These SPACs Could Make Massive Runs!

SPACs Attack

03-11-2021 • 58分

Episode Summary:

On Today SPACs Attack Chris & Money Mitch dive into the NOV SPAC Calendar and take a deep look into each one and the chances of them running.


Mitch Hoch


Chris Katje


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Unedited Transcript:

What's going on team. Guess what? Darth Vader, Mitch and Chris catchy. What's going on. Hey, what's up everyone.

Yeah. We got a great show today. Um, Mitch, whether or not your voice sounds like Darth Vader. I mean, the news is the same, right? We're here to provide the news, the headlines and the trade ideas for the spec world out there. Uh, yeah, let's go ahead and let's smash that, like, let's get started. We got a lot of people here, uh, ready to go.

Um, what do you think, Mitch? Should we start with some headlines? We'll definitely get into those headlines. Like first things first, we've got to start up the specs. What's going on, traders out there. Yes. Is Darth Vader Mitch here, but guess what? I got the crystal pedia. That's all we need, man. What's going on, Chris?

Yeah. I mean, uh, it's an exciting day out there. We got a lot of movers, again, something we've been seeing, you know, all week with a lot of SPACs trading up, you know, 3%, 5%. We've got a couple double digit leaders today, too. And of course we did have that deal yesterday. Right. Um, for, uh, black rifle, coffee and shares were up quite a bit in the early morning session.

They did pull back, but they ended the day up 15%. So that was a nice, you know, one day deal announcement, move something we're starting to see. Um, what's. Yeah. You know, one thing that we're keeping an eye out for is what's going to happen. Is this the next wave? Is this, is this just certain ones moving? I mean, there's a lot going on.

I mean, I, I, myself, even in two of them that have been moving up today, uh, up one. 16% up another charge starting to see it a curve at the bottom there. We'll see what happens. I mean, it's definitely an environment where we're getting back to the spec game and you need to know which ones are, which so that you guys can get onto these before.

Not after they run. Uh, Chris, I know that you have some headlines for us. Let's go ahead and take us back to those headlines and then we'll get into the watch list and see what's out there and what's moving.

All right guys. Yeah. Not a ton of, of headlines today. Um, but let's get through them and then, you know, we'll look at that watch list and then we're going to get into some trade ideas as well. So the big news this morning, we had two former SPACs announcing a part. So embark is partnering with Luminar to accelerate the commercial SAS, autonomous truck deployment.

So that ticker, N G a B and L a Z R right there on the screen. So the state-of-the-art LIDAR sensors will power Embark's autonomous trucking solution. Enabling more advanced, safer self-driving for its commercial trucking platform. Um, this partnership gives embark and its carriers partners access to Luminari cutting edge long range.

LIDAR sensor embark is working on delivery of 14,200 non-binding truck reservations for 2024. So definitely something to keep an eye out on. Then we have a, the news from Zillow, right. And we're going to get into this later in the trade ideas. So Zillow announced that they are winding down their Zillow offers.

So. And that they will be selling 7,000 houses, accenting that business line. Um, two former SPACs open door, ope N an offer pad are in that business. So those are two potential, um, companies to watch that could benefit from Zillow exiting, or they could also face some, you know, headwinds with that industry.

Maybe not being as positive as thoughts. So, uh, we'll, we'll talk about that later. And we do have a company that everyone should be, uh, watching, uh, right now. And by watching, I mean, uh, you know, keeping an eye on, but not watching their presentation because our show's on of course, but Ivan, I V a N the CEO will be making an announcement.

Um, anytime. They started a presentation today at 11:00 AM. Eastern time battery world for S E S switches, the merger partner with this SPAC. Um, they said that they will be, uh, announcing new electric vehicle lie metal cells. This is a battery play. I called this out earlier in the week, um, with BCRC and Q S moving.

We do have shares up 2% right now to 10 50. Um, but we will see what Ivan, uh, SCS has to say, and if you missed it, we actually interviewed SES on the show. That was definitely one to watch if you, uh, you know, miss that, um, we'll, we'll drop that link in the chat later on, but keep an eye out on IVA. Then we have Berkshire grey BGR.

