TECHEDTV Podcast with Dr. Edwin Hernandez

Dr. Edwin A. Hernandez

Dr. Edwin Hernandez host for TECHEDTV podcast brings you the latest in technology, fintech, Expert Witness, Patents, NFTs, crypto,cloud, AI, startups. We interview many startup founders and bring an audio-only outlet for techedtv show in Youtube and Facebook. This is podcast is brought to you from our EGLAVATOR Tech Incubator at our studios. I work with startups and incubate ventures in Boca Raton, FL. read less


Startups, Innovation and Financing - Unleashing Your Ventures
Startups, Innovation and Financing - Unleashing Your Ventures
In today's fast-paced, rapidly evolving world, innovation has become a driving force behind economicgrowth and competitiveness. In this landscape, startups have emerged as key players in fostering innovation, leveraging their agility to pivot in response to market demands, and leveraging various financing options to fuel their growth. Startups: The Powerhouses of Innovation Unlike established companies, startups are often unencumbered by legacy systems or traditional ways of doing things, which allows them to think outside the box and disrupt industries. Startups are typically characterized by their willingness to take risks, experiment with new ideas, and push boundaries in the pursuit of innovative solutions. Startups such as Uber, Airbnb, and Spotify have demonstrated how transformative ideas can revolutionize industries. They've altered how we commute, travel, and consume music, respectively, demonstrating that the innovative potential of startups is indeed vast and powerful. The Art of the Pivot Innovation is not a one-time event, but a continuous process of learning and adapting. This is where the concept of "pivoting" comes in. A pivot refers to a substantive change to one or more components of a startup's business model in response to market feedback. Twitter is a classic example of a successful pivot. Initially, the platform started as Odeo, a network where people could find and subscribe to podcasts. However, when Apple launched iTunes podcasting, Odeo was rendered obsolete. The company then decided to pivot and transition into the microblogging service we all know today. Pivoting enables startups to remain innovative and relevant, even in the face of unexpected challenges or shifting market landscapes. It's a testament to the agility and flexibility that's often ingrained in startup cultures. Financing: Fueling the Engine of Innovation For startups to transform their innovative ideas into viable products or services, they often require significant financial resources. This is where financing comes in. Startups can leverage a variety of financing sources, including venture capital, angel investment, crowd funding, and government grants, to name a few. Venture capital, in particular, has played a significant role in supporting startups. Venture capitalists not only provide the necessary financial resources but also often bring in valuable industry experience, strategic guidance, and networks that can significantly aid a startup's growth trajectory. Financing is crucial in helping startups scale their operations, enhance their product offerings, and ultimately deliver their innovative solutions to a broader market. Conclusion Innovation is the lifeblood of economic growth and prosperity in the 21st century. As we've seen, startups, with their inherent risk-taking and creative problem-solving, are at the heart of this innovation ecosystem. Their ability to pivot keeps them at the cutting edge of innovation, while diverse financing options provide the resources necessary to bring their disruptive ideas to life. As we move forward, fostering an environment that supports startups, encourages pivots, and facilitates access to financing will be paramount in driving innovation and shaping a prosperous future.
Guiltless To Go Podcast with Lucie Allaire - AI that helps you order smarter, eat healthier, and guiltless
Guiltless To Go Podcast with Lucie Allaire - AI that helps you order smarter, eat healthier, and guiltless
Guiltless to Go is a platform using AI to help a user order smarter, eat healthier, and guiltless.  Lucie tells us how the team is working in the app, the platform, and already have one million restaurants and grocery stores connected to our system, now our job is to connect users to order food faster and easier, with many features, that are valuable and provide a better experience than Door Dash, Uber Eats, and even grocery apps like Instacart. The management team of Guiltless to Go is located at the EGLAVATOR and is composed by: Lucie Allaire - CEO  - BS in Marketing - Health Coach Edwin Hernandez, PhD - CTO - UF PhD - 14 US Patents, AI/ML Bruno Allaire - CFO - Harvard MBA We are currently having several API providers and licensing to accommodate valuable information for a user, from calories, to nutritional information, and using AI to help the user order and stay keto, paleo, etc.     Transcript 00:00:24.870 --> 00:00:43.440but in the morning and afternoon you guys are listening to tech at thepodcast one the eagle of every worker at all florida and that theyhave a great guest we have a great honor to bring lucy laird to theshow hi lucy how are you hiring thank you for having me grain the newfigure one thing 00:00:43.440 --> 00:00:45.030i'm sorry about that 00:00:45.600 --> 00:00:50.790this is a lie going on for the of eight or so we have lucy a layer andmy partner yes 00:00:51.450 --> 00:01:11.520and they're very cool app platform good list to go the get less a iplatform this going to have you guys get in shape their a lucy or stayin shape or the right only gonna help you eat healthier and make iteasy for you that's the hope whoa whoa 00:01:11.520 --> 00:01:12.210does this lauren 00:01:12.870 --> 00:01:31.890order smarter a healthier and get less get less that said that youhave to order smarter because the ai how's your with the order you eathealthy because it be healthier food and get less we let's thateverything on our platform and our app will basically be the lastguilty version it conventional equivalent 00:01:32.640 --> 00:01:47.400listless a thursday where does the story lucy like how this all begana know you have gillis organic good lives grocery agree lists and thenyou have or their products in the in the how and care and wellness howdid everything a star with lucy 00:01:48.390 --> 00:02:01.920well if you really want to dissect this idea specifically guiltless togo holidays of off to what it is today actually started about threefour years ago i was asking for a big idea and 00:02:03.480 --> 00:02:23.040get less grocery actually came to me in a dream and i immediatelywrote the idea down i searched the domain tv is available i reservethe domain it was available and i just sat on this idea and i startedto brainstorming visualize that i just had no idea where to start andas you know i don't know my back 00:02:23.040 --> 00:02:33.000around his and now weight loss health and fitness for the last decadeand council a cup coaching clients through their weight loss diet hasalways been the 00:02:33.840 --> 00:02:54.000the part that people you know need help with to to to maintain theirweight the most and am i just thought how how great would it be thatthe we make that easier for them and size you know the rest is historyi need a tactical partner to help me bring this idea to fruition andhave my part 00:02:54.000 --> 00:03:08.610no her edwin hurt doctor had when hernandez to join me or by cofounderand ctl to bring this to live in how's it of how it evolved intoguiltless to go evolving bursaries and restaurants 00:03:09.120 --> 00:03:29.280being able to filter by diet types ingredients allergies calories andprice for guiltless pricing and yes oh here we are here we arebuilding the app right now hoping to launch this in the next two tothree months in the south florida area to beta test this with users onour wait lists 00:03:29.280 --> 00:03:49.
