a greater contrast than ever to human behaviour today –  which is more empty of real meaning than ever before.  Let us heed the warning, for writes Paul, “those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” .
Thought for October 3rd. “WHO AM I?”
Thought for October 3rd. “WHO AM I?”
Today we read King David’s reaction to the special message from God that Nathan the prophet brought to him. Originally Nathan, on hearing of David’s desire to build a house (Temple) for God to ‘dwell’ in so that God’s ‘presence’ would be there as it had been in the ‘Ark’ – told him, “Do all that is in your heart, for God is with you” [1 Chron.17 v.2] But God sends Nathan back to David with a new and remarkable message.     David is not to build God a Temple, but “the LORD will build you a house” [v.10] meaning a ‘house’ in the sense of a line of descent, like the present King of England is of ‘the house of Windsor.’  God’s message is about both David’s immediate chosen son – Solomon – but also, wonderfully beyond that to a much greater son “ … I will establish his throne forever.  I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son, I will not take my steadfast love from him … I will confirm him in my house and in my kingdom forever …” [v.12-14] David’s reaction to this is the exclamation, “Who am I?” He is totally humbled and overwhelmed by this revelation of the ultimate future God had revealed.  David, in humility says, “What is my house” you have “spoken of your servants house for a great while to come …” [v.17]; he prayerfully says,  “and now, O LORD, let the word that you have spoken concerning your servant and concerning his house be established for ever, and do as you have spoken, that your name (reputation) will be established and magnified forever …” [v.23,24].  Jesus is constantly referred to as “the son of David” and will one day sit on  David’s throne: the angel said this to Mary (Luke 1 v.32).  Should we not ourselves reflect on David’s exclamation “Who am I!”?  As David was overwhelmed by the vision God revealed, should not we, if we are committed baptised followers of Christ, also say “Who am I?” to have such a prospect as Jesus reveals, for he said, “The one who conquers and keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations …” [Rev. 2 v.26] What an awesome challenge when Christ is reigning and “he shall judge between the nations, and decide disputes for many peoples.” [Isa.2 v.4] ‘Who am I’ we ask ourselves – to be part of the task of bringing order to this utterly chaotic world – made even more so by events at Christ’s return!
The Origins of Islam.
The Origins of Islam.
A @Christadelphians Video: The genesis of Islam, traditionally explained through the Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN), is questioned by scholars who provide evidence for an alternative origin. The narrative suggests that Muhammad, whose biography surfaced 200 years after his death, may not have been the historical figure as portrayed in Islam. There are significant gaps in the timeline, including the absence of coins, inscriptions, or significant references to Muhammad or Mecca during his lifetime. Early Islamic coins and inscriptions display Christian iconography, suggesting that the emergence of Islam was influenced by a monotheistic, anti-Trinitarian movement, rather than being a purely Islamic one. Muhammad's name may have been used as a title meaning "praised one" and might have been applied to figures such as Jesus, as seen in ancient inscriptions. The Dome of the Rock, built in Jerusalem, also challenges the narrative, as early inscriptions refer to monotheistic beliefs but not the Prophet Muhammad’s ascension (Miraj). Prophetically, this revisionist view of Islamic origins ties into Bible prophecy, particularly the 5th trumpet in Revelation 9, which describes a revolt symbolised by locusts. These locusts represent the rise of the Arab Empire, led by the Caliphs. The narrative of Muhammad as presented in Islamic tradition might be an emblem of this rebellion against the Roman Empire, symbolising a larger political and religious mutiny. The emergence of Islam under the Abbasid Dynasty redefined religious and political authority, repurposing Judeo-Christian traditions to create a new faith centred on Muhammad and the Quran. The spread of Islam in this context was shaped by the historical tension between the East (Arabian) and West (Roman) powers. This history connects to the broader prophetic narrative of the 6th trumpet, where the drying up of the River Euphrates (symbolising the fall of the Ottoman Empire) points to future geopolitical movements, particularly Russia’s influence over Islamic nations, leading to a potential final confrontation around Jerusalem. In the end, the prophecy envisions a reconciliation between Isaac’s and Ishmael’s descendants (Jews and Muslims) under the reign of Jesus, the promised Messiah, as the true "lovely one" referenced in ancient texts. **************************************************** You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our X... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site #11 #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast #Christadelphians #discoverthebible #thebiblechannel
Thought for October 2nd. “LET THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO … “
Thought for October 2nd. “LET THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO … “
How are you feeling in your heart?  Depressed?  Exalted? Or somewhere in between?  We meditated on the various conditions of our heart’s emotions and of David’s as we read of his efforts to stir the people into a spirit of thanksgiving.  They were bringing the sacred ark of the covenant into the tent (presumably to some degree a replica of the tabernacle) David had set up in Jerusalem.  He had recently made the city his capital –  it was thereafter called “the city of David.”[1 Chron. 11 v.5,7] He was a good organiser, “he appointed some of the Levites as ministers before the ark of the LORD, to invoke, to thank, and to praise the LORD …” [16 v.4]    His organising at that time was particularly directed to helping the people to participate together in their devotion to the one eternal God.  “On that day David first appointed that thanksgiving be sung to the LORD by Asaph and his brothers” [v.7] And what a wonderful song David had written!  What an example to everyone since then – and no less so to ourselves.  Consider the words, “Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name, make known his deeds … Let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice!” [v.8, 10]  Let us rejoice in heart at this – a complete contrast to the sort of rejoicing of people when their footy team wins!  David’s song continues, “Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his presence continually.” [v.11]  We may well need to do this with the greatest intensity when our godless world really starts to fall apart.  David writes much that is now – or will be – appropriate in our lifetime: “He is the LORD; his judgements are in all the earth. Remember his covenant forever; the word that he commanded to a thousand generations.” [v.14-15]  Then in v.29 “Worship the LORD in the splendour (‘beauty’ AV) of holiness.”  David wanted the people to feel specially “holy” in their rejoicing at that time.  Have we ever had occasions when we feel that way?  May we be there and really do so when the words of v.31 are fulfilled; “Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice, and let them say among the nations, ‘The LORD reigns.’”