Why I saw someone mentioned this one in the chat. They did have news today. They expanded the availability of their robotic e-commerce fulfillment solution. Um, so this is going to help retailers develop solutions that integrate the online and physical. Of retail, um, which helps them fulfill online orders with their in store inventory.

So this is definitely a company to watch in the e-commerce space, using artificial intelligence. They do have some big partners, um, and deals. So a BGR Y on watch with that news. And then, uh, in the sports betting world, we got a New York sports betting update. So remember, a couple months ago, I gave everyone the short list of the finalist for the New York licenses.

And according to Ryan Butler, uh, formerly of the action network, he said that New York could announce as early as this week, two groups for the online sports betting licenses and those groups would include Bally bat, bat, MGM, DraftKings, and FanDuel in. And then the second one consisting of Caesar's win-back resorts world and rush street interactive.

So your specs to watch there, of course, our RSI for rush street, DK on G for DraftKings and Aus, which is bringing when. And then speaking of DraftKings draft Kings announced a strategic deal with iHeart media today, um, so that they become the official ad supplier for iHeart media solutions and over 160 markets nation wide, um, they will be able to co-create and distribute long form content with iHeart media.

Um, not a huge surprise here. Draft Kings is dipping its toes first. Into the media markets. That's something I called out as a catalyst. They're not just going to be a sports betting play. They're also getting into media and content. Um, so keep an eye out on that deal. They do have earnings, uh, later this week on Friday and it will be one of the companies we talk about later on.

And then high-side motors, H Y Z N uh, their partner hearing a car. Construction of nationwide green hydrogen refueling network in New Zealand. So a refilling deal in New Zealand for highs on motors. That is a hydrogen trucking play. Um, one to possibly watch them. No, we haven't talked about, uh, new specs lately.

You know, that could be IPO, but I saw one that definitely caught my eye and I think it's going to catch a lot of people's eyes. And that is because Kevin Duran, NBA, superstar and champion is attaching his. To infinite acquisition Corp, a new spec that will seek to raise $200 million selling 20 million units.

Each unit will include one common share and one half of a warrant. Nice to see the half warrant size there. And this back, um, is a 50 50 partnership between 35 ventures and lion. So thirty-five ventures was co-founded by JIRA and rich Kleiman LionTree is a leading investment and merchant bank. So 35 ventures.

If you're not familiar with it. They launched in 2016 and they have a good track record of investments. We talk about celebrities and athletes in the SPAC world. Um, you know, this is one who has a great track record of investment. So 35 ventures invested in Postmates, which was acquired by Uber, uh, acorns.

Overtime caffeine, Robinhood, and Coinbase. They also invested in the MLS team, Philadelphia union, and they have boardroom, which is a sports business media platform. If you don't know, rich Kleiman prior to launching 35 ventures, he launched rock nation sports with Jay Z and he also was with rock nation as a music manager.

Thirty-five ventures with also an investor on the pipe of respect merger between red ball acquisition, R B a C N C meek. And. Has advised over $600 billion worth of deals since being launched in 2012. Um, in the spec industry, they've been an advisor on several mergers, including 23 and me and HIMS and hers.

So the spec is going to target. Sports health and wellness, food tech and supply e-commerce and crypto and digital assets. Those are the areas they're specifically focusing on. And, you know, obviously Duran getting involved with a sports company would be a big deal, but I really liked the highlight of crypto in the prospect is so it highlights the rise of platforms like Coinbase, crackin, and Blackbox.

I'd also mentioned super rare dapper labs, AXI, infinity to central land. So rare and, and F teas. Um, again to ramp was an early investor in Coinbase in 2017. Um, I think maybe they go after the crypto market. So this will be a speck to watch again, not publicly traded yet. Um, but we'll, uh, be talking about this one.

And then turning to a, some calendar information. We have DC RC, the battery play merging with solid power. They announced that their merger vote will be on December 7th. That's the first December date that. And then a couple of merger votes from this week, we had SWB care BK approving their deal with Byrd 67% of shares redeemed, which makes this around a $10 million or a 10 million share float.

