Horror Zone 607 Episode 13

Horror Zone 607

17-01-2019 • 1時間 18分

Welcome back to the Zone! This week Mike C, Rich, and Ron take a journey thru the world of Horror! This is what's on tap for this weeks show: HORROR ZONE NEWS: This week we had some breaking news in the form of some Ghostbusters 3 news, and a teaser trailer! Also this week we discuss, Escape Rooms success, a new Tom Savini project, Glass, The Ted Bundy Tapes, Channel Zero cancelation, and more! TALKING HORROR: This weeks Talking Horror features Mike, and Rich's top horror movies for the first decade of the new millennium (2000-2009). They also give some honorable mentions and of course there insight on these movies.   CONTACT INFO: WEBSITE: 8122productions.com FACEBOOK: Horror Zone 607 TWITTER & INSTAGRAM: @horrorzone607 ALWAYS USE THE #HZ607 TO JOIN OUR CONVERSATION!   SPECIAL THANKS TO CRIMSON BRETHREN FOR ALLOWING US TO USE THERE MUSIC!