TGIF for April 14th, 2023 covering EGLAVATOR, Artificial Intelligence, and MEVIAVERSE
TGIF for April 14th, 2023 covering EGLAVATOR, Artificial Intelligence, and MEVIAVERSE
In this episode we cover TGIF Fridays with AI and EGLAVATOR Project, here is the transcript and a summary from ChatGPT, as follows: First Summary from ChatGPT: The conversation appears to be an informal chat discussing the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its widespread adoption across different technologies. They note that public awareness of AI has increased, and AI has become more familiar and understandable to the public, leading to its embedding in various technologies. The conversation touches on various AI-related technologies, including voice recognition, computer vision, and machine learning, with potential applications in a broad range of areas, including medicine, transportation, and entertainment. They predict that the use of voice-based user interfaces will increase, replacing traditional user interfaces. They also discuss the potential for AI to make processes more efficient and user-friendly. The conversation concludes with a comparison between the rise of AI and the craze around cryptocurrency, with AI seen as more foundational and having more practical applications. Second Summary from ChatGPT. The first paragraph discusses the importance of focusing on creating a mass-market solution in the crypto world rather than solely on technical features. The speaker mentions an AI entrance system that is functional and could be sold immediately. The second paragraph is about water management in Florida, particularly during heavy rainstorms, where excess water is pumped to different areas to prevent flooding. The speaker also mentions a tunnel being built by Elon Musk's Boring Company between Las Olas and Sunrise, and how it will not be a replacement for a bridge, but rather a new connection between the two locations. The tunnel is described as having a moving platform for cars. As you can see, at, we use a voice recognition engine and we will compare it to Otter.AI results You guys are listening to the tech TV podcast in series. In our show, we're bringing you the best and technologies, innovation, the startups, FinTech, artificial intelligence, cloud computing. And the latest and greatest in technology, or the show is brought to you by teaghlach. Communications at the EEG levator in Boca Raton, Florida.The Morning Good evening. Good afternoon, watching and listening.CDI Friday, Friday.April 14 14, right. It's like, we had all this rain. We've had it for longer than I think I got the days messed up. But yeah, so anyway, so welcome, everyone here. Hi, Dan. How are you? Hi, I'm doing better today than I have in a few weeks. Good. Okay, so we just had a little bit of an interesting chat with Dr. Amos. That's right, much. That's right. Yeah. So you guys are gonna see that too. And I'll put the link below. But yeah, so we wanted to discuss like the what's going on with all this chatter material is going on?Well, yeah, I mean, what do you think that is? Well, on everything? I do think yes, I do think that. I don't know if it's gonna change anything radically. But it's here to stay like, what's going on right now. And I'm in it. I have a deck out with Chet GPT. On the deck, I have aI on my deck. So prior to check GPT and last November 22, I think before it went live, there was no real knowledge by 95% of the public had heard about AI. What's happened is that it's not that the tech is so changed so much. Chechi Beatty, has it's that public awareness of AI has risen up very similar to what happened with Blockchain. In 2020. We saw the same thing happened with crypto, could this totally correct. So as we're in the the race of AI, I think like it will even have EGLA dot AI. So we are we're all embedded with AI that's always been around. We know, it's been around for 10 years, but people are more likely to buy because it has AI they understand it. There's personal knowledge of it. I would say, you know, one in 50 People are using chat CPT on a regular basis that we know actually probably more are go...
TECHEDTV - MedMatch Network with Dr. Amos Dare - EGLAVATOR
TECHEDTV - MedMatch Network with Dr. Amos Dare - EGLAVATOR
Amos Dare, MD is a physician graduated from Yale University part of the EGLAVATOR Program. Medmatch is a platform on the web and mobile, where patients and doctors connect.    MedMatch Network   The Transcript   You guys are listening to Tech tv podcasting series. In our show, we'll bring you the best in technologies, innovation to startups, FinTech, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the latest and the greatest in technology world. This show is brought to you Byla Communications. Joy is brought at the ator in communications at the Ator in Boca Raton, Florida. Good morning, good evening, and good afternoon. You guys listen to Tech TV podcast from the Eton. And today we have a great guest, Dr. Amos there. How are you, doctor? I'm doing great. Thank you for inviting Me. Can you get closer to the mic? Yes, I know, I know you, you hate mics, but, Uh, thank you. Thank You. Great, great, great. So Doctor, um, tell me like, uh, tell us a little bit about yourself, doc. Like say your, what's your background, how do you became a doctor, and, uh, what's your passion? Well, I'll save you the kindergarten stories, , but, um, uh, I'm, I'm born in Togo, uh, which is West Africa. Uh, for most, we don't know Togo, but I arrived in the US uh, at the age of 18, uh, for college. And, uh, went to a small liberal arts college in Illinois called Knox College. I was fortunate enough to get a full scholarship to go to college and also, uh, was accepted to Yale Medical School and became a doctor, uh, the overachiever that I am. I pursued, uh, training in neurosurgery and became a neurosurgeon, a board certified neurosurgeon. I've practiced for over 20 years and, uh, more recently, um, pursuing my second passion, which is medical technology. And for the last two and a half years, I am the ceo, uh, and founder of Med Much Network. Yes, and that's why you're