Thought for October 1st. “ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF THE LORD”
Thought for October 1st. “ACCORDING TO THE WORD OF THE LORD”
How vital it is to do things – spiritual things especially, “according to the word of the LORD.”  When we do not follow the instructions that come with the things we buy, or later lose them and guess what they said  –  we often have a problem!   Until Solomon built the magnificent Temple, the centre of worship for the people had been the Tabernacle. This contained God’s golden ark concealed within its’ Most Holy Place, it was where his people could come close to the presence of the true God – his dwelling place on earth.  It had been built to God’s specific instructions after the people escaped from slavery in Egypt and received God’s laws at Sinai.   Among the instructions God gave through Moses were instructions to the priests responsible for carrying the Ark from place to place (Numb.4 v.15).   When King David captured Jerusalem he built a special tent to house the Ark there.  We read yesterday (1 Chron. 13) how, when the Priests started to bring the ark into Jerusalem, they failed to follow God’s instructions.  The ark had been designed with poles to be slotted through it by which the Priests could carry it. Maybe these Priests thought they knew better because they loaded it on a cart instead. The oxen stumbled and a Priest had to grab the ark to prevent it falling off the cart.  The result was – that the priest, Uzzah, died – it was a heart searching lesson from God. In today’s reading (ch.15) they are now very careful to follow the rules God had laid down to bring the Ark to the place David had prepared (v.1) and we read [v.15] “the Levites carried the ark of God on their shoulders with the poles as Moses had commanded according to the word of the LORD”.  The ark was brought into Jerusalem and there was much rejoicing, music, singing and dancing. When we obey God properly there is great joy and this was a most special occasion, Jerusalem was starting to become ‘The Holy City.’.   We are told there is joy in heaven (Luke 15 v.7) when a sinner repents which happens when one is baptised; that is, immersed by going under the water as Jesus was (Mark 1 v.9,10). There must be sadness when this is not done in the way commanded, when people think that sprinkling is sufficient, but to baptise means immersion, it is the plain meaning of the Greek word, baptizo.  Let us serve God properly, following his instructions; taking a lesson from what happened with the Ark; then, if we continue faithful to his word in heart and mind, fully appreciating his grace, we will have true joy and rejoicing when we come into God’s Holy City when Jesus returns – and an abundance of other joys.
The Lord's Prayer: What is it teaching us?
The Lord's Prayer: What is it teaching us?
