Writing to TELCO, Charitable Initiatives, and Life Lessons with Sudha Murty | SparX by Mukesh Bansal

SparX by Mukesh Bansal

08-07-2024 • 1時間 3分

Sudha Murty is a distinguished Indian author and social worker, renowned for her contributions to literature and philanthropy. She has played a pivotal role in initiatives focused on education, healthcare, and rural development, significantly improving the lives of many. Beyond her professional achievements, she is celebrated for her humility and unwavering dedication to helping the underprivileged. Sudha Murty's life and work continue to inspire countless individuals across the globe. Join us for a wonderful conversation with Mrs.Murty to hear stories from her past that are evidence to her driven spirit and kindhearted nature. Don’t miss out on this episode!
Resources - Sudha Murty Website: https://sudhamurty.in/ Murty Media YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Murty-Media Article on Karnataka receiving UNESCO title: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/world-heritage-site-tag-for-3-hoysala-temples-task-force-efforts-paid-off-says-sudha-murty/articleshow/103784759.cms?from=mdr Infosys Foundation Website: https://www.infosys.org/infosys-foundation.html Article on Mrs.Murty’s letter to J.R.D. Tata: https://www.indiatimes.com/worth/news/what-sudha-murty-wrote-in-angry-letter-to-jrd-tata-603098.html Gopi Diaries, Book Set by Sudha Murty: https://amzn.in/d/0fxXoKcA Three Thousand Stitches, Book by Sudha Murty: https://amzn.in/d/06UrzGn5 Grandma’s Bag Of Stories, Book by Sudha Murty: https://amzn.in/d/0dNyuvR7 House of Cards, Book by Sudha Murty: https://amzn.in/d/03MGIqoh Article on Sudha Murty: https://bhatiaaman19.medium.com/the-inspiring-story-of-sudha-murty-from-overcoming-stereotypes-to-empowering-the-underprivileged-423d0a58dc87