here, Dr. Dr. Amus, because you are a technologist now. Um, and, uh, and a CEO and a manager, and you have teams in, um, I think it's, uh, Ukraine, right? Or some other countries. I have Teams all over the world. You know, the world has become a small place now with, uh, all the connectivity we have. I have teams in Europe, in South America, and of course, uh, here in the US that are, are helping us, uh, make our vision come true. So just come back to the Vision Doc. So like, the vision for Med Match is, uh, I think the word Med match sounds like matching medical something . So I think people will, I implicitly, uh, have like an intuition of what it is, but why don't you tell the, the, the, the audience what is Med Match? So, med Match is really a labor of love for me. Um, we doctors, uh, at least when I was practicing and still, uh, have been using, uh, fax, uh, telephone, paper and pen to, uh, coordinating coordinate the care of my, uh, of our patients. And in fact, I had one patient die, uh, before getting to the care that, uh, he needed. And I said, listen, we have the technology. Why don't we develop something that uses the technology that's already there? So a mid match is become a platform, uh, uh, electronic technology platform that connects doctors, uh, as well as other medical providers or, or labs and, uh, other, uh, services, medical services. And they can communicate easily. They can exchange information about their, uh, about their patients. And most recently we are very excited that we are not connecting the patients to that platform so the patients can, uh, talk directly to the patient or find services on that platform. Great. So, uh, and actually like one of the important things about Med Match is that you have, uh, an assistant always everybody dreams. Like, I wish I just call Alexa and say, or Siri, Siri, can you book an appointment with my Doctor ? And then you're like, uh, nah, here can do that. Not Alexa, but Med Match can tell us about that. Yes, we are very excited about, uh, our new, uh,
Bimal Shah - Pioneers Academy - Forming Entrepreneurs to become Pioneers
Bimal Shah - Pioneers Academy - Forming Entrepreneurs to become Pioneers
Bimal Shah and EGLA CORP have partnered to form the "Pioneers Academy" and what Bimal calls, the "One Year Breakthrough"  The Pioneers Academy three flavors:   Learning Pioneer Growing Pioneer, and Scaling Pioneer   \ In this episode, you will find out how: ...... you make money and money is you know is is abyproduct of had to go value creation a lot of people and businessesthe number one reason businesses fail is because of money ran out of it..... understanding money you know is key that you know when you are just b yyourself.... Transcript with 00:00:01.200 --> 00:00:15.000you guys are listening to get the be podcast and series in our showwill bring you the best and technologies innovation the startups beentag artificial intelligence cloud computing and the latest andgreatest in technology or white 00:00:16.920 --> 00:00:19.650this show is brought to you by eagle like communications 00:00:20.400 --> 00:00:22.590at the eagle of or in boca raton florida 00:00:25.020 --> 00:00:25.590one 00:00:26.400 --> 00:00:46.560good morning good evening good afternoon you guys will isn't a deck atthe report gazprom the igloo eight or here booker at all florida whilemore dinah have the gas of on our beam all how are you we wash ourgreat thank you for having me your doctor and when it's a greatpleasure always with you grey grey like you know guys that you haveheard all the stuff about the pioneers academy the 00:00:46.560 --> 00:01:06.720one year break through and today we're going to bring you one moreepisode where we have some no leash exchange with but be more so allof into printers out there in south florida can learn from now thepioneers academy and i want to do like her ass you a question or twoabout that like don't tell us was the purpose of the of of the book 00:01:06.720 --> 00:01:26.880number five the of the series of the band years ago enemy so booknumber five is based on leveraging his strengths you know when youleverage your strands you become stronger and one of did it that codesays you know if you have a immediate say in a gimme a lever strongenough to place it or know fulcrum and i shed more that world so it'sabout building your leg 00:01:26.910 --> 00:01:31.380where and building a fulcrum so you can actually move your business tothe next level 00:01:31.920 --> 00:01:45.990and that's that's book number five you know that so this book thewhole pioneers academy the old mission is making pioneers out ofentrepreneurs because i believe that you know when you do become theonly one in your own business and you become 00:01:46.860 --> 00:01:55.860the one that is totally different and unique you can scaleexponentially so those are the to principles that i believe that keepbusinesses sustainable and growing 00:01:56.700 --> 00:02:05.640for decades and decades to come excellent news so i wanted to ask youabout the that the new and academy of coming out a series 00:02:06.480 --> 00:02:07.389when you will is that 00:02:08.160 --> 00:02:11.910his schedule for so we're planning to launch it in february 00:02:12.600 --> 00:02:32.550and start date in you know certain areas in south florida and the goalis to get entrepreneurs and pioneers to join and and learn how toachieve their next level girl accountability that three your businessschool in one year there's going to be three goals are still learningbuying years that growing pioneers and the scaling pioneers so thatlearning pioneers i'm kind of legs 00:02:32.640 --> 00:02:52.530start ups and and businesses that are just looking to how we gonnastart a business and the going pioneers they have a business but itkind of stuck in scale their plateaued businesses so those are thethree cohorts that we plan to start dies in february excellent andthen basically for those that are have a business here in southflorida 00:02:52.950 --> 00:03:07.290yeah you know we have a one shot to win here so then what would yourecommend to those pioneers they're like may be just they just losttheir job...
