Top SPACs To Watch For

SPACs Attack

20-09-2021 • 1時間

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Episode Summary:

On today's SPACs Attack Chris & Money Mitch go into the watchlist to find the top SPACs stock moving. We also have an interview with the CEO of HotelPlanner.


Astrea Acq. merger partner HotelPlanner’s CEO, Timothy Hentschel (ASAX)

SPACs September Calendar:

  • 9/22 LATN merger vote with Procaps Group
  • 9/22 AMHC merger vote with Jasper Therapeutics
  • 9/28 DMYI merger vote with IonQ
  • 9/28 MAAC merger vote with Roivant Sciences


Mitch Hoch


Chris Katje


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Disclaimer: All of the information, material, and/or content contained in this program is for informational purposes only. Investing in stocks, options, and futures is risky and not suitable for all investors. Please consult your own independent financial adviser before making any investment decisions.

Unedited Transcript

What's going on traders. Yes. We made it to a. Specs attack. We got some top specs to talk about. We're going to be looking what's on the radar. What's the watch out for yes, the market is going down right now, but we have been seeing the specs, get another lift. We'll see how they continue to move and like always welcome to the specs attack.

We've got a great interview for you for you today. Of course, we're going to go ahead and get into hotel planner with the CEO, just stay tuned and hit the light button. Let's get started. Specks attack. Get access to actionable news and market research with all the information you need to invest smarter and profit faster.

Start your free trial What's going on my family out there. Don't worry. Sue, you enjoy the beach. It's a red day. I understand if you're sitting back relaxing, enjoying the day to day and just going to listen in on the interview. I got no problem with that. Let's go ahead and bring on my friend and you guys.

Christo pedia, what's going on? What's going on, brother? Yeah. Happy to be here. It's Monday the start of another week. I mean, I wish I was sitting on the beach too, because I mean, it's a red day out there, Mitch. So time to probably sit on them, hands don't look at your portfolio. Or if you had stocks on your watch list today could be a buying opportunity.

But again, please use caution as we are seeing a lot of red out there for everyone. Yeah. It's just one of those days where, um, this is what I always say. This is one of those days where you really got to know your risk levels. You know, it's okay to cut positions if you're finding yourself below that risk amount, because yes, I know stocks can come back and a lot of times we have seen these big.

Eventually just get bought back up and you'll see a stock go through your price point. But what I always say is remember to the systematic trade, because at the end of the day, if you stay systematic, you keep yourself in the mathematical advantage. Once you lose, you go outside of your system, let's say, um, you're supposed to cut 5% losers and you wake up today and it's at six or seven and you're like, you know what?

I'm going to hold. And see if it comes back. Next thing you know, that position is going down that minus 10%. And what you're really doing is you're killing yourself on the next two to three traits. What you do is you put the pressure on, on the next trade because that one trade just cost you more than one trade.

It costs you pretty much two trades there. And so with that being said, it puts the pressure for you to get back in your accurate ways. So what I always say is just try to find what system you want to stay to and stay to that system. I understand that there's some tough days and that's always going to happen.

But one thing I always say is find what works best for you, and then look at your data to see if you can stick to that system. Definitely. I mean, always know your risk reward and you know, as much as just sad, you know, have a plan. Right. Uh, you should be prepared for red days, ma Metro, the market. Doesn't just go up every day.

I mean, a common, common misbelief out there, but, uh, it, it doesn't so, uh, be prepared for a day like today and yeah, I mean, know your risk reward. If, if you're looking at your portfolio today and you're down big and you're worried, that might mean that maybe you were in some riskier names and maybe you should diversify into, you know, a little bit more conservative approach here.

All right. I do want to let everybody know about a little secret them. Some people might not know today. Um, we're going to go ahead and do a little promo action here. If you use the code happy fall, you're going to be able to save dirty 5%. I know that you guys are probably out there wanting to keep in the game and the Benzinga pro game.