So SWB K on watch a RTP Y approved with Aurora. They had 77% of shares reduced. Um, OT and 60% of shares redeemed on the goat deal. Um, and KV SB, next door deal approved and they had 7.4% of shares read the game. So those are all wants to watch with the redemption trade. And then we do have earnings tomorrow from Nicola MP materials.

Avello dine P a E N blue owl cap. And then as I mentioned, yesterday's leader SBE a on the black rifle coffee deal shares were up 15% yesterday. They're down around 8% today. And have to note that based on 99.2 million shares of volume yesterday, um, that's a big volume leader, right? For SPEA. Your next highest yesterday was 17 million for DW.

AC of course the Donald. Um, that's what I've got MEChA, you know, I said it wasn't a ton of headlines, but now reading through it, it actually seems like a decent amount. But what do you think Kevin DeRay at, uh, getting into the spec game? I mean, those are some pretty big companies he's invested in before.

Uh, it also was mentioned in the prospectus that he did spend some time with the golden state warriors, which is, uh, coincidentally right next to Silicon valley, where a lot of these tech startups, uh, Uh, our headquartered. So what do you think does Duran land a good deal here in the, I mean, it, it's not something to kind of judge celebrities and athletes and these specs, but one thing that I've talked to.

Is that at the end of the day, when you're an athlete, you get, you get like insight. And a lot of times your friends are some higher up people, right? Like you're talking to investment bankers, you're talking to lawyers, doctors. Those are the, usually the people that. These athletes are going to talk to, and they're going to go ahead and get, use those insights to lean them into their investments.

I think that that's what happened here. I'm sure someone talked to the rent in the last six months or a year about. I told them how this could be something that you could use to take a company public and be part, and not only take part, but be, you know, high on a board that you could start getting into this investment type of game.

I think Duran is seeing how certain athletes have done. Like, let's say the key member shack, you know, how we've been seeing shack really take it to the next level in investing. And that's his focus now. I think that's what the rain is looking forward to in retirement. He's already starting to look forward towards that.

So he's starting to dip his toes and making investments, and this is something to pay attention to because I think the rent is going to talk to the right people to at least get them into a position that could potentially go up. Yeah. I mean, you know, you mentioned shack, right? We've talked about celebrities, athletes getting into specs, also making investments, right?

You know, we even saw that, uh, this week, right with, uh, Coca-Cola acquiring the rest of body armor, that was an early investment from the lake Kobe Bryant. Right. And his family got a nice payout this week, you know, as part of that deal. So these athletes, a lot of times they're investing in companies, you know, that they use their products or that they know, and they see the growth there.

So I really liked to ramp here getting into the spec. And again, I really liked the highlight of crypto, right? Not just an athlete going after, you know, a sports team, a sports company, or a, you know, a health and wellness. The fact that crypto is mentioned right there in the prospectus, you know, gets me excited as we look for more crypto names in the industry.

Um, but yeah, so a lot of headlines again, match. Um, but, uh, should we, uh, should we jump to the watch list today? I know we've got, uh, quite a few movers out there. All right. Before we jump into the watch list, I did see you bring up a headline that did interest me, um, was the update from. D K and G about going into media.

Um, and so one thing that I've talked about is there's a name that I've talked about that I think did this very well, and that was Bally sports. Um, why I liked valley is because what they did was they went after the media side first. Nailed that down. Chris gave themselves an ability to be what present on your TV, right?

When you turn anything that used to be a Fox sports network type of, of sports. Now, what is it? It's a Bally's for. Stream. And what does that do? That gives the brand recognition to the next level. Then they started dipping their toes into sports, betting, DK, and G going about this now reversed, right? They did the sports betting and now they're dipping their toes into the media.

Why are they doing that? Because they realize what is important is being front and center. To the consumer, that's watching the sports because that's how you go ahead and you get your name out there to the people that are going to be doing the sports betting. And so it's very important to see that on the TV match the branding, and then you'll go and look for that brand.

