How To Be A Better Storyteller & Why It Matters with Patrick Moreau of Muse Storytelling

Grow Your Video Business

01-08-2016 • 43分

Episode #1


Are you a storyteller? Whether or not you identify as one, if you want to be a successful filmmaker you need to know how to have a full and balanced story with the four pillars firmly in place. Today’s guest has the insight, advice, and software to help you create your most powerful story yet.

Patrick Moreau is the co-founder of StillMotion and founder of the Muse Storytelling process & software. Oh, and he’s also a three-time Emmy award-winning filmmaker. Patrick is passionate about the psychology and art of storytelling and shares his wisdom and insights into what makes for a good story and why it is essential to have a repeatable system that helps you create amazing and impactful stories time and time again. In this episode, Patrick shares some of that knowledge with us, to help us craft better stories, starting with our next project.

We also discuss why it is important to have clarity of purpose with clients and clarity of intention with yourself so that you can avoid unhappy clients and you, yourself, becoming miserable. If you have ever felt frustrated with your clients making tons of changes or losing sight of the story itself than this episode will help start off on the right foot with your clients and avoid these issues altogether.

In this Episode

  • Why does story have so much power?
  • The importance of psychology in storytelling, and what you need to know
  • Identifying the 4 pillars of a story
  • The “Muse Storytelling” process and how can it help you craft better stories
  • Why is it important to have clarity of purpose with clients
  • The importance of having personal keywords and how they can help guide you in business, storytelling, and life
  • How community can help you to become a better storyteller and creative


“It starts with you understanding your own story and what you’re about and what you want to do, then communicating that effectively to connect the right people.” (15:26)

“I deeply started experiencing and understanding the idea that the expectation and experience matter more than the content itself.” (32:51)

“It’s not the questions that I ask you or the lighting or the cameras. It is the interpersonal connection that I create that will determine how strong and powerfully moving our experience is.” (34:25)

“If you always look at the people that have more, or the people that make more, or that are doing work better than you, and you say that’s what you need to be, then you will never be happy and truly won’t live a lot of your life. But, if you go I am doing sh*t that I love now, every day is just so much fuller.” (39:12)


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The Remarkable Ones (website is no longer active)

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