TGI Fridays with special guest - Benny Pekala - Edwin and Dan discusses Web3 Incubators
TGI Fridays with special guest - Benny Pekala - Edwin and Dan discusses Web3 Incubators
We discussed with Benny Pekala from Crytan Labs, myself and Dan with the EGLAVATOR ( matters related to startups and Web3 Incubator in South Florida.   This podcast as part of TGI Fridays., with a transcript by EGLA AI.  In this podcast we mentioned: As usual, some Bot activity but not much, enjoy your weekend!  Incubation and Web3 Projects Coins and the future Metaverse Summit by the Economist Magazine and, general updates from the EGLAVATOR Transcript 00:00:01.200 --> 00:00:15.030you guys are listening to TECHEDTV podcasting series, in our showwill bring you the best and technologies innovation, startups,artificial intelligence cloud computing and the latest andgreatest in technology worldwide. 00:00:16.800 --> 00:00:27.060good morning good evening good afternoon you guys are listening to TECHEDTV in a new  broadcast from the EGLAVATOR, we have a specialguess what did yeah afraid of with dan, and we have aguest 00:00:28.530 --> 00:00:30.180daniel interviews our guest 00:00:30.960 --> 00:00:43.890any particular from an incubator in miami all about a block chainright web three what's the name of the incubator crypt in labs labsbenny up from crippling labs is here 00:00:44.550 --> 00:00:53.730and i guess we're gonna talk a little bit of our block chain today yesi love i love their subject matter because i'm going next week to themeadow are some it 00:00:54.510 --> 00:00:55.050whoa 00:00:55.770 --> 00:00:58.230all right yeah is sponsored by the 00:00:59.040 --> 00:01:13.800they actually sent as a matter of little second if it's a metaversesummit can't you do from here the and actually they do actually theythey they they they have basically a little bit of an interestingproposition because you can have a bunch of axes 00:01:14.820 --> 00:01:26.220logging for the metaverse and in fact i was playing around with it ican bring it to the screen or here but i think it's going to needpeople won't be able to listen to it but it looks like a little bitlike the central and 00:01:27.120 --> 00:01:47.070wait and most of the central and to have a campus can walk around thecampus and you can talk to people with have a chat room i i've been onearth to and we've been on earth to night yeah okay i bought some ibought all the the boca real estate for six dollars along the beachall right before a little korean state yes so you the new the youmister three 00:01:47.310 --> 00:02:07.440from both from the virtual world they were like it's they had earthwind and they had to like is is total rip off but i do it anyway youhave during your that mr before and the from the verge or yes like ifif if that virtual world ever becomes important i am you know to tosit to buy it from somebody it's fifty bucks so they got their dealwith the them 00:02:07.440 --> 00:02:23.880met a very comres i'm imagining a bunch of people in a room all wetbike virtual glasses on just like bumping into each other yeah rightwhere where where will i mean it's a little bit weird because as theyget i was i was having this conversation in two weeks know on fridaylast week with a bunch of people from us saw fuck lafleur attack 00:02:24.480 --> 00:02:44.640and they were saying that people have never nervous breakdowns becausethey're not with people ah yeah kids are this whole thing would likebeen virtually can i give you my lazy can i getting my crazy answerhere to were really nice to be quiet so there's this guy always you'veheard me pricey this it there's a scene in the in the book fahrenheitfour fifty one of you you've murders or 00:02:44.640 --> 00:03:04.530yeah the walls you your the walls so he comes home and he flips thething on he flips the walls on and then all the walls basically becomea metaverse really yeah and this book but britain and nineteen fiftiesso but in that book he he did it for entertainment it was a play itwas basically a tv show and he joined it is one of the characters 00:03:04.800 --> 00:03:23.
Artificial Intelligence - Interview with Dr. Hahn Ep 1/2
Artificial Intelligence - Interview with Dr. Hahn Ep 1/2
Interview with Dr. William Hahn and Matt Trask  Artificial Intelligence has been evolving and creating new opportunities for innovation, when in the past Artificial Intelligence was just an idea. We discuss at the studios and headquarters how sites like OpenAI, GPT-6, and others have become a reality. The MPCR Lab at FAU is working on several areas (  The MPCR lab is a multidisciplinary research group exploring the interface between mathematics, electronics, and the natural sciences. Our research consists of physical/digital agents that learn, evolve, and live within synthetic environments. We create embedded and embodied computational lifeforms using analog/digital hardware/software. Dr. Hahn on TECHEDTV Podcast @ EGLAVATOR As usual robotics catches people's eyes, and the MPCR has a robot dog called Argo. As described by their website: Astro has the flexibility and stability of other quadruped robots but with a very important difference: he has a brain too! Astro has a 3D printed head and ‘skin’ that contain multiple sensors and high-powered GPU computers to perceive and learn about his environment using a computerized brain. This means that Astro doesn’t operate based on preprogrammed code. Instead, Astro is being trained using inputs to a deep neural network – a computerized simulation of a brain – so that he can learn from experience to perform human-like tasks, or on his case, “doggie-like” tasks, that benefit humanity.
Yuga Labs - BAYC  Probe and Advice to Entrepreneurs - Howey Test and Fort Lauderdale Boat Show.
Yuga Labs - BAYC Probe and Advice to Entrepreneurs - Howey Test and Fort Lauderdale Boat Show.
Yuga Labs SEC Probe was issued this week and we analyzed the situation. We also bring our "AI bot"s to help us with the discussion as we also talk about the "Fort Lauderdale Boat Show (FLBS)" and how our startups are solving problems in modern yachts, connectivity and cybersecurity.  Right from the EGLAVATOR  in Boca Raton, FL an company. Likewise, Yuga Labs probes brings issues on what you need to test and avoid, specially  issuing the "Howey Test" an 1931 test that reads: The Howey Test refers to the U.S. Supreme Court case for determining whether a transaction qualifies as an “investment contract.” If a transaction is found to be an investment contract, it’s considered a security. It’s then subject to registration requirements under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an “‘ investment contract’ exists when there is the investment of money in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of others. The so-called ‘Howey Test’ applies to any contract, scheme, or transaction, regardless of whether it has any of the characteristics of typical securities.” "Hence the SEC found issued a Yuga Labs Probe  to determine if the ApeCoins and their NFT (Non Fungible Token) would have constituted a Federal securities violation. In simple terms, under "The Howey Test", a transaction qualifies as a security if it involves the following four elements:  An investment of money In a common enterprise A reasonable expectation of profit Derived from the efforts of others To be considered a security, a transaction must meet all four prongs of the Howey Test. Yuga Labs faces a Probe As part of many sources including  According to a Bloomberg report, the SEC has yet to make a formal accusation against Yuga Labs for any wrongdoing as the investigations are still in the preliminary stages. However, a spokesperson for the NFT maker said that the company has not breached any securities law and will work with the Commission to resolve any gray areas. Fort Lauderdale Boat Show One of our startups, Marine Network Solutions and Marine Cybersecurity Services (Same team) are solving problems in Yachts, also soon to release a Yacht NFT and a network of yachts.   Stay tuned for the next episodes where we will bring Sato Ramdas and Cameron to discuss IOT, 4G/5G connectivity for yachts and our cybersecurity package for yachts and boats in general.
