9. Mastering the OODA Loop

The Lead Church Security Podcast

11-06-2024 • 15分

Episode Summary:

In Episode 9 of the Lead Church Security Podcast, host Preston Hocker delves into the concept of the OODA loop—a decision-making model that stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act, developed by a military strategist. Preston explains how this model can be effectively integrated into church security protocols. Utilizing his vast experience in both ministry and security, Preston illustrates real-life applications and benefits of the OODA loop within the context of keeping congregations safe while maintaining a welcoming environment.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding the OODA Loop:
    • Observe: Pay attention to everyone and everything. Developing baselines of normal behavior is crucial.
    • Orient: Use the information gathered to orient yourselves to the evolving situation.
    • Decide: Formulate the best response plans considering possible outcomes.
    • Act: Implement the decision promptly and effectively.
  2. Importance of Teamwork:
    • Lean on your team and pastoral staff for better decision-making.
    • No one should handle church security alone; collaboration is key.
  3. Making People Feel Seen and Safe:
    • Observation should not make people feel unwelcome; rather, it should ensure everyone's safety.
    • Engage with congregants genuinely to gather crucial information without causing discomfort.
  4. Applying the OODA Advantage:
    • Being prepared with the OODA loop places defenders ahead.
    • Don't underestimate the importance of observing even the smallest details, such as rust on church infrastructure or the behaviors of children.

Notable Quotes:

  • "Lean into your team. Definitely lean on your pastoral staff. No one wins in the church when we do things on our own."
  • "Be exactly what we're supposed to be as the church—welcoming and relational. Make sure people feel seen."
  • "The goal for any church security team should be to create a community that is both inviting and secure."

End Notes:

For more information and resources, check out the following links:


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