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Examining the Lord’s Prayer, shows many doctrines taught throughout God’s Word. This is encapsulated in this example of a prayer of praise and petition which the Lord Jesus presented as a template for believers’ personal prayers. Summary The Lord’s Prayer, presented in both Luke and Matthew, teaches about God’s character, our relationship with Him, and the importance of communal prayer. Highlights 🙏 Two Versions: The Lord’s Prayer is found in Luke 11:2-4 and Matthew 6:9-13, with slight variations. 📜 King James Addition: The KJV includes a doxology not found in earlier manuscripts, reflecting Jewish prayer traditions. 🧩 Seven Petitions: The prayer consists of seven interconnected petitions for guidance, provision, and forgiveness. 📖 Comparative Analysis: Both the Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 23 encompass adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. 👨‍👧 Fatherly Relationship: Addressing God as “Our Father” signifies an intimate, familial bond with Him. 🌎 Kingdom Focus: The prayer emphasizes the coming of God’s kingdom and His will being done on Earth. 🍞 Daily Needs: It requests daily provision and forgiveness, highlighting our dependence on God. Key Insights 🤲 Intimacy with God: The opening “Our Father” establishes a personal relationship, emphasizing God’s nurturing nature. This signifies a deeper understanding of our identity as His children. 📅 Daily Provision: Requesting daily bread reflects our reliance on God for both physical and spiritual sustenance, encouraging gratitude for everyday blessings. 🔄 Forgiveness Cycle: The call for mutual forgiveness illustrates the importance of reconciliation and community, reminding us of our shared human experience and moral responsibility. 🚫 Avoiding Temptation: Asking God to lead us not into temptation underscores our vulnerability and the need for divine guidance in moral choices. 🌟 Kingdom of God: The prayer’s focus on God’s kingdom emphasizes that our ultimate hope is not in heaven but in a restored Earth filled with God’s glory. 🕊️ Eternal Perspective: The conclusion with “forever” affirms the eternal nature of God’s kingdom, reminding us that His plans are everlasting and foundational. 📖 Scriptural Foundation: The prayer encapsulates the essence of Biblical teachings, reflecting both Jesus’ and David’s beliefs, urging us to align our understanding with Scripture. ****************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our X... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site #11 #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast #Christadelphians #discoverthebible #thebiblechannel
The King of the North Vs The King of the South. End times Bible Prophecy.
The King of the North Vs The King of the South. End times Bible Prophecy.
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The history of the Greeks taking over from the Empire of Persia. The very detailed chapters of Daniel, are clearly explained with frequent references to history. Despite the many wars the Middle East has endured, battles are prophesied in which the Lord Jesus will arise to take control, save his people, and resurrect the dead saints. # Summary This presentation delves into the prophecy of the King of the North and the King of the South from the Book of Daniel, highlighting their historical contexts and fulfilments over centuries. It underscores the accuracy of biblical prophecy and its relevance to understanding geopolitical events. ### Highlights - [📖] The prophecy in Daniel 11 foretells the conflict between the King of the North (Seleucid Empire) and the King of the South (Ptolemaic Empire). - [⏳] Prophecies given in Daniel 11 have been remarkably fulfilled, demonstrating the reliability of biblical scriptures. - [🌍] The vision spans from the Babylonian era to the Roman Empire, predicting historical events with precision. - [🇬🇷] Alexander the Great's conquest and the subsequent division of his empire among his generals fulfil specific prophecies. - [⚔️] Detailed accounts of conflicts between the King of the North (Seleucids) and the King of the South (Ptolemies) are outlined in verses 5 to 35. - [🕊️] The prophecy culminates with events leading to the end times, including the rise and fall of subsequent powers until the establishment of God's kingdom. # Keywords prophecy, biblical studies, ancient history 00:00 - Intro 04:10 - Historical context of Daniel 08:20 - Prophecy accuracy 12:30 - Alexander the Great's reign 16:45 - Kings of the North and South defined 21:00 - Antiochus Epiphanes details 25:15 - King of the North's invasions 30:00 - Transition to Roman rule 34:35 - Time of the end explained 39:00 - Current geopolitical analysis 43:20 - Russia's role identified 48:10 - Future of Israel discussed 52:00 - Conclusion and hope for the future ****************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our X... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site #11 #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast #Christadelphians #discoverthebible #thebiblechannel
Evidence that Jesus Rose from the Dead.
Evidence that Jesus Rose from the Dead.
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: The belief in resurrection of Jesus Christ is a matter of life and death. The New and also the Old Testament writings prophesied that Jesus Christ would be raised from the dead. The disciples, having seen their risen Lord, preached His resurrection to all who would listen. There is also historical proof, from pagan writers of the time of Christ who testified to these things. Summary The resurrection of Jesus is crucial for Christian faith, as it confirms salvation and offers hope. Paul emphasizes its importance through various testimonies. Highlights ✝️ Resurrection’s Importance: Paul states that if Christ is not raised, faith is meaningless. 📜 Eyewitness Accounts: Paul lists several appearances of the risen Christ, affirming the reality of the resurrection. 👥 Disciples’ Unbelief: Even the disciples initially doubted the resurrection, highlighting human skepticism. 🌍 Great Commission: Jesus commanded the disciples to spread the gospel, emphasizing belief in His resurrection. 📖 Old Testament Foreshadowing: The resurrection is rooted in Old Testament scriptures, indicating its biblical foundation. 🏛️ Historical Evidence: External sources like Josephus and Tacitus confirm Jesus’ existence and resurrection claims. 🔄 Paul’s Transformation: Saul’s conversion to Paul showcases the profound impact of witnessing the risen Christ. Key Insights ❗ Faith’s Foundation: The resurrection is central to Christian faith; without it, believers remain in sin. This underscores the necessity of believing in the resurrection for salvation. 👀 Multiple Testimonies: The numerous eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ resurrection strengthen the argument for its authenticity, establishing a solid basis for Christian belief. 💔 Human Doubt: The initial disbelief of the disciples illustrates a common human struggle with faith, showing that doubt can coexist with eventual belief and conviction. 🗣️ Proclamation of the Gospel: The Great Commission emphasizes that sharing the resurrection story is essential, urging believers to actively spread their faith. 🔍 Biblical Continuity: The resurrection is not just a New Testament concept but is interwoven throughout the entire Bible, showing its profound theological significance. 🔗 Historical Validation: References from historians like Josephus and Tacitus provide external validation of Jesus’ life and resurrection, reinforcing the credibility of biblical accounts. 🔄 Personal Transformation: Paul’s radical change from persecutor to advocate exemplifies the life-altering power of encountering the risen Christ, encouraging believers to reflect on their faith journeys. Feel free to adjust these timestamps based on the actual content of your presentation! ****************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our X... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site #11 #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast #Christadelphians #discoverthebible #thebiblechannel
Christ's Return and Beyond #2 And the Seventh Angel poured out his vial into the air.