Hey there, you guys go happy, happy fall there. A pro subscription. 35%. I'd definitely check it out. All right, Chris, let's go ahead and let's get to our headlines. I know you got a couple of them before we get to our interview today, which we'll be getting into a little bit later today with hotel planners.

Let's go ahead and take us back to those headlines. Chris, let us know what happened on the weekend. What should we be paying attention to this week? And of course, if there's any analyst ratings or something that we might've missed.

All right guys. Yeah. It's Monday always a decent amount of stuff to talk about to start the week up first, you know, as much side let's talk about some analyst ratings. We do have a factor therapeutics. So E F T R, this has been one of the hottest names out there, right? A biotech spec deal that really rocketed higher.

So it's actually getting an analyst note today, stifle initiating coverage with a hold rating and a price target of $20 shares are down 9% today to 1760. Um, you know, this thing has been a rocket, right at hit all the way up to 70, um, on that candle, it's also been over $30 recently. Um, but a nice to see the analyst note today.

So keep an eye out E F T. And then we have DNA, right? Ginkgo, Bioworks, uh, now publicly traded as D and a love that ticker HSBC, initiating coverage with a buy rating and a price target of $14. I talked last week, right? In my big things about DNA. We're going to be, is it going to get that mainstream media attention?

And it had a CNBC interview on Friday and also will people understand the story of it, right? All the different segments that operates in all the different business lines that it owns. And here you have an analyst initiating coverage. So I love the long-term story of DNI. I actually thought we were going to see a bit of a dip last week, but that dip may not happen now as this analyst note coming in and that attention to what this company does, um, just to keep an eye out on DNA, uh, going forward.

And then we have draft Kings D K N G. So loop capital reiterating by rating. Um, they said that draft Kings is gaining market share and recently overtook fan duel in the rankings of the top us sports book app on Apple's app store. Not a huge surprise here. Right. We know by now that fan duel and draft Kings are really the top two players in sports betting.

Um, gaining market share though is a nice, uh, color addition here from the analysts. We are in the start of the NFL and college football season. Draft Kings has been one that I have called out as a winner going into this season. So keep an eye out. Um, DK, N G and then we have L I C Y a lifecycle holdings.

So we had them on the show earlier this year Wedbush is starting coverage with an outperformed. And has a $14 price target, uh, analyst, Dan Ives calls it a attractive, pure play on recycling. So remember they recycle lithium ion batteries. Um, they have some deals out there with some companies there they're working on, you know, a great future.

This is a sustainability play, a recycling play. L I C Y a. I'm starting to like this one more and more, you know, I think as we get into the EBV space, we do need to recycle those batteries. And here you have a company that could be the, the pure play leader there. Um, and Wedbush, you know, I am a fan of this analyst in the ed space.

So definitely going to take a deeper dive into L I C Y F F I E. So Faraday future Metro. We haven't talked about this one a ton recently, but they actually had a event yesterday. So it was their 9 1 9 futurist day, um, where they announced some new business initiatives and the positive progress on the FF 91 production and vehicle delivery, which is why they did the 9 11 9 day yesterday, um, to, you know, hit on that 91 vehicle name that they have.

They talked about their relationship with Palentier. Um, you know, they, they also talked about, you know, how everything is going as planned with their supply chain and production. So FFI E her get some more attention after that day yesterday. And we have Velodyne LIDAR, V L D R announcing that AGM systems deployed their alpha prime center.

Um, again, as we talk these LIDAR stocks, right? It's important to get, you know, those new deals, those new partnerships. So Velodyne announcing one today and then offer pad OPA D it's been a high riser. Um, you know, since completing that SPAC deal, um, 1266 today down 7%, but this was one that was over $20 last week, they announced, uh, Kansas city and St.

Louis as their two newest markets. So as we shift to the digital, a home buying platform, you know, a lot of these companies still need to expand on a national scale. Um, you know, Zillow, Opendoor, and now offer pad and offer pad adding two big markets here with Kansas city and St. Louis in Missouri. Then we have human site, H U M a, they announced the issuance of three patents covering their implantable bio engineered human tissue platform.