South Fliorida Venture Capital, Startups, Investments, an Interview with Rhys William - TECHEDTV Podcast
South Fliorida Venture Capital, Startups, Investments, an Interview with Rhys William - TECHEDTV Podcast
Startups in South Florida are looking for capital and funding. Rhys Williams is a well-known name in the area, he is part of New World Angels, also directed TECH Runway a few years at Florida Atlantic University..  We spoke about several topics including good and bad investments, the value of accelerators & incubators, even how we met back in 2002 at the University of Florida as I was part of the "UF's Entrepreneurs' Club" actually, one of the founders. together with Ahmed Kourouma, Erick Coffie, and a few crazy engineers that saw value in startups. Twenty years later, we meet and record this podcast for my audience from the EGLAVATOR, EGLA CORP's tech incubator.  Rhys Wiliams at EGLAVATOR studios - TECHEDTV Podcast Rhys Williams Bio hys L. Williams is the CEO, Co-Founder, and Director of MedicSmart, a VC-backed startup digitally transforming the workplace safety & emergency medical response space (presently in stealth mode).  From 2016 to 2021, he served as Managing Director of the highly successful FAU Tech Runway technology incubator/accelerator program & TRIN investor network. Mr. Williams has more than two decades of experience in the early-stage life sciences realm, having co-founding three biotech spinouts from three of Florida’s institutions of higher learning.  He is also an active member of the Florida angel investor community, having co-founded the New World Angels in 2003, Florida’s most established and successful structured angel investor group (immediate past president; current chairman), with several successful exits across the domains of therapeutics, medical devices, and healthcare IT.  Recognized as one of 50 “Power Leaders in Technology” by the South Florida Business Journal, Mr. Williams has also testified before the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Technology and Global Competitiveness.   Mr. Williams received his undergraduate degree from Harvard College magna cum laude and both a law degree (JD) and an MBA (with honors; class president) from the University of Florida.  Additional work experience includes CapSoft (president, e-commerce venture), SI Ventures (institutional venture capital firm affiliated with Gartner), Ixion Biotechnology (VP-finance/associate general counsel), Smith Barney, TranZitions (operations director/corporate counsel, HR venture), and American Express.   Mr. Williams is a U.S. Army veteran, having served as commander of a Special Forces Combat Diver Detachment (“green beret”). From 2018 to 2021 he served as an appointed director on Harvard Alumni Association national board (representing Eastern Florida and Puerto Rico) and continues to serve with the Harvard Club of the Palm Beaches (president) and the Harvard College Fund.  ​Other board service includes the Florida Venture Forum, the South Florida Science Center and Aquarium (immediate past chairman), and the Cade Museum for Creativity and Invention (advisory committee).  Former board activities include the Angel Resource Institute (director of research), Aplicor, Inc., and the Florida Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research (gubernatorial appointee; treasure of venture capital fund).  He is also a graduate of Leadership Florida (Cornerstone Class 22) and Florida Blue Key.  Mr. Williams is admitted to the bar in both Florida and New York, and he speaks both advanced Spanish and functional Portuguese.  A fifth-generation South Floridian, Mr. Williams, his wife of 30 years (Dr. Lorna Williams), and their two children reside in Palm Beach County, Florida Transcript by  WEBVTT   00:00:20.130 --> 00:00:36.000Good evening, Good morning good afternoon, you guys are watching TECHEDTVwith doctor edwin hernandez and today we have a great guest an entrepreneur that I met twenty years back we just make a number just a fewminutes back twenty two now at twenty two years ago when we were justnobody at the university of Florida 00:00:36.660 --> 00:00:56.
FINTECH News - Energy Crisis, Currencies - Carlos Cabrera
FINTECH News - Energy Crisis, Currencies - Carlos Cabrera
In this energy crisis where the situation in Europe is getting shaky for investors, with a drastic drop in the GBP Pound and EURO currencies, now in very low historical levels. First a COVID-19 pandemic and now an Energy crisis with ties to the Russia-Ukraine war. Transcript Powered by WEBVTT 00:00:17.610 --> 00:00:32.550 Good evening, Good morning and Good afternoon you guys are watching TECHED tv withDr, Edwin Hernandez today,  we are bringing a great gues t a friend anexpert and consultant, he is from toronto canada my friend Carlos Cabreara 00:00:34.260 --> 00:00:37.560doing great thank you so much for abby me in europe 00:00:38.400 --> 00:00:55.530podcast i really enjoyed the last time and i am sure that we're havinga conversation thing okay fantastic so let's start a little bit ofyour bag or and carla so what's what's was got where are you up tolike into your console danger a little podcast was so becausecamaraderie now 00:00:56.940 --> 00:01:16.560well basically i found that my own from where they your partner anamerican partners and luxury it's located between as an office hereand in florida and i am continuing with my oc as as you know i've hadit for a year and a half and hour 00:01:16.560 --> 00:01:35.760we have reached many you out different faces in it's i've learned alot is one of my hobbies are with had many guess and that in are moreso excited to out can more evolved this year now that corvette is doneinto their regular activities into networking and opening 00:01:37.230 --> 00:01:42.450you know go meeting clients again face to face and all this good stuffwe used to do 00:01:43.290 --> 00:02:03.360so you're you're basically you're happy to get back on track on on onthe regular business or opportunities that everyone has a is thatwhere the last few years and i am yes well let's get back to businessbecause you are an expert in financial stuff so that's where you wouldalso you bouquets of are a girls what it what it 00:02:03.420 --> 00:02:13.440a book is about was or what is it up all my podcast feedback todaycovers a lot of topics basically covers he gets the chance to who own 00:02:14.250 --> 00:02:17.520this many many entrepreneurs to actually 00:02:18.570 --> 00:02:38.640show the project showcase their challenges and also motivate all thenew entrepreneurs that's one of my goals and the other side is thetraditional finance that were you when are we covered differentaspects of trading and also our we have with had some margaret choaggro 00:02:38.892 --> 00:02:44.160people block chain related out project so basically the feedback 00:02:45.000 --> 00:02:48.180in many many many different aspects of it but 00:02:49.050 --> 00:02:50.400i try to keep it up 00:02:51.990 --> 00:03:03.360oh yeah don't you get new tried to keep it like very a professionalvery thin thick oriented what's what's that about like i can you canyou tell me more of your gas like maybe somebody famous birth 00:03:04.320 --> 00:03:17.160what we've had some interesting guests the latest ones i get so youthat i had the yeah this gas from at the their project place at forrio 00:03:17.880 --> 00:03:28.740t and basically as their goal was to token eyes real state and theyare one of the few firms in south florida that do that 00:03:29.340 --> 00:03:30.390and damn 00:03:31.500 --> 00:03:35.700and eight it's real was really quick on the i learned a lot ah 00:03:35.760 --> 00:03:55.920in terms of fame was guess i will say the most famous ones where i'mhave been they a tasty trade guess that have had a baby of very openand be a they covered a lot of aspects when he can serve thissophisticated tools 00:03:55.980 --> 00:03:59.730that you know our at our disposal so i would say 00:04:00.480 --> 00:04:20.640that would be wine and the second one was side jacob or a dick aboutroster we had our me two months ago or so and he's a germanentrepreneur bad in in...
