TGIF TECH on TECHEDTV with Dan Gudema from the EGLAVATOR in Boca Raton

TECHEDTV Podcast with Dr. Edwin Hernandez

23-09-2022 • 27分

In this PODCAST we chat about NFTs, Next Weeks Event's at the EGLAVATOR and BRICS in BOCA RATON. Dan also explains changes on SEO done by Google his dating company, and some perspectives on Augmented Reality and dating. EGLAVATOR - Dan Gudema - TECHEDTV Podcast FROM the EGLAVATOR in Boca Raton, FL. This is TECHEDTV Transcript by 00:00:01.200 --> 00:00:15.000you guys are listening to get the be podcast and series in our showwill bring you the best and technologies innovation the startups beentag artificial intelligence cloud computing and the latest andgreatest in technology or white 00:00:16.140 --> 00:00:36.000good morning with even without knowing you as they get the woodworkgetting serious and today we have tdf deck with dang good the amountmy friend and he is or guess and calls today how are you get then i amdoing great it's friday it's late and i admire try to get used togetting up at six 00:00:36.000 --> 00:00:37.440i am taking my kids to school 00:00:38.730 --> 00:00:41.550so how did you get he was fourteen 00:00:42.240 --> 00:01:02.400it will will will double will take about him to yeah no no he's a he'sa he's and if but he's an it was like the enough to use of a let'stalk about that a little after a ticket for their lives dollarinterface and they get where we going to say today is that we have afew events away and is gus deck and if these never going to go overthe pitch or the nfc night 00:01:02.460 --> 00:01:03.990the we going to have that then one night 00:01:04.590 --> 00:01:17.400and that then was organized bad the importance it was start a pop andthen that we gonna say went into su or through a booster as some otherstart of that than he is working with where do you think that soundslike a plan in sounds good 00:01:18.450 --> 00:01:22.800okay so was was going on with this lsd guy like your that your song hesay 00:01:23.111 --> 00:01:27.240at at a as i ask him to many times you on like and and if the a here 00:01:27.990 --> 00:01:47.970they let the just started the beginning very quickly my son victor atage thirteen so thirty nine pieces of artwork our last year and twentytwenty one and he was very successful songs little piece of artworkand then i showed that every time i showed his artwork and of t peopleor designers integrators they're like oh my god the stuff's originalis 00:01:48.420 --> 00:02:07.650cause truth is every and have deep thing i've ever seen as notoriginal not as or do recycling the same this a monkey right theletters is angler the same same a bit different colors yeah but victoris produced a lot of originality so we been looking at it one oneentity person said you know what don't rush take your time is no rush 00:02:08.160 --> 00:02:28.320it's not a get rich quick schemes niger is in one get the thefundamental problem is victor is brilliant gather hundred fifty i qand he does not believe and he believes and of keys are ruining nearbyit is cause there's a fundamental if you come to our and if t demoednight will make up little bit about it there 00:02:28.357 --> 00:02:48.480a fundamental flaw in block chain and that is ah a eight copieseverything every time every server and victor figure that out and he'slike emmys as hundred and fifty thousands of this thousands thousandsdeserves or of beating the any site it's using up too much energyjay's isn't too much power consuming that the power that could be usedfor something else 00:02:48.480 --> 00:02:52.440was yeah need as leaves on he loses light on his tv on 00:02:53.280 --> 00:03:13.440if an air conditioned room every night is again the other gear a hasis the are all were racing more him one one house them yarn and a d soi try to explain that that is that didn't encountered it well we weneed to we need to this gaza because we're going to have an end if theevent on wednesday raise at it as a aren't on a good 00:03:13.440 --> 00:03:33.