Their patents are now over 23 in international markets and 119 patents covering their proprietary platform in the U S a human site. Again, this is one that has a nice term approach in my eyes here. Um, but H U M a on watch after grabbing these additional patents and we have Archer AC H R ringing the bell, this.

Um, so they tweeted out the future of electric. Aviation is spelled a C H R today as a historic milestone for Archer. As we joined the New York stock exchange and ring the opening bell. It's a moment of celebration for those who have helped us get to where we are today. Teammates, partners, investors, and fans.

So Archer ACHR now publicly traded after completing that deal. Keep an eye out on this one and the EVT O L space, um, going forward. And then I want to highlight Jonathan Rothberg, right? Dr. Jonathan Rothberg. We had him on the show, not too long ago. He's got three companies that are going public via SBACK or have gone public via speck.

He had a big week last week, right. And he put out a tweet. That was awesome to recap this. So I don't know if anyone watched the apple of that, right. Apple iPhone 13. During that event, they actually show. On the iPad, um, uh, beef fly, right butterfly networks with their, um, portable ultrasound. So that was shown on the iPad screen during Apple's.

Also space acts, just put the inspiration for in the space over the weekend. And they showed off butterfly during a live video chat with those four astronauts and doing the, all the portable ultrasound in space. And also hyperfine another company going public, H C H Q um, is working with Madonna on saving children's lives in international hospitals.

So definitely a big week for Jonathan Rothberg specs out there. No, we do have one deal announced this morning. Ticker is G L B L. This is a deal for a Tita men group and Elvaria investments. It will create a leading independent global investment firm. Um, the combined company will oversee $54 billion in assets under management, uh, four continents, 11 countries, 25 cities.

They use a globally scaled multifamily office strategy. Um, they also have a huge presence in the ESG. Uh, governance global real estate and private market groups, revenue expected to hit $215 million this year up 24%, $247 million in fiscal 2022 up 15%. And the deal values of the company at $1.09 billion, G L B L, and Mitch.

Interesting note on the spec deal, they will actually keep the same ticker going forward. So it will go from ticker, G L B L to ticker, G L B L. So no ticker change on this spec deal that was announced today. So one deal announced today to start the week and we had four deals last week met. So time will tell how many deals we get for the week.

All right. So, Hey, there's a couple of exciting things there to know. Um, first things I want to mention is, yeah, don't worry. Sue Madonna's we're family too, you know, that's my sister, you know? No, but I just wanted to stay here. Uh, I've been looking at a couple of these in DNA clear one that we saw that would probably come back with the interest that it had.

Um, definitely making a big move on up. I'm going to keep that one in my radar and OPAC is still the one that. We'll kick myself a little bit. Definitely should have been able to been a part of that move and sell into the twenties would have been easy, a hundred percent winner, and I'll keep an eye on OPAC to see if he gets another run, but as he's, as he saw also getting mentions there, uh, we'll we'll pay attention to see, of course be flight is on my radar.

Um, a lot of these products have actually done really great and we'll see, I mean, it gets, keeps getting mentioned and it gets mentioned with bigger brands, which is, I think is important. Like you're seeing here with apple. I think that's definitely going to get a lift in the long run, but we'll keep an eye on it.

All right. So up next guys, we're going to be getting into our interview with hotels, planners, CEO, but before then I want to take a quick look at the watch list. See what we're seeing out there and see if there's any movers to talk about.

All right, let's go ahead and take a look. And it wouldn't, you know, it top leader here. It was one that I wanted to point out because we have been seeing products like this started coming back is outlet. I'll let getting a nice lift today up about almost 7%. Um, from about those five twenties up there to the five nineties, I was actually interested this morning to see if we would get towards $5 because I was going to take a shot, but it looks like I wasn't the only one thinking this morning near that $5, we've got towards a low of five, 10, and maybe it should have taken that shot.