TGIF TECH on TECHEDTV with Dan Gudema from the EGLAVATOR in Boca Raton
TGIF TECH on TECHEDTV with Dan Gudema from the EGLAVATOR in Boca Raton
In this PODCAST we chat about NFTs, Next Weeks Event's at the EGLAVATOR and BRICS in BOCA RATON. Dan also explains changes on SEO done by Google his dating company, and some perspectives on Augmented Reality and dating. EGLAVATOR - Dan Gudema - TECHEDTV Podcast FROM the EGLAVATOR in Boca Raton, FL. This is TECHEDTV Transcript by 00:00:01.200 --> 00:00:15.000you guys are listening to get the be podcast and series in our showwill bring you the best and technologies innovation the startups beentag artificial intelligence cloud computing and the latest andgreatest in technology or white 00:00:16.140 --> 00:00:36.000good morning with even without knowing you as they get the woodworkgetting serious and today we have tdf deck with dang good the amountmy friend and he is or guess and calls today how are you get then i amdoing great it's friday it's late and i admire try to get used togetting up at six 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:37.440i am taking my kids to school 00:00:38.730 --> 00:00:41.550so how did you get he was fourteen 00:00:42.240 --> 00:01:02.400it will will will double will take about him to yeah no no he's a he'sa he's and if but he's an it was like the enough to use of a let'stalk about that a little after a ticket for their lives dollarinterface and they get where we going to say today is that we have afew events away and is gus deck and if these never going to go overthe pitch or the nfc night 00:01:02.460 --> 00:01:03.990the we going to have that then one night 00:01:04.590 --> 00:01:17.400and that then was organized bad the importance it was start a pop andthen that we gonna say went into su or through a booster as some otherstart of that than he is working with where do you think that soundslike a plan in sounds good 00:01:18.450 --> 00:01:22.800okay so was was going on with this lsd guy like your that your song hesay 00:01:23.111 --> 00:01:27.240at at a as i ask him to many times you on like and and if the a here 00:01:27.990 --> 00:01:47.970they let the just started the beginning very quickly my son victor atage thirteen so thirty nine pieces of artwork our last year and twentytwenty one and he was very successful songs little piece of artworkand then i showed that every time i showed his artwork and of t peopleor designers integrators they're like oh my god the stuff's originalis 00:01:48.420 --> 00:02:07.650cause truth is every and have deep thing i've ever seen as notoriginal not as or do recycling the same this a monkey right theletters is angler the same same a bit different colors yeah but victoris produced a lot of originality so we been looking at it one oneentity person said you know what don't rush take your time is no rush 00:02:08.160 --> 00:02:28.320it's not a get rich quick schemes niger is in one get the thefundamental problem is victor is brilliant gather hundred fifty i qand he does not believe and he believes and of keys are ruining nearbyit is cause there's a fundamental if you come to our and if t demoednight will make up little bit about it there 00:02:28.357 --> 00:02:48.480a fundamental flaw in block chain and that is ah a eight copieseverything every time every server and victor figure that out and he'slike emmys as hundred and fifty thousands of this thousands thousandsdeserves or of beating the any site it's using up too much energyjay's isn't too much power consuming that the power that could be usedfor something else 00:02:48.480 --> 00:02:52.440was yeah need as leaves on he loses light on his tv on 00:02:53.280 --> 00:03:13.440if an air conditioned room every night is again the other gear a hasis the are all were racing more him one one house them yarn and a d soi try to explain that that is that didn't encountered it well we weneed to we need to this gaza because we're going to have an end if theevent on wednesday raise at it as a aren't on a good 00:03:13.440 --> 00:03:33.
