SMALL ACTS - BIG IMPACT | No Act Of Kindness No Matter How Small Is Wasted | Bryan Driscoll

The Iron Deep Podcast

25-03-2024 • 39分

It's the little things in life that many times mean the most. Bryan Driscoll @MotivatedLeads knows that better than anyone. In his troubled teenage years, Bryan drifted and became homeless. But one small act of kindness from a caring family set his life back on track in a positive trajectory.

At the time, Bryan himself didn't realize how big of an impact this small act of kindness would have on his life. But years later, Bryan wanted to repay this family. After being unable to track them down, he decided to pay it forward. Bryan thought about "What does it mean to pay it forward?" He didn't have the means to do grand gestures, so he decided to model what the family did for him.

Bryan shares stories of how his small acts of kindness made national news and helped people in need. And how his small acts of kindness moved those he helped to pay it forward as well. A movement began by small actions. This just goes to show that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted.

Listen to Bryan share stories and insight on how your simple acts can affect others, and how small acts can greatly change your personal life for the positive as well. Of course Brett shares a few Bible verses about being thankful for the little things. They also talk about the pros and cons of doing small acts of kindness anonymously. If you want to change a life today, check it out!