But now we're already up there towards five nineties. I'll look for a pull back towards five fifties, but this one's an interesting one. Of course we did. Uh, the product well, as we did an interview on the product, but we'll see how this one continues. Nice volume here at the bottom 4 million shares traded good bullish engulfing candle.

Now those lows, as long as those can hold, we should be looking good, which is five 18 an outlet making a good move on up. And the other one you want to mention Chris from the movies list? Um, I would say the other one that caught my eye was S N a X strive foods. Um, ticker snacks, all snack, also up 5% today.

Um, you know, I, you, you said at metrics, some of these D specs that have gone down to the $5 level are starting to come back, starting to gain interest, uh, strive foods remember has investment from chanting. And also, um, the, the quarterback Justin Hiebert. Right? So we could see this as a play on getting more marketing and brand awareness.

So, uh, I I'm interested in SNA X here and also outlet as you pointed out, we will keep, it was on a watch of course, lucid continuing into the green is another one that watched. They get a pullback with the overall market, but trying to recover that high that we had on Friday. Just keep your eyes on that.

That's 2351. We need to get it above that and closing and see if it can continue to make a move towards 26 and 30. And that's of course, lucid motors. And we'll see if it gets that lucid dreams moving there. We'll definitely see after of course the EPA rating last week was so important for the stock.

We'll see if the stock continues to get lifts and maybe some ratings start changing with that EPA being released last week. All right, Chris, that's going to probably do it for our watch list. Now it's time to do what we do best, which is unlock some specs and like always Chris I'll let you take lead here.

Awesome guys. Yeah. Another exclusive interview here on specks attack. So joining us on the show today, we have the CEO of hotel planner, Timothy Henshaw. That company is going public with a stream acquisition Corp, ticker, a S a X a after the merger we'll trade as hotel planner, ticker, H O T P. Uh, Tim, welcome to specs attack.

Hey Chris, thanks for having me. Um, it's going to be a spectacular, uh, interview right back in tech. Spectacular. Of course we love it, Tim. Thanks for joining us on the show. Taking time out of your busy schedule, we talk all things, spec and D specs. So one of the first questions we always like to start with is, you know, why the decision to take hotel planner public via SPAC and was a traditional IPO also considered by your.

A traditional IPO was considered a SPAC was better, better because we're doing it three way merger. Um, we also, you know, need to be in the public space. We're growing so rapidly. Uh, we're putting up great numbers and we're an innovator we've been around for quite a while, but we're constantly pushing out new technology out there.

So it's important that we be able to raise money, to take our technology to the next. Awesome. So, yeah, as you said, a three-way merger, so after this merger is completed, the, this company is going to own hotel, meeting Satcom and Um, so together those websites offer access to book over 1 million global properties.

Um, so I know there's a lot to unpack here, Tim. So I'm just wondering if you can break down, you know, all three of these websites and kind of company units, um, and explain to us what exactly hotel meetings that com and or. Sure. So hotel planners specializes in small, large groups, closed user group rates for individual.

Those are special discounted, um, opaque rates. Then specializes in hotel and off-site venues for corporate, uh, groups as well as leisure groups. So think, um, finding that special venue and and then, uh, for specialize in making reservations, add hotels and over the phone, uh, desktop tablet, mobile device, uh, mainly leisure, individual reservations.

Awesome. So, you know, one of the things I saw in the presentation that caught my eye. Hotel planner offers closed user group rates to customers. Um, and that was listed as a differentiating factor to some of your competitors out there. Can you talk a little bit about this and how it keeps your company, you know, ahead of some of the competition?

Sure. These closed user group rates are heavily discounted, usually 50, 60% below. What, uh, the rate that is available to the public is we, uh, have access to these rates because we have direct connections for group inventory to over 50,000 hotels. We've, uh, signed up these hotels on an extranet that's proprietary.

Over the last, uh, 17 years. So it's been a close relationship with, on property, uh, hoteliers and they load up these special rates and then we share them through our network and, uh, uh, specifically through, uh, what we're also rebels revolutionizing, which is our gig economy, travel agent, uh, call center platform.

