Mom vs. Dad: Gender Roles in the Home

The Feminist Mommies

02-02-2021 • 30分

We all know the role sexism plays in society. We have been witnesses to it countless times. Though what role does it play in our own homes? Research shows that women are taking on the majority of unpaid work, in some cases, double that of men. What impact does this have on women's mental health and what are some of the root causes of this unequal divide? Co-hosts Vanessa and Shannon discuss how unpaid work is reflected in their own household dynamics and how to move toward a more equitable divide.

References in the episode

Don’t Be Grateful That Dad Does His Share

Breadwinning Mothers Continue to Be the U.S. Norm

Time use: Total work burden, unpaid work, and leisure

Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez -