FINTECH News - Energy Crisis, Currencies - Carlos Cabrera

TECHEDTV Podcast with Dr. Edwin Hernandez

30-09-2022 • 24分

In this energy crisis where the situation in Europe is getting shaky for investors, with a drastic drop in the GBP Pound and EURO currencies, now in very low historical levels. First a COVID-19 pandemic and now an Energy crisis with ties to the Russia-Ukraine war. Transcript Powered by WEBVTT 00:00:17.610 --> 00:00:32.550 Good evening, Good morning and Good afternoon you guys are watching TECHED tv withDr, Edwin Hernandez today,  we are bringing a great gues t a friend anexpert and consultant, he is from toronto canada my friend Carlos Cabreara 00:00:34.260 --> 00:00:37.560doing great thank you so much for abby me in europe 00:00:38.400 --> 00:00:55.530podcast i really enjoyed the last time and i am sure that we're havinga conversation thing okay fantastic so let's start a little bit ofyour bag or and carla so what's what's was got where are you up tolike into your console danger a little podcast was so becausecamaraderie now 00:00:56.940 --> 00:01:16.560well basically i found that my own from where they your partner anamerican partners and luxury it's located between as an office hereand in florida and i am continuing with my oc as as you know i've hadit for a year and a half and hour 00:01:16.560 --> 00:01:35.760we have reached many you out different faces in it's i've learned alot is one of my hobbies are with had many guess and that in are moreso excited to out can more evolved this year now that corvette is doneinto their regular activities into networking and opening 00:01:37.230 --> 00:01:42.450you know go meeting clients again face to face and all this good stuffwe used to do 00:01:43.290 --> 00:02:03.360so you're you're basically you're happy to get back on track on on onthe regular business or opportunities that everyone has a is thatwhere the last few years and i am yes well let's get back to businessbecause you are an expert in financial stuff so that's where you wouldalso you bouquets of are a girls what it what it 00:02:03.420 --> 00:02:13.440a book is about was or what is it up all my podcast feedback todaycovers a lot of topics basically covers he gets the chance to who own 00:02:14.250 --> 00:02:17.520this many many entrepreneurs to actually 00:02:18.570 --> 00:02:38.640show the project showcase their challenges and also motivate all thenew entrepreneurs that's one of my goals and the other side is thetraditional finance that were you when are we covered differentaspects of trading and also our we have with had some margaret choaggro 00:02:38.892 --> 00:02:44.160people block chain related out project so basically the feedback 00:02:45.000 --> 00:02:48.180in many many many different aspects of it but 00:02:49.050 --> 00:02:50.400i try to keep it up 00:02:51.990 --> 00:03:03.360oh yeah don't you get new tried to keep it like very a professionalvery thin thick oriented what's what's that about like i can you canyou tell me more of your gas like maybe somebody famous birth 00:03:04.320 --> 00:03:17.160what we've had some interesting guests the latest ones i get so youthat i had the yeah this gas from at the their project place at forrio 00:03:17.880 --> 00:03:28.740t and basically as their goal was to token eyes real state and theyare one of the few firms in south florida that do that 00:03:29.340 --> 00:03:30.390and damn 00:03:31.500 --> 00:03:35.700and eight it's real was really quick on the i learned a lot ah 00:03:35.760 --> 00:03:55.920in terms of fame was guess i will say the most famous ones where i'mhave been they a tasty trade guess that have had a baby of very openand be a they covered a lot of aspects when he can serve thissophisticated tools 00:03:55.980 --> 00:03:59.730that you know our at our disposal so i would say 00:04:00.480 --> 00:04:20.640that would be wine and the second one was side jacob or a dick aboutroster we had our me two months ago or so and he's a germanentrepreneur bad in in...