The Expansive Nature of Motherhood with Dr. Nikki Sammet

A Podcast for Moms

11-08-2021 • 56分

Dr. Nikki Sammet is an entrepreneur,  a coach for high achieving women working to align themselves in their life and their business, the host of the What Nik Knows podcast, and a mom.

During our conversation, Dr. Nikki shares about the unexpected events that led her to her life’s work, her unfounded fears around motherhood, her experience with postpartum depression and anxiety, social media, and the expansive nature of motherhood.

We Discuss:

  • Nikki shares about her background in mindfulness: she learned transcendental meditation from her parents at the age of 10 and she rediscovered mindfulness through yoga in her mid-20s
  • After teaching yoga for a number of years, Nikki earned a Master’s in Leadership Development and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology
  • As Nikki pursued her Doctorate, her life took an unexpected turn, she created a wildly successful instagram account for her dog, @paxthedood, and began coaching dog influencers on how to grow social media accounts
  • Nikki shares about an organic transition that took place: what initially started as social media coaching naturally transformed into life coaching and Nikki’s current role, she supports high achieving women through business and mindset coaching
  • Nikki speaks about her transition to motherhood and her unfounded fears around how motherhood may limit her and her business
  • Nikki shares her birth story - which included preeclampsia and a cesarean
  • Speaking to motherhood, Nikki said: “it was beyond expansive, it turned into more than I could ever expected it to be and so it’s this continual lesson of, we create these stories in our head but they are not actually what comes to fruition”
  • Motherhood helped Nikki to feel more comfortable in her skin; it gave her a voice; and it helped her to establish her priorities
  • Julia and Nikki talk about navigating their own lives, careers, and kid’s schedules amid their partner’s demanding jobs
  • Nikki shares about her postpartum experiences - specifically her experience with postpartum depression and anxiety and the resources that helped her cope with her experience
  • Becoming Mama and Beyond is a Facebook Group that Nikki started to keep a group of women from her prenatal yoga class connected - after lockdown, she opened it up and it currently has over 400+ moms from all over the country
  • Nikki shares about her doctoral research, the impact of social media on millennial women - and, she shares about her positive and negative experiences with social media
  • Nikki gives a few suggestions for healthy social media habits







What Nik Knows

Facebook Group:

Becoming Mama and Beyond