Christ's Return and Beyond #2 And the Seventh Angel poured out his vial into the air.
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Christ will return to earth. The process of resurrection of believers for their judgment is described. Christ will stop the war and the fall of Israel. Events are outlined that will lead up to the start of the millennium. Summary Revelation 16 discusses the seventh vial and its significance, connecting it to historical events and emphasizing the role of the saints in bringing judgment. Highlights 📖 Revelation 16 introduces the seventh vial and its context. ⚔️ The period from Armageddon to the Millennium is crucial for understanding events. 🌍 The political implications of pouring the vial into the air are explored. ⏳ Chapter 14 provides detailed insight into the seventh vial’s significance. ⚡ Hailstones symbolize the saints’ judgment on the sinful powers of the world. 🏆 The concept of talents emphasizes the importance of God manifestation. 🎉 Joy in fulfilling God’s purpose leads to the ultimate victory over sin. Key Insights 📜 Connection to History: The seventh vial connects to historical events, illustrating God’s judgment from Armageddon to the Millennium, emphasizing prophetic timelines. 🌌 Role of Saints: Saints are depicted as active agents in bringing God’s judgment, demonstrating the importance of their role in the divine plan. ☁️ Political Authority: The “air” symbolizes the political realm, where the saints will execute judgment against worldly powers influenced by sin. 🔄 Understanding Revelation: Chapters 12-15 provide essential background for comprehending the events in Chapter 16, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the text. 💧 Hailstones as Judgment: The hailstones, weighing a talent, symbolize the overwhelming power of the saints’ judgment, reflecting their spiritual authority. 🎁 Talents and Accountability: The parable of talents teaches the significance of being stewards of God’s gifts, emphasizing the need for faithful representation of His word. 🙌 Joy in Service: The fulfillment of God’s purpose brings joy to the saints, highlighting the spiritual reward of participating in His divine plan against sin. 00:00 - Intro 01:30 - Introduction to Revelation 16 03:15 - Overview of the seven vials 05:00 - Discussion on the sixth vial 07:45 - Transition to the 40-year period 10:00 - Details about the third great earthquake 12:30 - Importance of chapters 12-15 15:00 - Introduction of the Beast 18:00 - Explanation of the Little Lamb 20:00 - Overview of chapter 15's significance 23:15 - Transition into chapter 16 25:00 - Details of the last five verses 27:30 - Examination of "it is done" phrase 30:00 - Connection between chapters 14 and 16 32:45 - Discussion on political power post-Armageddon 35:00 - Analysis of hailstones and their significance 38:00 - Conclusion on the weight of a talent 40:30 - Final exhortation on God manifestation 43:00 - Summary and conclusion 45:00 - Closing remarks and thank you ****************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our X... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site #11 #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast #Christadelphians #discoverthebible #thebiblechannel
Christ's Return and Beyond #1 'His Return and the Resurrection'
Christ's Return and Beyond #1 'His Return and the Resurrection'
A @Christadelphians Video: Description: Christ will return to earth. The process of resurrection of believers for their judgment is described. Christ will stop the war and the fall of Israel. Events are outlined that will lead up to the start of the millennium. Summary The video discusses Christ’s return, resurrection, and the work of believers as His bride, emphasizing faith and scriptural connections. Highlights 📖 Understanding Faith: Strong faith is built on understanding beliefs. ⛅ The Resurrection Process: Explores 1 Thessalonians 4 and its implications on resurrection. 🎺 Voice of the Archangel: Christ’s return is marked by the voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God. 🌍 Connection to Exodus: Ties resurrection themes to Exodus 19, highlighting God’s presence. ⚖️ The Role of Character: The character we hold influences our resurrection process. 🔔 Jubilee Significance: The return of Christ symbolizes liberation and restoration. 🌌 Gathering of Saints: Emphasizes the gathering of believers in the clouds to meet the Lord. Key Insights 📚 Faith and Understanding: Brother Thomas emphasized the importance of understanding one’s faith for stronger belief, which resonates deeply with believers’ spiritual journeys. 