The Gifts Of Men

Jola Speaks

6日前 • 9分

2 Samuel 23:13-17 tells the story of three mighty men who demonstrated extraordinary loyalty and bravery to David. This passage beautifully illustrates the gift of men, particularly those who are divinely positioned to stand by us, strengthen us, and help fulfill God’s purpose in our lives.

When David expressed a longing for water from Bethlehem's well, his mighty men heard it not as a casual wish but as an opportunity to serve. They risked their lives, breaking through enemy lines to fulfill this desire.

How to Respond to the Gifts of Men
Gratitude to God: Acknowledge that the people around you are God’s provision and thank Him for the relationships He has given you.

Stewardship of Relationships: Like David, handle the gift of men with care and respect, recognizing their value and significance in your life.

The story of David and his mighty men shows us that the gifts of men are a divine blessing meant to help us fulfill God’s purposes. These gifts often come in the form of strength, sacrifice, loyalty, and encouragement. Let us recognize and honor these gifts, giving glory to God and striving to be gifts to others in turn.

By cherishing and stewarding the relationships God has entrusted to us, we can advance His kingdom and fulfill the calling He has placed on our lives.


#jolaspeaks @jolaspeaks


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