Perfect. So, you know, you mentioned relationships with over 50,000 hotels. You also have, you know, affiliate deals and OTA clients. So, you know, the big question here is, you know, customer acquisition, we talk a lot about right. For companies. So can you talk about how hotel planner, you know, acquires those customers and why those key partnerships are so important in the success of your business?

Sure. I mean, we acquire customers in the traditional way. Um, search engine marketing. So spending money with Google and Facebook and being in different sites like that. Um, we also have a very robust search engine optimization strategy because we have a lot of proprietary content, obviously being dominant in the group space.

It gives us, uh, content on meeting space and banquet space and all kinds of other information that a, your typical site wouldn't have. And on top of that, we have lots of affiliates, uh, you know, on the screen right now, you're talking about the knot and the wedding wire. They send us their, uh, For us to help them find the perfect hotel for their destination wedding or the, uh, hotel for their, uh, out-of-town wedding guests.

Or if you go on to nine plus rooms on, uh, nine plus rooms, search on Expedia or nine plus rooms, search on Priceline or kayak or any of those kinds of sites. Um, you know, that is where we, uh, help with our proprietary, uh, technology that does, uh, large and small groups. So it's a big moat that we built over the last 17 years.

Um, we basically dominate that, uh, group hotel booking space, and now we're taking that to the next level, by taking these special closed user group rates that we can share with individual travelers and getting them out there, and not only through our website and the apps, but also through the gig economy, travel agents.

So that helps with people that want, you know, high touch and customers. Perfect. Yeah, I know, you know, there's always a lot of interest in finding stocks related to weddings, right. Obviously with a wedding market is huge. Um, you know, post COVID, we're going to see a surgeon wedding. So, I mean, if you're out there watching hotel planner, it looks like, you know, has a big relationship here to wedding.

So a wedding stock to, to possibly watch. Um, I, I want to talk a little bit about growth. So, you know, as you mentioned a three-way merger, you're going to bring in and you're going to shift their offline bookings to that closed user group platform. Can you just talk a little bit about the synergies and why the decision to, you know, also acquire this company along with the spec merger?

So does have their reservations over. So we saw that as a huge opportunity because we have a proprietary gig economy, travel agent call center. Um, these, what makes it different is these are people located all around the world, um, and they can be working, um, in your local city or in the city that you're looking to go to.

Um, so right now uses a traditional, uh, call center that that's be based overseas. And we're going to take that to the next level by helping their customers get local, um, help through the gig economy, travel agent. So that's one, um, big synergy and the other synergies with closed user group rates, their customers will start getting a special proprietary deals in special close user group, uh, environments.

So there's two big synergies there and we're very excited about it. I think to go back to what we were saying, we need. Doing this back was the best way to do this because not only are we going to have extra cash for, uh, growth for our use of proceeds, but we're going to have a lot of organic growth from just the synergies between the mergers.

So if you're looking at us first and other spec, uh, you know, w I believe, and, you know, the numbers will prove this out. We just put out a proxy last week and you can see all the growth we had in just the first half of this year that we have, you know, twice the growth that you're out of spec we'll have.

Cause we've got the synergies between the merger and we've got the use of proceeds. Perfect Tim, you know, that segues into my next question. Right? You talk a little bit about growth there. We, we did have, you know, the pandemic, right. And it did hurt, you know, the overall travel market, but one of the big highlights from your presentation was that, you know, yeah, there was a downtrend in travel, but hotel planner, you know, outperformed peers in terms of, you know, during pandemic that drop-off, can you explain, you know, how hotel planner was able to, you know, not see as big of a decline as some of your competition?

Yes, Chris. Very informative. You read that debt closely. Yeah, that's good. Uh, yeah, so we had, uh, only a 23% drop in revenue over 2020. And we, uh, all, a lot of that to the gig economy, travel agents. What we found right away over COVID is that people had questions. And when people have questions, they wanted to pick up the phone and ask, uh, an expert.