📜 Scriptural Interconnections: The video intricately connects various scriptural passages, illustrating the unity of biblical themes regarding resurrection and Christ’s return, enhancing comprehension of prophetic teachings. 🔊 Significance of the Trumpet: The trumpet signifies not just a call but a transformative moment of liberation, pointing to the joyous occasion of Christ’s return, akin to the Jubilee celebrations in Israel. 🌟 Character in Resurrection: Our character at the time of death influences our resurrection, indicating the importance of living a righteous life in preparation for eternal life. ⏳ The Sprouting Process: The resurrection is described as a ‘sprouting’ process, where believers transition from corruptible to incorruptible bodies, emphasizing renewal and hope. 🌈 Eden Restored: The themes of rest and restoration mirror the conditions of Eden, highlighting the ultimate goal of believers to return to a perfected state with God. 🚀 The Seizure of Saints: The gathering of believers is portrayed as an inevitable and forceful act, underscoring the transformative power of divine intervention in the lives of the faithful. 00:00 - Intro 01:20 - Quote from Brother Thomas 02:15 - Overview of first session topics 04:00 - Discussion on resurrection process 06:10 - Introduction to Revelation 16 08:30 - Key phrases in Revelation 16 10:00 - Reading from 1 Thessalonians 4 12:40 - Importance of "the Lord himself" 15:00 - Connection with Exodus 23 17:30 - Transition to 1 Corinthians 15 20:15 - Explanation of "raised incorruptible" 23:00 - Discussion on the sprouting process 25:40 - Link to Daniel 10 28:00 - Three bodies concept 30:20 - Brother Thomas's interpretation 33:00 - Transition back to 1 Thessalonians 35:15 - Significance of the Jubilee trumpet 38:30 - Connections to Exodus 19 41:00 - Conclusion of first session 43:00 - Transition to second session topics. ****************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our X... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site #11 #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast #Christadelphians #discoverthebible #thebiblechannel
Thought for September 30th. “I FIND NO GUILT IN THIS MAN”
Thought for September 30th. “I FIND NO GUILT IN THIS MAN”
Pilate was the most powerful man in Israel in the days of Jesus.    But he was strangely helpless in carrying out his own desire to let Jesus go free, though he said “I find no guilt in this man” [Luke 23 v.4] and “nothing deserving of death has been done by him” (v.15) “I will release him” [v.16 and again v.22]  After all these declarations, it is strange how Pilate gives in.  When we compare the different gospel records we get a clearer picture, one issue being that Jesus was claiming kingship.  Pilate queried him on this, but said Jesus, “My kingdom is not of this world (i.e. age)”  So Pilate, the most powerful man in Jerusalem was indifferent to truth and justice and gave in to the demands that Jesus should be crucified; the biased and prejudiced jealous Jews got their way.  There is a parallel today in what happened.  Like the voices of the prejudiced religious leaders of that age, so today we have the insistent voices (and writings) of the atheistic and agnostic intellectual leaders – and they are getting louder!    The great majority argue that evolution is true, there is no God.  They are no better that the Jewish leaders in the time of Jesus who blindfolded their minds to the heavenly power of Jesus.    When you add all the real evidence together the intelligent spiritual mind becomes certain that Jesus is the coming king, that he did rise from the dead!  Just as the resurrection of Jesus astonished the Jewish leaders – and those of them still alive died in the later destruction of Jerusalem, so the return of Jesus will astonish the world – and those who do not believe and are not ready for his coming will perish, but only after many have seen the folly of their beliefs.   Is there a danger that some who read this are being held captive by the spirit that surrounds them, as Pilate was?  But we can say, we are not judges like Pilate was deciding some case before us! O yes we are!  We are deciding our own case – and we know there is a case to be made out against us – but we have a Saviour and if we have a genuine relationship with him then we are sure of support from him.  The support available is even more wonderful than that, for the disciple John wrote inviting us to “reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, he knows everything.” [1 John 3 v19,20],  So as we “judge” ourselves and develop our relationship with our Lord Jesus, may we be ready for his coming.