When you go for the sports betting play, I think that's what D K a G is starting to step in here. That's what valleys start about first. They said. Well, w we don't have the brand name to step up and compete with DraftKings, FanDuel, and pen and Barstool sports. But what we can do is take the media underneath diversify and give ourselves an ability to battle in this industry.

Yeah. And I mean, you mentioned Barstool right there as well, you know, Barstool built up their media brand and then. Sports betting through the partnership with Penn national. Also we're seeing FUBU right. Work into that as well, starting as the media company, the streaming platform, and going to launch sports betting later this year, and then also ESPN right match.

There's the rumor that ESPN wants in the sports betting game. And obviously. They have a big brand, right. A well-known brand. And you know, with that, they're going to be able to bring customers to whatever sports betting platform they launch. Right. Whether it's their own or whether they partner with someone.

Um, so definitely a yeah, an interesting topic. And with that being said, there's some of these, uh, sports betting companies might fall behind. Right. If you don't have the, the media deals and. It's something to talk about because it gives us diversification, right? I mean, at the end of the day, that's what we want to hear from these is we don't want them to be in only one kind of area.

And then that causes them not to have that outlook. Um, and now one thing that been mentioned in the chat that Cathy was, has been buying the Kanji. I like it here too. I mean, but like always, you got to determine your own risk and return. Now, one thing that I will state is that for me, when you think about these sports, one of the ones that I'm looking to continue seeing is the one that was mentioned in a rumor with RSI, but never coming out is fanatics.

Fanatics is going to start dipping their toes into this. So look for a potential buyout, whether it be RSS. Or another stock that I'm looking at to potentially get bought out to Chris is actually GaN. I actually could see GaN being a target for acquisition because of their tech stack. That's what we're looking for here.

Look for companies that have that tech stack, those are gonna be the ones that are going to be acquired because they just don't maybe have the brand recognition and market, uh, market. Right now, but they do have the technology and that's why they're targets. All right. Let's move forward. Let's get into the watch list.

I just wanted to take a second there. I think it's so important. You know, this one thing that I focused on at the beginning was the media side of sports betting and how that really comes into play. If you look at it work, we're a media driven society, right? Chris, we're driven by the shows we watch in how we, that literally drives the consumer, the content you watch now.

A lot of that is how you go and make purchases. And so I think this is going to be a lot of what you're going to see. The sports spreading world is maybe even someone competing with ESPN. Could it really be? I think they're getting to see it. You're going to definitely see it. That's why ESPN is concerned.

That's why they want to get into sports betting. So we've got to stay up with the times, if not the times runners you'll fall behind. Right. That's that's exactly what. All right, let's go to the watch list. See what's out there. If you guys got a spec that has been moving this week or today, please mention it in the chat.

We'll go ahead and touch some of these. Then we got the November calendar. This is, I think the best thing that Chris does for us is give us all these dates that we need to keep on watch. So stay tuned for that. Hit the thumbs up and let's get the Watson

All right, traders, uh, starting to see that skills is up 9%. We also got Z E V moving lightning E motors. Chris, what are you thinking about Z E V. Is there a news on this or is this kind of bore the EBV play catching up? So we had news yesterday that partnership with Siemens for the level two charging stations, but match that's surprising.

Cause yesterday. We didn't actually see that big of a move on that headline. And now today we're, we're getting the big move. So a, this could just be an EBV sector play. Right. But I did like that partnership with Siemens yesterday, the level two chargers, um, Z E V has had some big runs over the past couple of months.

It's a high flyer. So, uh, we'll definitely be watching that one, but yeah, I'm not seeing headlines today. Um, but that was the big one yesterday and surprise, surprise me. They do have earnings this month, right? So many of these facts earnings. So I'm seeing a date of November 15th, uh, for earnings. So Zeeb on watch all month.

All right, let's get back to it. I'm having some, a little bit issues with my pro charts. I don't want them to struggle on us. So I pulled up my other charting service here. Uh, TC, as you guys can see Z E V really getting off of that $8 is seven 50 area. Now we're getting strong through eight fifties. I do like that.