And so then when immediately we said, let's, let's get the best people we can. We used our AI and our platform, uh, to recruit the best people and, um, then give people local advice. So then it grew from there and we're actually, you know, Proud to say that Delta has not affected us. Um, in fact, any kind of disruption, like we just had hurricane Ida, our booking skyrocketed over hurricane Ida.

Uh, people will typically want to pick up the phone and we have over 30,001, 800 numbers out there, uh, that are helping, you know, get the right information to the right customers. And they're picking up the phone and the AI is immediately, uh, pushing them to the correct travel agent that can help them with their question.

I love that, you know, we talk, you know, a lot about shifting to, you know, an online model and here you're talking about, you know, call center, actually providing some growth as people wanted that human interaction, uh, not something have, I don't push it like that. It's not call center. It look, it's very technical because it's a voiceover IP system.

What we have is people who are at home, have a headset they're connected to a high-speed internet connection with a laptop. When you, when we connect the call to them, they have. Information in front of them on their desktop that helps them answer questions quicker. So we're high breading, uh, the latest technology with human touch.

We've always set out to do that because our name hotel planner is like wedding planner or event planner, but for hotels, hotel planner. So if you look at a long history of the company, it's always about the hybrid approach of high customer service. You would expect from a wedding planner or event planner, but the automation that you would get through technology and the internet.

And so we basically just did that in the gig economy, travel agent model, and it's taking off. I mean, every people love it right now. If you go into the homepage of hotel planner, it talks about our Alexa app. And as you talk to a less Alexa and ask, uh, Alexa to connect you with a hotel. Uh, and Alexa will then ask you a couple of questions, but then connects you, uh, to a gig economy, travel agents for that local advice.

So it's that perfect hybrid between, you know, robotics and an automation and human touch. Think of it like a Robocop, you know, as opposed to a Terminator, what would you rather do you want to book travel with Robocop, not with Terminator. We give you the Robocop. So you, you know, you mentioned technology here in two big growth items, artificial intelligence and machine learning are mentioned in the presentation as areas, you know, where you're going to spend money from the proceeds of this merger.

Can you talk a little bit about the growth of artificial intelligence and machine learning and how those will play into the hotel planner ecosystem? Yeah, exactly. So we're proud that we're a. Founded by one of the most brilliant engineers out there. Uh, John Prince, my co-founder, um, was top of his class in computer science.

So he has picked a great team around that. And part of the use of proceeds is we want to continue to grow that team and get the very best talent, uh, so we can continue to grow our AI because we see all of these ways that AI can help in what we do. So not only as I described connecting the right in real time, the right customer to the right gig economy, travel agent, but also searching out the right customer because, you know, there's all this information out there and people are traffic is constantly moving around.

So what makes our, you know, uh, platform better than the next platform is finding that person out of all that massive amount of data. And that's where the AI comes into. And I have to say that we're very effective in that and our numbers show it if, uh, people want to go and take a look at that proxy we just filed last week.

They'll see it in the number. So part of the spec merger, you know, as I said, was to acquire, you know, via the three-way merger. One of the big questions, you know, with public companies is always, you know, M and a. So my question for you, and I'm not sure if you can answer it, Tim is, you know, is there a plan here to continue, you know, looking at acquiring additional companies that can, you know, evolve hotel planner in the travel ecosystem?

No, absolutely. That is definitely what we have done and what we plan to do more of, one of the nice things about being a very niche and having the best engineers we can possibly find is that we can then take our superior technology and plug it in to other companies that we acquire that don't know or can't do what we do so we can instantly make them grow faster and more profitable.

That's the. Perfect. So I want to go ahead. Go ahead. Oh, I was just going to say yes, we plan to start acquiring as soon as next year. Okay, perfect. So I want to dive into finances a little bit. So, uh, you know, fiscal 2022 revenue estimate at $170 million and ahead of the record, 2019 total, uh, compounded annual growth rate of 42% from fiscal 20, 20 to 2023 expected.

