Value Creation – Business Execution & Strategy Can Be Fun & Energizing | Lee Benson

The Iron Deep Podcast

19-02-2024 • 42分

Many times in our businesses, we have systems that are too complex. We have employees that become disgruntled, unmotivated, or burnt out. We have leaders who are overpaid and who underperform. We're accomplishing many goals, but they aren't that fruitful because we're forgetting the few goals that we actually specialize and excel in.

Lee Benson of @execute-to-win specializes in helping large and small companies fix all these problems and more. In Lee's book "Your Most Important Number" he talks about alignment decisions and accountability. As Lee tells Brett one of his main sayings is 'Execute To Win.' Which is one of Lee's organizations.

In this discussion, Lee delves into the importance of alignment in organizations as well as accountability. What is your Most Important Number & What are your Drivers? What one number above all others 1) reflects the value of your organization and 2) drives behaviors of everyone in the organization? These are critical in understanding and creating the right business strategies for your company and executing effectively.

If you get this right at the top, and communicate it clearly, this will trickle down to each team within the organization for them to create their own unique Most Important Number that will flow into the overarching most important goals. Not only does clarifying the strategy and plan help everyone understand what it is they need to accomplish, but it helps everyone in the business take more initiative and ownership and drives them to add more value to their position. It will help all team members deliver or over deliver toward the goals.

Lee emphasizes that this can't be something that sounds good ideally, it must also be a believable and achievable strategy for proper execution to take place. If the path isn't believable with a proven track, then nobody will be motivated to execute.

Lee overstates that if we can get everyone to understand the vision and empower the team members to truly create value, the planning and execution of goals becomes much more enjoyable. And even though there are struggles, the struggles end up being viewed as fun, because we know there are achievable goals we get to utilize real developed skills and creative cognition that energizes us as our team knows they absolutely were built to overcome each struggle they face.

Apply these values in your home for your children. "Value Creation Kid."