Look, you can hold off that eight 50 and let's see a Z V can make it back up to 10 and then go sideways there. We know how we liked that last drive brought us to 12. Let's see what happens now. All right. Going to go into the next one. Of course, skills is up at the top. We could take a look at that. I mean, I know I saw some analysts being mentioned and I know they changed on over.

Um, Chris, do you think this is the reversal with time and skills? Or do you think they're going to run into some trouble here? Uh, I mean, I, I heard Dennis talk about it today. Right on pre-market prep, the Activision earnings yesterday, the earnings were good, but their guidance disappointed. They pulled some games.

Um, the timing. But the fact that Activision beat, um, you know, could be a positive for the gaming sector, but for me skills still wears the NFL game. Right. That's the big question we've had. They do report tonight after the bell. Um, looks like someone mentioning that in the chat as well. Mitch, what do you think it would take for them on this earnings?

Is it going to be about those past earnings or even if they give us an update on the NFL game and also highlight the new executive that they hired from Amazon, could guidance be enough to really, you know, propel this thing higher. And I don't feel like earnings are really going to matter. I think it's going to be all about the forward looking comments from them.

Yeah, this is one that I feel like everyone just completely loved it right out the gates. They were like skills, skills, skills. That's all I heard about when it came out, but I still yet to see the story match the hype. That's what I would say until that moment. I'm not touching the skills. I wanted it at 10.

Maybe should have taken that at two. Would a risk down to $8. I don't know. Probably would've got stopped out of be honest. Um, so to me at this point, I'm just going to stay off until I feel that the hype matches the story and the technicals also match. Yeah. I mean, I passed it in their plant farm match. I did some of the games and.

I'm not playing them anymore. Right? Th they didn't do enough to keep me engaged. They weren't strong enough games. And I think that's the big thing here. Right? Give me an NFL game. Right, Mitch. We could both download that NFL game. We could wage your money against each other, play against each other. Like that would keep me entertained.

Right. That would keep me coming back. But doing some of these other games, I'm not as excited. Let's be honest. Football games are hard. Yeah. Right. Bad, even mad. And didn't do as well on mobile. Right? It was really, I mean, I tried that too. And that, that was kind of out there that should show you right. If Madden, that title can do good on a mobile game, it just might seem that at least for right now, Volvo.

Maybe the sports schemes are a little bit difficult, especially something that's complex, complex, like football, multiple routes. You have to be able to see and spacing and stuff like that really in-depth view. I think this is where skills is struggling. Maybe that NFL game that was. Wasn't as good as they thought it was going to be.

So they had to pull the plug. That's why they haven't mentioned it. That's why they don't talk about it. That's what I keep quiet about it because they had the pull that plug and they're looking for the next driver. So look for the next driver. I. Kick that NFL game to the side. I'm looking for the next one.

What can they do to get me interested in, maybe talk about some better or something like that. We'll talk, we'll, we'll pay attention to it on the earnings call. Let's keep going. Next one up the two that I am really happy to see moving up. Desktop metals. Of course oblongs desktop metals, but also QS. QS is one that I've been looking at for awhile.

So let's take a look at both of them really quickly before. Beautiful day. Guess what? Chris look at my, where my buyer's zone was and it went right on top of it. That's just how it goes. Sometimes guys, I was looking for a pullback to seven sixties. Uh, did get down towards seven nineties. It didn't even go down towards the seven eighties.

So I wasn't able to get my add back as I took some profit into this bar. But now that we're above nine. What do I do? I don't add here. I just let the position go. I'm all the way down here. So now at this point I could just let the stock try to build and gain on the momentum. Yeah. I mean, desktop metal, right?

I couldn't believe how low this thing got and it's starting to come back to life. We could see the 3d printing industry come back and Mitch, the one I would mention here, the LD Velo 3d. Is up 14% today. I want you to take a look at the one month chart on VLD because this thing has been, you know, just a steady riser over the last month.

I mean, we saw sideways action, $8, and then once it started moving, this thing got higher and I will note of course, Right. Cathy wood has been buying up a ton of shares of this company, right. And this is a, a space X supplier. Right? And what do we know about space X, Mitch? You can't invest in space X. So the next best thing you can do is to find the companies partnered or working with space X.

