Bonus #5: Meet Vixen

The Good The Bad and The Whoreable

16-05-2023 • 51分

Today’s bonus episode is all about the podcast’s resident dominatrix, Vixen. In her conversation with Scarlett, Vixen fills listeners in on the unexpected twists and turns that have forged her path through life and how she has learned to embrace her inner chaos.

Vixen begins by recollecting some of her earliest childhood memories growing up in a tumultuous home in Waco, Texas. The girls dig into Vixen’s childhood, discussing what it was like to grow up with a schizophrenic and abusive father for the first few years of her life. She also shares how quickly this dynamic changed when her mother eventually escaped and found peace with a man that became Vixen’s stepfather. Vixen discusses how such a stark shift impacted herself and her sister and the different ways they dealt with these changes.

The conversation then shifts to Vixen’s early teenage years, where she kept herself very productive and pressured herself to achieve at a high level. She shares her successes in school and recounts her passion for learning and especially for neurological sciences. She also recalls the chaos that ensued in her first year of undergrad at Tulane University in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit only weeks after her arrival. Regardless of the many unexpected hurdles the universe seems to throw, Vixen always perseveres: she went on to receive three degrees by the time she was 35 and is now teaching and conducting research at the university level while keeping her dominatrix hustle on the side.

Scarlett then asks Vixen to speak about her relationship with her sexuality. Vixen brings up her early understanding of sex and how she has been hyper-orgasmic from an early age. She discusses her early sexual experiences and how writing erotica became a productive outlet for her sexual urges. She also shares her experience with sexual addiction and how her mother’s open attitude toward sexual health helped her to embrace her sexuality rather than see it as something to feel shame over. Finally, the girls discuss how Vixen has progressed in her relationship with sex, how she got involved in the dominatrix lifestyle, and what her sex life looks like now. Vixen shares her journey to polyamory, describing her life with her partners and how they navigate their various relationships. The conversation ends with Scarlett and Vixen discussing Vixen’s newfound role in the GBW world and how Vixen brings a welcome challenge to their discourse.

After some deep soul and spirit searching, Scarlett has come to the decision to relinquish the singular reins of her control of the podcast. Going forward, Chase will be stepping into a new role as host, and Scarlett’s involvement on the show will migrate to a lesser role for now. In wrapping up the end of an era, Scarlett first takes some time to explain the thought process behind her decision.

She starts by reflecting on her ever-evolving journey since the last time she was in the studio recording. To gain some context into the journey that brought Scarlett to her realization, Athena first shares the profile of polarity coach, Zak Roedde, whose ideas she found intriguing and impactful enough in her own life that she had to send them over to Scarlett. Scarlett’s curiosity led her to engage with Roedde’s posts and his provocative opinions. She shares that while she initially felt triggered by Roedde’s polarizing posts, they are what ultimately tipped off her own journey of self-reflection into masculine and feminine energy.

The group discusses the difference between feminine and masculine energies and how many women find themselves trapped in masculine energy and therefore out of touch with their feminine energy and needs. Athena and Scarlett discuss the caveats of how to best approach this view of feminine and masculine energy in a way that doesn’t foster compliance instead of trust. Scarlett shares how the energetic foundation she laid for herself helped her to...