What is Your Text Threshold?

The Downward Facing Spiritual Spiral

27-02-2023 • 16分

So one of your close friends was just admitted to the hospital for an emergency surgery. Will you be calling them on the phone to wish them good luck? Or will you opt for a text? Maybe a close friend of yours just scored a new acting gig on TV. Will you congratulate them with a phone call or instead choose a rapid-fire text? I know. I can sound so curmudgeon as I hammer my point home about texts but here I go again. On today's episode of the Spiritual Spiral, I examine the world of texting VS. making a phone call and I wonder if anyone is worthy of a phone call? At one point does something compel you to make an actual phone call? Maybe a wedding, a graduation, a new job or a health scare. Does anything call for a phone call or does everything fall into the soupy abyss of never-ending texts. I also begin the show by playing a brief clip from a recent Sam Harris podcast where one of his guests discusses the impact of algorithms. As always, thanks so much for listening to the show and being so supportive. I appreciate YOU! Remember, my new book SSAFY can be purchased by visiting SSAFYoga.com or on Amazon by clicking HERE and if you enjoy today's episode and you want to support the show, please subscribe to the podcast on iTUNES or Spotify. It's always helpful if you share the show with your friends or maybe head over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can visit my website www.iameddiecohn.com and sign up for my email list and I'd love to hear from you so please reach out on IG @eddiecohn with any questions. Thanks again for listening.