If you want exposure to. To space acts. So also, so they have space exposure. They have 3d printing exposure. I mean, I like VLD and I mean, the charts look nice. What do you think? A little annoyed that I sold this, this, I ended up, I held this one for like four or five months and it didn't do anything so much on the name.

You guys remember me? I. Proportion for this stock. I mean, and it's all about what Chris has talked about. That space X relationship to me, anything, anything to do with space sex is going to do great. When, when companies like NASA give you the backing that they're giving space X, if you hear the comments that come out of NASA, Th that rocket they're just like, yo, where have you been all my life space X.

That's how they're acting like. So to me, you have to look for some of these types of plays. And these to me are more generational plays than they are traits. Yes. You could be trading it right now, making a move from 10 to 12 and you could be that type of trader, but I, I love these for a long-term investment.

And that's the one thing that we've talked about with fellow was that it wasn't going to take a little while. But that we could see the upside, especially with relationships, like in space, like space X, All right. So catching up with the chat, uh, Cole. Uh, yes, I am long just to confirm you on that. You asked if I'm long DM.

Yes, I am long DM. I'm not long QS, but I did. I did push on my man, Carl and the check to buy it. Well, that's my friend right there. I don't, I don't know if he's still logging it, but QS looking great. Chris, what are you thinking about this now? Yeah, I mean, Q asks, I, I, I feel like at some point we're going to get a pullback, right?

I mean, The under $20 right around that mark was the time to get in this one. Um, you know, they're still years away from really launching this. So, you know, I think it's going to move on news, but ultimately, you know, there's no revenue, there's no earnings. Um, but it is getting a lot of, um, mentioned, you know, across, uh, social media.

And fin twit, you know, I'm actually trying to catch up with the Ivan news, right? So the, the headline I said was Ivan IVA and, um, their merger partner SES had a presentation today and they announced a new lice, a bad. And again, I think maybe the rotation could come, right? He has already had the run Ivan's trading at like 10 60, I think today.

So I feel like that one could see a move. So to me, I would be going after the one that hasn't had the move versus the one that already had the, the. Yeah. The, the way that I think about QS is that it falls in line with lucid. To me, it falls in line with Lucy because it had that type of, let's say retail attention when it was up there towards one 20 and then it dropped down and did what a super long sideways trend that it's trying to break out of.

Of course it needs to get into kind of the 30 fives and forties to really. That, Hey, it's really starting to do that. Move back up to the gap up, but there's an actual, huge gap. That's up here by the eighties and nineties, if it ever gets into that area, I mean, this is a huge risk and return from here. And so that's why I've been looking at QS and thinking that it would come back as we see it's been doing great.

One of the things that I'd point out is the volume that popped it up, and then it came back down to this. Back down, back down, break out. Now the big thing for me now is just for the whole 27 on pullbacks. If it can hold this 27 on pullbacks, I think you're still looking at a bullous, uh, QS, and you could still play this.

This is more a momentum. I think then like Chris is talking about then actual, let's say revenue or expectations being met, but more or less. Just momentum in the name and I could see it continuing, but like Chris said, you could get a pullback in this one. So of course, do your research guys, a framer is saying something well, he'll probably flip on that tomorrow, guys.

Don't worry about it. Yeah. I mean, I'll call it out right now, Mitch. Cause we talk about so far, right? So far that they're probably going to get a bank charter at some point they're also offering early access to, um, the reveal on. So so far, uh, uh, CEO, Anthony Noto used to work at Goldman Sachs, which is where Jim Cramer used to work there they're buddies.

So he's been on the show before, so Kramer hates on SPACs, but I would guess in a week or two, he'll be all over. So Phi again, forgetting that Sophie went public by us back. So, I mean, you can either do what we say right where you say there's going to be winners and losers in the spec, mark. You can't say that all specs are losers and then talk about a SPAC and say it's a winner.

You can't, it doesn't make sense. Right? It's a contradiction. Yeah. Uh, let's just say, one thing that I don't like doing is flipping on my story and at least one of the things that you will hear from me is when I do. A lot of the times, what do I do? I admit it, I flipped my position and I'm no longer seeing the story.

