How To Ask For Anything You Want (and get it!) with Brook McCarthy

The Everyday Entrepreneur Podcast

02-03-2021 • 47分

This week I'm honored to have Brook McCarthy, Business Coach, and Digital Marketing Trainer, on the show. Brook works with business owners to help them magnify their impact and grow their professional reputations.

Join Brook and me as we chat all about the importance of actually asking for what you want - a key step when it comes to making changes in our lives and creating more of what we want. Brook also gives a simple strategy to really go for it and ask for what you want… and get it!

  • There is a lot of misconception surrounding confidence – confidence is a feeling but it is also an action.
  • If you act confident, the feelings you are hoping for will follow those actions.
  • You cannot afford to have a negative thought if you are self-employed.
  • Your brain is so powerful and tells so many stories, which are often untrue!
  • Instead of just trusting your feelings and listening to your thoughts, you have to act.
  • We have to get to a place of pain before we make a brave decision.
  • If you’re too comfortable and everything is too easy, you will be more reluctant to change.
  • It is so important to set your boundaries – move away from the things that are overwhelming you and causing pain.
  • As a consultant, it can be difficult to have a set fee – try to create packages and clearly defined services with clearly defined terms and conditions.
  • If you feel like an imposter and your confidence is lacking, put your price on your website and think thoroughly about your terms and conditions.
  • Have boundaries and a clear process so people know exactly what the path is.
  • If you don’t back yourself, who is going to back you?
  • You cannot accrue experience waiting for someone to tap you on the shoulder – you have to pitch and be direct.
  • Don’t wait for the phone to ring – go out there and get it!
  • As business owners, it is up to us to define what we want and we get the freedom to say no.
  • Introducing yourself to strangers is so important, especially as we get older.
  • Women are judged very harshly, so it is no wonder we all feel subconscious sometimes!
  • The only way to get over the fear of pitching is to just DO IT! The worst outcome is that you will be ignored.
  • Keep your pitch short – 1, 2, or 3 sentences.
  • Be genuine, authentic, real, and ask questions about them.
  • Keep practicing your pitch – act confident until you feel it.
  • Think about the one thing you want to ask for today and go and ask!
  • You will never know until you ask.


Rather than waiting to be confident to show up, keep showing up until you are confident!

You Don’t Want to Miss…

01:50 – A little bit about Brook

05:48 – Brook’s business journey

13:52 – Finding the confidence to just go for it

18:08 – The reality behind being a business owner

23:08 – Reclaiming your time in business

26:30 – Overcoming imposter syndrome

37:30 – The framework for pitching yourself

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