TECHEDTV - Business People - Interview with Wali Waiters -
TECHEDTV - Business People - Interview with Wali Waiters -
Executive TV Producer/DIrector/Host🎙Keynote Speaker/Best-Selling Author👔Transformational/Business Coach Wali Waiters has been in the Television Industry for over 25 years. He started as Associate Producer at V Star productions for award winning tv series Today Environment. He then took his talents to United Media Communication as a producer for The American Review series hosted by John Stossel and Walter Cronkite. On account of his passion for quality educational programming, Waiters was executive producer and creator of “The Profiles Series” hosted by Academy Award winning actor Lou Gossett, Jr. To date, “The Profiles Series” has been honored with ten Tally Awards. Waiters was also executive producer of the award-winning television series, “In View hosted by Larry King” the iconic talk show host, which recently received fourteen Telly awards for its “Made in America” series as well as a series on “21st Century Education.” Then Waiters was executive producer at Intrepid Filmworks which successfully created reality show “Ragin Cajun Housewives” which was signed with CMT. He went on to partner Light Walker Entertainment as executive producer and worked on several reality programs including for God and County. Waiters is currently working at BrandStar Entertainment as VP of Local Programming for the highly acclaimed programs The Balancing Act and Designing Spaces on Lifetime TV. He also is a DP, Host and Global Transformational Speaker and Coach. Waiters is a Best-Selling Author for his contribution to Journey to the Stage Volume 5. Wali Is currently working on his lasted book Transformational Truths – A series of thought, Principles and experiences created to lead you through life’s Journey.
TECHEDTV - Business People - Dr. Joan Wright Good - On her new Podcast
TECHEDTV - Business People - Dr. Joan Wright Good - On her new Podcast
At the EGLAVATOR, we let other authors and experts to record their podcasts and produce their shows. We have had 4 shows made by Dr. Joann Wright-Good and this is a snippet from her website on who she is: Dr. Joan Wright-Good is a Cultural Architect of our time, a dynamic International Speaker, Preacher, Business Coach, Best-selling Author, and, Award-winning CEO. She is a master at training and, teaching the art of being who you were created to be. Recently widowed, the mother of two was born in Kingston, Jamaica. She went from the corridors of the Maxfield Park Children's home (a government-run home for orphans) to the White House in the United States of America. Joan overcame abuse, trauma and teen pregnancy to achieve millions in sales as a first-generation international CEO. The high school dropout, now a multiple college degree achiever, uses her influence to educate others on regeneration and wealth-building using their innate gifts/talents and passion. As an ordained Minister, Dr. Wright-Good teaches from experience that we can be wealthy, whole, and saved without compromise. Her conviction is, "without a biblical relationship with Christ, none of what we do on earth matters."As the Founder and Creative Director at the Business Mogul Academy, she teaches, coaches, and helps students and clients to start businesses and publish books. As the Founder and CEO of JWG Publishing House, she publishes books and magazines. Both businesses are A+ rated by the BBB. As a speaker, Joan has spoken across the globe on topics such as relationships, money, women development, youth development, and all things business. Her 14 city Good Life Global tour traveled around the US, the Caribbean, Europe, Canada, and Iceland. If you are looking for a multifaceted, well-rounded, experienced Speaker for your audience, look no further! Joan's profound knowledge of business and her command of sound biblical doctrine sets her apart as a Game Changer.Her books ‘From Brokenness to Victory,’ and "YOU are Different for a Reason – Maximize Your Difference" are bestsellers. Her new release "What if You Decided to Grow is a guide for entrepreneurs aiming for success.Dr. Wright-Good was awarded by the White House as a game Changer in 2016, and a corporate responsible CEO in 2019 by the Wheatle Ball Association, a global platform with United Nations affiliation. She has also been honored and awarded by several corporate, private, and government organizations. Dr. Wright-Good has been featured on media platforms such as FORBES, Fox26 News, Sheen, Black Enterprise, RollingOut, The Tom Joyner Show, Huffington Post, Voyage Miami, CVM TV, The Gleaner, The Jamaica Observer, TVJ, BYTV Miami, iHeart Radio, Houston2Houston, Empower Magazine, MadameNoire and more. Her story of rising from the ashes after sexual and physical abuse, dropping out of high school due to teen pregnancy, and homelessness, is a compelling reminder of God's grace. "His purpose will always supersede our pain," she professes. Dr. Wright-Good holds a Bachelor in Management Studies and Politics from the University of the West Indies (Jamaica). A Law degree (LLB) from the University of London, a Masters in Business Administration & Leadership from Kaplan University (USA) and a Doctorial degree (Ph.D.) from Liberty University. The corporate responsible CEO financially supports the Maxfield Park Children's Home annually, by assisting female aged-out orphans whose dream it is to attend college. Transcript by EBVTT 00:00:01.200 --> 00:00:15.000you guys are listening to TECHEDTV podcasting series in ourshow where bring you the best technologies innovation the startupsbeen tag artificial intelligence cloud computing and the latest andgreatest in technology world wide 00:00:16.170 --> 00:00:35.970good evening good mourning good afternoon this a doctor Edwin. Today we have a great guest and a business woman and she has a recording here intheir studios the l k what you're going to te...