The way I did. This is the one thing that I would knock on Kramer that he doesn't do well on. He doesn't go back and said that, Hey, I was long and now I've changed my opinion. What he does is just to change the opinion and that doesn't give you the outlook that you need, because I mean, if you're just going to change your opinion all the time, Why would anybody just listen?

Right? I mean, at the end of the day, that's what it's about. That's why here on SPACs you'll hear Chris and I make opinions right on, on how we feel in certain stocks, but we also will point to the opposite look and how that could be against like Chris right now, talking about how yet QS looks great. It looks awesome.

But at the same time, where's the revenue. Where's the catalyst. Where's the movement. That's what we're about here. That's what we want to be different than CNBC. And not just try to get you guys. Oh yeah. Buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy. I mean, I could say that a million times, but that doesn't help anybody.

We want you guys to learn from the way that we go about it. And that's what it's all about. So smash that thumbs up. Let's keep it going in the watch lists here. I want to go to two more and then we're going to go into our Nova. Oh, November calendar here. Anyone that stands out to you, Chris? Um, I'm wondering if you can pull up the Ivan chart again, I'm seeing nice volume coding in, um, we're up 3% right now, again, that battery event is happening right now while we're live on this show.

So I haven't had a time to see exactly what, but they unveiled a new battery. And if you remember. When we had them on, this is a company that has partnerships and investments from general motors and Hyundai. Um, they could be a big player in the battery space and they are actually saying that their batteries are better than their competition.

Um, and I mean, based on the volume and the, the shares moving, I'm guessing that this event went over well today. And I saw a 52 week high of 11, uh, And we're at 10 60 right now. There's a chance that we could see a new 52 week high today. I mean, this is one that didn't really pop on the deal announcement, right.

Getting as high as 11. Um, I could see it breaking out and hitting new all-time highs today. So I haven't definitely on my watch. I kind of wish I would have gotten into this one before the event. Um, we did have a headline on Benzinga pro if you had Benzinga pro. You saw that headline that I helped, uh, you know, get out there to people that this battery that was happening.

Um, and you were able to catch this move, but, uh, definitely on, on my watch, what do you think Mitch, that, that move we're seeing right now in, in Ivan. So to me, it's all about the 10 fifties holding. If you see every time that we went above 10 50 on these spikes that were prior, we quickly. Right here also, you can see it here.

Uh, July 9th, we spike. And then we quickly go below a 10 60. So now 10 fifties on pullbacks is what's important. As long as it can hold that 10 50 on pullbacks. I'd be looking for this to continue in the bullish state. And as long as it can hold that, then, I mean, it could continue making a move up. Uh, one thing I do like is that it did go sideways for so long.

We're talking about. Uh, 8.1 months. So from February 26th, all the way until October 29th, it pretty much didn't do anything pretty much went sideways. And now that you're getting that momentum now is when you want to go ahead and either have been in the stock or looking for pullbacks. I in an attack, these, so to me, five, 10 fifties on pullbacks, I take a shot on it and probably risk down towards this low, which is the 10 thirties.

And then give myself a what 20 cent stop out and looking for a move back up towards 12. That's what I'd be looking for. That that'd be what we're talking about. A 15% gain, less than 5% risk and not a bad trade set up there. All right. Chris is probably going to do it for our watch list. Of course, I know that you guys are keep watching.

Lucid lucid did have a great day today. I talked about this on money, Mitch, often that it needs to trade in this one. Box the one hour trade is really holding well. So if it's as long as, as long as this one hour charts continues into bullish sense, I'm going to be still bullish on lucid for right now, that number really on the downside is 33.

We don't want to see 33 breakdown. We want it to continue in this sideways trend, then get right back on. It will give us the momentum to get on through the forties and fifties and maybe make a move towards 60. We'll see what happens in lucid. And the last one to also mentioned, cause I wanted to get to it just to make sure it's BK.

K T we've been seeing this monster is pulling back right now towards what a prior resistance. Becoming