TGIF for April 14th, 2023 covering EGLAVATOR, Artificial Intelligence, and MEVIAVERSE

TECHEDTV Podcast with Dr. Edwin Hernandez

14-04-2023 • 35分

In this episode we cover TGIF Fridays with AI and EGLAVATOR Project, here is the transcript and a summary from ChatGPT, as follows: First Summary from ChatGPT: The conversation appears to be an informal chat discussing the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and its widespread adoption across different technologies. They note that public awareness of AI has increased, and AI has become more familiar and understandable to the public, leading to its embedding in various technologies. The conversation touches on various AI-related technologies, including voice recognition, computer vision, and machine learning, with potential applications in a broad range of areas, including medicine, transportation, and entertainment. They predict that the use of voice-based user interfaces will increase, replacing traditional user interfaces. They also discuss the potential for AI to make processes more efficient and user-friendly. The conversation concludes with a comparison between the rise of AI and the craze around cryptocurrency, with AI seen as more foundational and having more practical applications. Second Summary from ChatGPT. The first paragraph discusses the importance of focusing on creating a mass-market solution in the crypto world rather than solely on technical features. The speaker mentions an AI entrance system that is functional and could be sold immediately. The second paragraph is about water management in Florida, particularly during heavy rainstorms, where excess water is pumped to different areas to prevent flooding. The speaker also mentions a tunnel being built by Elon Musk's Boring Company between Las Olas and Sunrise, and how it will not be a replacement for a bridge, but rather a new connection between the two locations. The tunnel is described as having a moving platform for cars. As you can see, at, we use a voice recognition engine and we will compare it to Otter.AI results You guys are listening to the tech TV podcast in series. In our show, we're bringing you the best and technologies, innovation, the startups, FinTech, artificial intelligence, cloud computing. And the latest and greatest in technology, or the show is brought to you by teaghlach. Communications at the EEG levator in Boca Raton, Florida.The Morning Good evening. Good afternoon, watching and listening.CDI Friday, Friday.April 14 14, right. It's like, we had all this rain. We've had it for longer than I think I got the days messed up. But yeah, so anyway, so welcome, everyone here. Hi, Dan. How are you? Hi, I'm doing better today than I have in a few weeks. Good. Okay, so we just had a little bit of an interesting chat with Dr. Amos. That's right, much. That's right. Yeah. So you guys are gonna see that too. And I'll put the link below. But yeah, so we wanted to discuss like the what's going on with all this chatter material is going on?Well, yeah, I mean, what do you think that is? Well, on everything? I do think yes, I do think that. I don't know if it's gonna change anything radically. But it's here to stay like, what's going on right now. And I'm in it. I have a deck out with Chet GPT. On the deck, I have aI on my deck. So prior to check GPT and last November 22, I think before it went live, there was no real knowledge by 95% of the public had heard about AI. What's happened is that it's not that the tech is so changed so much. Chechi Beatty, has it's that public awareness of AI has risen up very similar to what happened with Blockchain. In 2020. We saw the same thing happened with crypto, could this totally correct. So as we're in the the race of AI, I think like it will even have EGLA dot AI. So we are we're all embedded with AI that's always been around. We know, it's been around for 10 years, but people are more likely to buy because it has AI they understand it. There's personal knowledge of it. I would say, you know, one in 50 People are using chat CPT on a regular basis that we know actually probably more are go...