How to Better Serve Singles, Finding Contentment, and the Permission to Change Your Mind with Ryan Wekenman- Episode 931

That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs

24-10-2024 • 1時間 24分

We're going there today! My friend Ryan Wekenman and I talk about how to help our churches and pastors understand how to serve the single people in their church. Ryan’s a pastor at Red Rocks Austin and he’s also the author of Single Today, which came out earlier this year. We also talk about finding contentment and being present in your current season, finding community, and permission to change your mind in big life choices. No matter your season or relationship status, I think you'll find this conversation really helpful.  If you’re single (or know someone who is), our open registration season for Single Purpose League is coming to a close next week (on Oct. 28th), and it won’t open again until the New Year, so make sure you come join us, especially because you’ll get to go through our Advent series, Stay Tuned, together. You can find all the details at There's a resource that I want to give you, too, at It's a short PDF that offers some ideas to help your pastor connect with the people who aren’t married in their church.  . . . . . Find the show notes here! Want to watch this episode on YouTube? Head on over to our YouTube Channel and be sure to like and subscribe!  . . . . . Sign up to receive the AFD Week In Review email and ask questions to future guests! #thatsoundsfunpodcast . . . . . Thank you to our sponsors! BetterHelp: Visit today to get 10% off your first month.  Lumen:  Go to to get 15% off your Lumen. . . . . . If you’d like to partner with Annie as a sponsor for the That Sounds Fun podcast, fill out our Advertise With Us form! . . . . . NYTimes bestselling Christian author, speaker, and host of popular Christian podcast, That Sounds Fun Podcast, Annie F. Downs shares with you some of her favorite things: new books, faith conversations, entertainers not to miss, and interviews with friends. . . . . . If you liked THIS episode, you will LOVE this one: Singleness in the Church with David Platt- Episode 857 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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