Thought for September 29th. “THIS SCRIPTURE MUST BE FULFILLED”
Thought for September 29th. “THIS SCRIPTURE MUST BE FULFILLED”
Today’s 22nd chapter of Luke tells us of the arrest of Jesus, it is quite detailed and we pondered the probability that some in the crowd that came to arrest him and brought him to the High Priest’s house later believed and joined the early believers on the Day of Pentecost or soon after. Luke and the other gospel writers would have had their testimony corroborated and maybe amplified by such.  We note how John ends his Gospel account by stating, “Now there were many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”  Jesus was totally conscious of the Old Testament books that God caused to be written and preserved.  Apart from his exchange of thoughts with those in the Temple at the age of 12, the initial evidence of his great consciousness of them was in his temptations in the wilderness – in refuting those temptations.  How conscious have we become of them?  Do we use them in the same way? In the final hours before his arrest he tells his disciples, I tell you this scripture must be fulfilled in me … for what is written about me must have its fulfilment.” [v.37] And so, tragically, it happened but also wonderfully; for its fulfilment was in his sacrifice for our sins, made effective when we decide(d) to belong to Jesus, becoming his brother or his sister.  There are a great many other Old Testament prophecies, such as those we will soon come to in Ezekiel about the latter day climax of events in the Middle East.  We must put these alongside the last days predictions Jesus made which we read and commented on yesterday.  In Ezekiel 25 today there is a prophecy that has been fulfilled.  “Thus says the LORD: Because the Philistines acted revengefully and took vengeance with malice … I will execute great vengeance upon them …”  [v.16-17] These people have disappeared from history, there is no mention of them in the New Testament. Maybe we might conjecture that the Palestinians are the modern equivalent, they occupy the same territory!  What fate awaits them? So – “scripture must be fulfilled” – we are living in awesome days. Let us accept the challenge of Jesus to “search the Scriptures” [John 5 v.39] but not be like those to whom he said this! He told them, you “refuse to come to me that you may have life.” [v.40]
Thought for September 28th. “DISTRESS OF NATIONS IN PERPLEXITY”
Thought for September 28th. “DISTRESS OF NATIONS IN PERPLEXITY”
Our ch. 21 in Luke’s gospel today contains the awesome prophecy Jesus gave of events on earth when he is about to return.  The meaning of v.24 is clear to us – that “Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.”  It is no longer “trampled underfoot” – but it is not clear that some parts of the old city are yet under complete Jewish control – but surely “the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” At that time Jesus said awesome events will occur; there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world.” [v.25,26]  Will the “roaring of the sea” be literal? This is one of those passages of Scripture that we keep at the ‘back of our minds’ in case a literal application will suddenly occur. However the primary meaning is a metaphor for the peoples of the world represented as a great sea in constant upheaval. We must note that the very next words are – “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” Human nature is such that, unless we have a genuine faith developed from a prayerful heart-felt acceptance of the Divine word we will share in the “distress” and “perplexity” that is causing everyone else to ‘faint with fear.’ Those possessing genuine faith will “straighten up” and “raise (y)our heads, because (y)our redemption is drawing near.”[v.28] and we will not be overwhelmed by the “distress” and “perplexity” that surrounds us.
Ancient Hatred of Antisemitism and the Coming of the Lord #3 'Until the Redeemer comes'
Ancient Hatred of Antisemitism and the Coming of the Lord #3 'Until the Redeemer comes'
A @Christadelphians Video: # Summary The discussion centers on the historical and prophetic significance of antisemitism, particularly in relation to Israel and the expectation of the Lord's return. # Summary The ongoing antisemitism reflects a deep-rooted, perpetual hatred against Israel, exacerbated by modern ideological movements and social media dynamics. # Highlights - 📜 Antisemitism is a longstanding issue, not a new phenomenon. - 🌍 Social media plays a crucial role in shaping narratives against Israel. - 📖 Psalm 83 reveals a unified strategy against Israel’s existence. - 📉 Israel struggles to present its factual narrative in the media. - 🧠 Ideological roots of modern antisemitism trace back to Enlightenment thinkers. - 🔄 The Valley of Dry Bones symbolizes Israel's national and spiritual revival. - 🤝 Future prophecies indicate a time of justice and truth for Israel. #Key Insights - 🔍 **Perpetual Antisemitism**: Antisemitism is not merely a historical issue but a continuous threat that evolves with societal changes and ideologies. Its persistence underlines the urgent need for awareness and action against such hatred. - 💻 **Media Dynamics**: The current media landscape skews perceptions of Israel, often framing it unfavorably and failing to hold its critics to the same standards. This creates a distorted view that fuels antisemitism. - 📚 **Scriptural References**: Biblical texts like Psalm 83 articulate the coordinated efforts against Israel, providing a prophetic context that helps understand contemporary antisemitism. - 🎓 **Ideological Foundations**: Modern antisemitism is linked to ideological movements, particularly those stemming from certain Enlightenment philosophers, whose views laid the groundwork for systemic anti-Jewish sentiment in Europe. - 🌱 **Spiritual Revival**: The metaphor of the Valley of Dry Bones emphasizes both Israel's physical return to the land and the hope for spiritual revival, aligning with prophetic visions of a renewed covenant relationship with God. - ⚖️ **Justice and Truth**: Future prophecies stress the importance of executing true judgment and mercy, suggesting that a just society is foundational for Israel's peace and restoration. - 🌈 **Hope in Prophecy**: The assurance of a future where Israel will experience joy and security is rooted in biblical prophecy, emphasizing that despite current challenges, a divine resolution is anticipated. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook... #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our X... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site #11