TECHEDTV - Investor's Summit - Capital Series
TECHEDTV - Investor's Summit - Capital Series
We held a series of panels at the EGLAVATOR, all on financing and tech ventures including local Miami ventures.   Some quotes from the panel: "that's am a publicly traded company an inflated valuation and theywere issued options of that valuation other completely under water andand it's a bit of a catch twenty two for those companies because theywant to read those teams that's even more dilutive and they're gonnaget further hammered in the public markets so that that can have adisparate she was loop is...." and, to focus on in terms of overcapitalized make sure you have maybe eveneighteen to twenty four months at the variety of capital are beingvery efficient with funding etc but in terms of that the upcomingrecessions out which insistent that it's going to be more similar tothe one of the year two thousand and because they're run up to it wasvery similar to what sort of million ninety nine ....   Invited to the Panels : Webb Knudsen, Co Founder of Knudsen Capital Andrew Craissati, Founder of The Bricks Ben Patz, Partner at DeepWork Capital  Mitch Laskey, Co Founder at DeepWork Capital Keith Glickman, Founder of Gutsy Capital  Adam Besviknick, Investor  Gleb Chuvpilo, Thundermakerts  Jonas Brandon, Business Expert John Jacobs, Leon Holdings Sinjin Lee - EGLA CORP Consultant Dr. Edwin Hernandez - EGLA CORP founder  Dr. Sumi Helal - Innovator, Investor EGLAVATOR Tenants Transcript Generated with our Artificial Intelligence engine: WEBVTT 00:00:33.240 --> 00:00:33.900we're going to it 00:00:35.280 --> 00:00:37.020we're going to shares were done 00:00:38.070 --> 00:00:39.780so thanks everyone for coming in 00:00:40.830 --> 00:00:41.370ah 00:00:42.600 --> 00:00:48.930we got a full house today our we have up quite a few interesting guessi would make sure that we have the right make for here that we use 00:00:50.130 --> 00:00:53.790when i get is that a microphone over there had does is our now 00:00:55.350 --> 00:01:04.710hey i preferred yeah same say of offer comment is is make a this isthe the of can you click on now 00:01:05.370 --> 00:01:05.970yeah think it 00:01:10.230 --> 00:01:10.440ah 00:01:11.760 --> 00:01:13.050so as things up for comment 00:01:13.890 --> 00:01:18.090i guess i didn't ya to start off sort of an odd topic 00:01:18.720 --> 00:01:38.790essentially we wanted to focus on the allison in the room saw seethere's been a huge market correction our funds like tiger globalcoats your arc ah huge losses recently said the topic is investingwith discipline and we want to focus on valuation term sheets and duediligence 00:01:39.450 --> 00:01:59.040edmonds going to be moderate and the piano here in boca and join uswill be helping out in toronto but i jonas our you take it from hereyeah been more did figure as recommend think you get for a commentbertolli as well from all different parts of the country and and moremore than happy to as you guess invited to gone to the you better herein a book or a donate 00:01:59.040 --> 00:02:05.070don't you guys want to and i want to start with my right hand youwould weigh land and see like where his thoughts on now 00:02:05.790 --> 00:02:11.730on the future of any besson with this is was going on what you do youshare little bit of your experience at yes it about 00:02:12.480 --> 00:02:23.010church or yeah i mean it first hand with definitely experienced on anincredible influx of of of capital from the sidelines you know comingin the last year too 00:02:23.760 --> 00:02:38.070he added i think he hit the supply of of quality opportunities wheremaybe not match matching that that that demand and we've seenfirsthand you just rounds get bit off and 00:02:38.970 --> 00:02:59.040funded exceptionally quickly especially and you know that the webthree space on an emerging markets that we focus on in the past yearor so it's been it's been created to see that you know that that speedof ...
Shibzoids 7,777 Shiba Inus TRANSCRIPT and WEBVTT 00:00:01.200 --> 00:00:14.880he gets a little into the deck at the be broadcast series in our showwill bring you the best technology innovation startups didn't deckartificial intelligence cloud computing and the latest and greatest intechnology war by 00:00:15.840 --> 00:00:19.800hi guys are we are here i would the chips are supporting cast 00:00:20.640 --> 00:00:27.810what if the collection coming up on solana so we had pavel and theletter hi guys hi 00:00:28.560 --> 00:00:38.820where are doing girl we're doing our part of the team the ads bringinto cheap so so far as i want to ask babel is that why the chips sothen it wasn't what digital and sick own ethical action does a littlebit more about that 00:00:41.173 --> 00:00:42.210ship zoya it's says 00:00:42.960 --> 00:00:43.680digital 00:00:44.640 --> 00:00:48.360collection of seven thousand seven hundred and seventy seven 00:00:49.200 --> 00:00:53.430that tease the for what a cute dog 00:00:54.998 --> 00:00:57.300and though the your next question is 00:00:58.500 --> 00:01:01.860why why she way into in the as there is that 00:01:03.000 --> 00:01:10.860partially project was founded from on gains from law shiba inu andboron last year 00:01:11.550 --> 00:01:15.840and that's was the inspiration so we wanted to 00:01:17.017 --> 00:01:17.910give it to 00:01:18.810 --> 00:01:23.760she bought community south and good looking the our 00:01:26.220 --> 00:01:29.430variety of utilities and our 00:01:30.540 --> 00:01:32.280one of them will the 00:01:35.130 --> 00:01:39.570accommodation in the chain of luxury hotels worldwide 00:01:41.190 --> 00:01:44.190throw a mall from hold in the year 00:01:45.420 --> 00:01:52.020she observes and of t the collectors of it will be able to pick andchoose the your destination 00:01:52.770 --> 00:01:58.650worldwide than the are pretty much stay in the hotel will be free forthe holders 00:01:59.700 --> 00:02:19.680wow that's a great attila dna comes back to atlanta atlanta like sothe chips are bored travelers is i right noises were wearing theiroutfits and like the hawaiian shirt on those kind of stuff that iscorrect ah she by a no dogs that travel and and i'm an article 00:02:19.680 --> 00:02:32.160actor as off she was always will be able to travel with shapes oh it'si and stay at hotels worldwide and that stay well be on a ship isright 00:02:32.970 --> 00:02:43.830gray gray rates are the in if the utilities travel in then because theis achieves it travels a and if the delhi has to be traveler so asthey go is there a lower the world yes sir 00:02:44.550 --> 00:02:47.820wow so we can basically book a hotel to 00:02:48.840 --> 00:02:50.100vegas australia 00:02:50.850 --> 00:03:06.390he and anywhere gray great but that's actually like of coming back toin a question and like now so excited we had is beautiful seventhousand seven hundred and seventy seven q are you know and collectionwas the the lounge a mint they that we have a widely already 00:03:07.950 --> 00:03:09.483we do have a white least 00:03:10.530 --> 00:03:25.260white least all spots will be also raffle tall when we gonna start formarketing campaign and later this week three their spaces 00:03:30.510 --> 00:03:30.930happy 00:03:31.920 --> 00:03:44.190can i say they were excited when there with the and if these year bylake know we have any do have a date for the launcher other wow now wewill be in september usually and we should be able to announce 00:03:45.158 --> 00:03:47.400mean they most likely beginning of next week 00:03:48.000 --> 00:03:50.250okay so when he's or actors space and bebo 00:03:51.660 --> 00:03:54.030we're gonna start with spaces are 00:03:54.990 --> 00:04:15.120starting next week starts in the beginning of next year so more newscommon more news gum is what we have prequels dove ...