Would you like life to become easier and more fun? Would you love to access untapped success potential? Would you like amazing results for you and your clients?
What if you’re unknowingly addicted to your current circumstances? What if what you’ve been chalking up to misfortune has been an unconscious intention? What if the harder you try to succeed, the more the addiction kicks in and pushes you in the other direction?
Shiraz, healed himself overnight from a body wracked with arthritis. He says, “There were nights I sipped my dinner through a straw because my jaw was so swollen.”
He goes on to say, “If people see you struggling, they’re not going to ask you to help them. That’s what’s tied to your arthritis. The arthritis is the solution to the problem you’re not looking at. This is how it works. Every physical problem in your life is the solution to an emotional problem.”
Stay tuned…
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