Ancient Hatred of Antisemitism and the Coming of the Lord #2 'The Battle Israel cannot win'
Ancient Hatred of Antisemitism and the Coming of the Lord #2 'The Battle Israel cannot win'
A @Christadelphians Video: ### Summary The script discusses the enduring issue of antisemitism, its historical roots, and current manifestations against Israel, while emphasizing biblical prophecies regarding accountability and judgment. Highlights - 📖 Zephaniah 3:8 emphasizes God's judgment and accountability for nations. - 🌍 The rise of antisemitism has led to significant historical events, including World War II. - 🕊️ The establishment of Israel has transformed antisemitism into anti-Zionism. - ⚖️ The UN's bias against Israel reveals a selective moral outrage in global politics. - 🏛️ Historical hatred against Jews is now reflected in contemporary attitudes towards Israel. - 🔍 The media plays a crucial role in shaping narratives around Israel and antisemitism. - 🧩 The ancient hatred persists, influencing global perspectives and policies against Israel. Key Insights - 🔔 **Biblical Accountability**: The prophetic scriptures highlight God's intention to hold nations accountable for their actions, especially regarding Israel. This serves as a reminder of the moral responsibilities nations bear. - 📜 **Historical Consequences**: Antisemitism has led to catastrophic events, such as the Holocaust and the origins of Israel, illustrating the tragic outcomes of hatred. Understanding this history is crucial for combating modern antisemitism. - 🏗️ **Transformation of Antisemitism**: The transition from antisemitism to anti-Zionism demonstrates how deeply rooted prejudices evolve, indicating a persistent animosity towards Jewish identity and statehood. - 🏛️ **UN Bias**: The disproportionate focus on Israel in UN resolutions symbolizes a broader trend of selective outrage, reflecting political agendas rather than genuine human rights concerns, which necessitates scrutiny. - 🌐 **Media's Role**: The media's framing of Israel and its conflicts significantly impacts public perception, often perpetuating misinformation that fosters hostility and misunderstanding. - ⚔️ **Enduring Hatred**: The concept of "ancient hatred" signifies a continuous cycle of animosity that shapes both historical and contemporary dynamics, necessitating a deeper understanding of its roots for resolution. - 🧠 **Social Behavior Dynamics**: Envy and hatred are powerful motivators in international relations, influencing public sentiment and policy decisions against Israel, which requires careful analysis in understanding geopolitical tensions. 00:00 Intro 00:00:00 Zephaniah 3:8 discusses God's judgment and accountability for nations, especially regarding Israel's role. 00:01:20 The historical context of anti-Semitism and its impact on the Jewish state is crucial. 00:02:45 The rise of Israel post-WWII and the ideological roots of conflict highlight moral accountability. 00:04:13 Anti-Semitism fueled WWII, leading to immense suffering and historical consequences. 00:05:39 Modern anti-Zionism reflects historical hatred, questioning its roots and implications. 00:07:08 The debate on anti-Zionism vs. anti-Semitism reveals complexities in contemporary discussions. 00:08:30 Demonization of Jews and its cultural manifestations continue to affect perceptions today. 00:10:19 The role of social media and AI in shaping narratives around Israel and anti-Semitism is evolving. 00:12:20 The UN's historical role and current perceptions of Israel's existence are under scrutiny. 00:14:11 The existential threat Israel faces today prompts critical questions about its future. 00:16:22 The dynamics between Israel and neighboring nations reflect deeper historical animosities. 00:18:54 UN resolutions highlight bias, emphasizing the disproportionate focus on Israel. 00:21:20 The silence of mainstream media on global injustices raises questions regarding priorities. 00:23:07 Biblical prophecies about Israel and their relevance today are worth exploring. 00:25:13 The motivations behind animosity towards Israel can be traced back to envy and historical conflicts. 00:27:25 The ancient hatred persists, manifesting in contemporary geopolitical dynamics. 00:30:37 The influence of social behavior theories on international relations is significant. 00:32:46 Understanding how narratives against Israel are constructed can illuminate broader issues. 00:35:05 The enduring impact of historical lies about Israel continues to shape public opinion. 00:39:50 The unholy alliance of ideologies against Israel reflects complex global dynamics today. #11 #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast #Christadelphians #discoverthebible #thebiblechannel
Ancient Hatred of Antisemitism and the Coming of the Lord #1 'A witness to all nations'
Ancient Hatred of Antisemitism and the Coming of the Lord #1 'A witness to all nations'
