Exploring The Profound Impact And Power Of Books | SparX by Mukesh Bansal

SparX by Mukesh Bansal

03-06-2024 • 54分

For the latest episode of SparX, Mukesh Bansal (Founder of Myntra and Cure.fit) is back with a solo episode on a topic that has been requested numerous times in the past: the power of books. In this episode, we explore various aspects of reading and writing books. We examine the influence and impact of literature on our individual lives, the landscape as a whole, and its evolution over time. Mukesh shares his journey, detailing his growing love for books and how this hobby sowed the seeds of his career and shaped him into the person he is today. Resource List: 100 Great Lives, Book by H.D Sharma: https://rupapublications.co.in/books/100-great-lives/ A playlist of books on AI: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7168174707651887104-2DT9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Britannica Encyclopaedia: https://www.britannica.com/ Article on Larry Page: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/larry-page-the-untold-story-of-an-incredible-comeback/articleshow/34527642.cms?from=mdr Article on books banned in prison: https://time.com/6329800/prison-book-bans-censorship-essay/ What is Machiavellianism?: https://www.britannica.com/science/Machiavellianism Pratilipi: https://www.pratilipi.com/ Jaipur Literature Festival: https://jaipurliteraturefestival.org/