TIME STEWARDSHIP | Stewardship of Time According to the Bible | Brett Snodgrass & Josh Howard

The Iron Deep Podcast

20-08-2024 • 34分

When the word 'Stewardship' is mentioned, most people automatically think of money. But being a good steward has to do with more than money. We're to be a good steward of every aspect of our lives that God has given us. Time Stewardship is of the utmost importance to live a successful life. If time is our most valuable resource, even more than money, then it stands to reason that the Stewardship of Time is more important than stewardship of money.

Brett & Josh define stewardship and time stewardship in this episode. They talk about the importance that this right mind-set brings in helping us live as God intended us to concerning time. When we understand some basic concepts, time stewardship can become a lot easier and life can be a lot more enjoyable and manageable. Listen as Brett & Josh share personal testimonies, scripture on how to view time, how to number our days, and how to set and keep the right priorities in life that will help enable you to thrive as a good steward of God's time.