A @Christadelphians Video: # Summary The discussion centers on the historical and prophetic significance of antisemitism, particularly in relation to Israel and the expectation of the Lord's return. Highlights - 📖 Prophecy drives our understanding of current events and anticipates the coming of the Lord. - ⏳ Longsuffering of the Lord reflects on the delay of His return, raising concerns about faith and disillusionment. - 📰 Recent media biases illustrate the ongoing struggle against antisemitism and Israel's portrayal in global affairs. - 📜 Antisemitism has deep historical roots, with its term coined in 1879 to describe a scientific hatred against Jews. - ⚖️ The United Nations and world leaders often misrepresent Israel, echoing ancient prophecies about the Jewish people's suffering. - 🔍 The inversion of truth and justice concerning Jews highlights the ongoing bias and societal prejudice. - 🌍 The global obsession with Jewish identity reflects deeper issues of conscience and morality in a postmodern world. Key Insights - ✝️ **Expectation of the Lord's Return**: The anticipation of Christ’s return inspires believers to reflect on their faith and behaviors in light of prophecy. This call to holiness is crucial as we navigate a world filled with challenges. - 🕊️ **Longsuffering of God**: The delay in Christ’s return provokes both hope and concern among believers regarding the fate of disillusioned youth, emphasizing the importance of outreach and compassion. - ⚔️ **Media Bias and Antisemitism**: Recent reports illustrate how media narratives often perpetuate antisemitic tropes, demonstrating a need for critical engagement with news sources and narratives. - 📚 **Historical Context of Antisemitism**: The term 'antisemitism' was designed to rationalize hatred against Jews, showing how language can shape societal perceptions and injustices. - 🏛️ **Judicial Injustice Against Israel**: The portrayal of Israel as a terrorist state reflects a broader trend of holding it to unjust standards, illustrating the ongoing struggle against legal and moral biases. - 🔄 **Inversion of Truth**: The societal tendency to invert truth leads to widespread prejudice against Jews, indicating a disconnect from absolute moral standards. - 🌐 **Jewish Identity and Global Discourse**: The disproportionate scrutiny of Jews in global discussions about morality and ethics signifies a complex interplay between identity and societal values, calling for a deeper understanding of historical grievances. ****************************************************************************** This video was produced by the project, arranged and supported by Christadelphians worldwide. You can follow us online at.. #1 Our Main site... #2 Our podcast on Podbean... #3 Our podcast on Apple... #4 Our podcast on Anchor... #5 Our facebook...  / openbibles   #6 Our Whats App... #7 Our Instagram... #8 Our X... #9 Our YouTube Channel... #10 Our Audio site #11 #Christadelphianvideo #christadelphianstalk #Christadelphians #bibletruthfeed #openbible #Gospeltruth #gospel #Christadelphian #bibletruthfeed #podcast #Christadelphians #discoverthebible #thebiblechannel
Thought for September 27th. “WHO PRETENDED TO BE SINCERE”
Thought for September 27th. “WHO PRETENDED TO BE SINCERE”
What a lot of pretense there is in the world.  So many create an ‘image’ to project before others!  While politicians are probably the best example of this, let us not practice any self-deception, for such is our own human nature; the spirit of the age cannot help but have some influence on us.  The ‘medicine’ to correct this is the daily reading of the word of God.  But like the medicine for physical health it depends how and what we take!  Do we only read the parts we like or that we feel are relevant to our own perceived needs and interests?  Our reading must include meditation on those parts which illustrate how deceptive human beings can be toward each other – and take special note of the antidote ‘medicine’, such as in the book of Proverbs. Today’s reading in Luke ch. 20 is about the insincerity of “the scribes and the chief priests” [v.19]  Wary of the potential reaction of the people who thronged about Jesus, “they watched and sent spies , who pretended to be sincere that they might catch him in something he said and so deliver him up to the authority and jurisdiction of the governor.” [v.20] In their insincerity they said something they did not really believe!  They said, “Teacher we know that you speak and teach rightly, and show no partiality, but truly teach the way of God.” [v.21] Can we say things which are “true” and yet say them with an insincere mind?  Can we, as many others, put on a “front” for some purpose to gain some advantage; quite often it is a material advantage?  Sadly it has been reported that this sometimes happens in countries in which missionary work is being carried out– but let us not deceive ourselves that it never happens here.  These wily men came to Jesus with what they thought was a clever question, “Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?” [v.22] and the verses which follow show how he silenced them with his answer!  But let us ponder his answer ourselves and ask ourselves the question – ‘Are we rendering to God the things that are Gods?’ What do we have that belongs to God? Do not we ourselves belong to God?  Paul told the Corinthians, “You were bought with a price” [1Cor.6 v.20] and that price was the blood of God’s only Son. Let us realise the position we are in as a result!  “We are God’s fellow workers” [3 v.9] and we should more and more reflect the sincerity and character of Christ as we “work” for Christ and the Father and reveal them in our own small and humble ways to those around us; the more they sense our sincerity the more at least some will listen..