Domestic Abuse: The Dana Rankin Experience 1/2 – S2 E14

Healthy Wealthy & Wise Relationships

06-10-2023 • 25分

Sometimes, love is blind. We aren’t looking for any red flags when we’re in love. We often find ourselves forgiving what we call ‘small things’. We make allowances for our man. He’s had a rough day at work…He’s not feeling well…Then, we suffer the consequences.

Are you in an abusive relationship? Can someone you love and trust the most, abuse you…AND know what he’s doing?

We’re not saying that abuse only happens to women. We know for a fact that it is not gender-based, i.e., men experience abuse also.

Today and tomorrow we’ll get to hear Dana Rankin’s experience. Dana is the owner & founder of Above Rubies Christian Gifts. She took her experience of living at harmony house, a domestic violence shelter, and became a thriver of domestic violence! Once a victim but now she’s thriving.

Say you’ve gotten out of the abusive relationship..What are you doing in between? Are you going right into another relationship without getting healed? That’s what I did.

What happens when you feel the fear but finally speak up for yourself?

Stay until the end to hear what happened with Dana’s children and if there were long-term effects of going through DV with her and see what she’s learned in her journey.