So you mentioned M and a happening, you know, next year, my, my question would be as M and a priced into these projections at all. And also, how do you forecast this model with, you know, the pandemic kinda, you know, still going on a little bit, how hard is it to forecast a couple of years? So, uh, first question M and a is not priced into those numbers.

We're going to hit those revenues easily without any M and a, um, so M and a will all be bonus. And the reason we did that is because obviously, you know, we're not the only party making the decision to buy that company. Right. We have to find a willing seller so we can. But, you know, put the M and a into those numbers.

Cause we can't guarantee that we'll do it. We can guarantee that we're going to look and, uh, you know, go out strong to, to look for something and then make some good offers. But, uh, basically we guarantee you hitting those numbers without any M and a, as far as Delta, um, or, or COVID, um, you know, from what we've just seen with Delta, as I mentioned, it actually is helping us because more people are seeking out that phone number, uh, to get more local advice.

So, um, we're very comfortable with where we are, uh, right now over that, um, where you have a very competitive niche, the way we built the company and it shows in the numbers. So, yeah. Um, right now couldn't be more, um, confident. Okay. Perfect. And then the last question here with finances is, you know, the, the big P question, right?

Profitability. So, you know, in the presentation talking about scaling profitability, can you just get into, you know, some of the, the metrics here in terms of profits for hotel planner, glad you asked about profits. I like profits being a bootstrapped entrepreneur. That's what I lived on. And so I've when I go public, our big plan is to keep it profitable and grow profits.

And it's in our forecast. And we're happy to say that, you know, this year, our estimates were that we were going to have 6 million EBITDA. Well, in the first half, you look at proxy, we had 5 million EBITDA. So, you know, it looks like we're pretty good at profits already for this year. And you know, next year we're forecasting 20 million EBITDA.

And the year after that, we'll be at 30 million EBITDA. And if 2021 is in any indication, I think we can blow those numbers out of the water. Perfect Tim, anything else that, you know, investors and potential investors should be, you know, looking forward to, in terms of, you know, catalyst or upcoming events from your.

Yeah. So we're planning to do a big fundraiser for St Jude's and south beach over art Basel. On December 5th, it'll be at the Nobu hotel and we're going to give the world hospitality award to John. Is there the tennis player? Uh, Dylan Radigan, who is on our board is going to be our hosts. We're going to be giving awards to all the best suppliers in our industry too.

So that's going to be a big event and we plan to do more charity events like that. We're big into raising money for charity, just like Elon Musk just did with, um, going around the world and outer space. Obviously Elon Musk does it bigger and better than everybody else, but that's all right. He sets the bar here.

We're going to get there too. You know, I'm a bit younger, so I've got some time. Uh, but yeah, we both love St Jude's and we've been a long time supporter of St. Jude's for the last five years. So we've got that coming up. And then, you know, I'm based in Singapore, I'm planning to move back to London, where is where I left from.

Uh, and then I'll be closer to the states where our headquarters is in Florida. So we'll be doing a lot of events in Europe, Asia, uh, where our Singapore is our Asia headquarters and in the U S so we would love to have you, um, on December 5th, if you, if you like south beach and season over art Basel.

Awesome. Yeah, we'll have to, we'll have to keep that in mind. I would definitely love to come, Tim. Uh, I, I just thought of a question, you know, since you talked about all these international locations, um, can you talk a little bit about hotel planner, uh, revenue in terms of, you know, us versus international and how that breaks down and maybe some international growth plan.

Yeah. So we, uh, have an office in London, an office in Amsterdam. Our, uh, president of a Mia is actually Baz lemons, who was one of the early co-founders of So he's got big plans for, for Europe. Um, I'm out here for the last two years with big plans in, uh, Asia. And then I'm happy to say of all the big, uh, online travel agency partners out here in Asia.

We're partnered up on the group or on C U G rates with almost all of them. So, uh, we expect, expect as the industry